Main AFK cloaky thread

I see you made a fool of yourself and now you’re trying to cover for it by trying (and failing) to build a straw man.

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Here you go, as it may assist your comprehension:

As you can see, no judgement as to their danger was implied, or even required. Correcting a misunderstanding about covert cynos and cyno jammers is the whole context.

So whatever you’re foaming at the mouth about is your problem alone.

So what if covert cynos work in jammer systems, they are 100% harmless and easy to counter.

Is that not what I said?

This all stemmed from my post about stealth bombers, since they’re almost exclusively used for cloaky camping due to their combination of Cov Cyno and locking penalty after decloaking - Which to this point there’s a rig in the game that is rarely used because the stealth bomber pretty much has a monopoly on it the Target Systems Stabilizer.

There’s very little way to protect yourself from a gank other than flying cheap ships that aren’t worth dropping

Ok then lets remove jump fatigue, put cyno’s back on everything, set the ranges back to pre-fatigue, and while we’re at it remove tethering and put pos shields and passwords on all the citadels.

“This is good at killing low-skill PvE farmers” is not the same as “must be a design oversight”.

As it exists now a hot dropping stealth bomber has a 100% catch rate

Only if the target is lazy and stupid.

I disagree with punishing all players with mechanics that are focusing on stopping RMT that have huge negative side effects on legitimate players.

It isn’t just about stopping RMT, it’s about stopping low-skill farmers who don’t deserve to succeed in nullsec. High-skill players/alliances do not have any problem with the current situation and are making lots of ISK. Perhaps if AFK cloaking is a problem for you then you should learn to be better at EVE?

There’s very little way to protect yourself from a gank other than flying cheap ships that aren’t worth dropping

Or flying in PvP fleets so that any attempt at a gank is instant (and very expensive) suicide. But farmers are too lazy and entitled to bother doing that.

Also staying aligned at all times so you insta-warp before a threat can tackle you, using a MJD sniper ship to move around the PvE site faster than a cloaked bomber can pursue you and get into range, etc. There are plenty of counters if you’re willing to use them.

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The response time to save a ratting subcapital from a gank is generally too long unless already standing in the system, but cloaky camping tends to spread multiple systems to countering this way is impractical. Capitals are very vulnerable as well they just have a higher threshold of dps required to gank.

This point is moot as cloaky campers hot drop when a target lands in a new site and cannot be aligned - there are little things that can be done to reduce the risk but it’s a statistical reality that the hunter has more opportunity than the prey.

Why is the PvP fleet not already on grid with you? Why are you not organizing your alliance to farm together in a single fleet?

(Obvious answer: because that would mean less ISK/hour and you’d rather whine on the forums until CCP removes the threat.)

This point is moot as cloaky campers hot drop when a target lands in a new site and cannot be aligned

Only if the farmer is lazy and stupid. The sphere of 0-100km warp-in range around a site is a vastly higher volume than tackle range on a bomber, catching a ship as soon as it lands is fluke luck on par with winning the lottery. And of course it doesn’t work at all if you use a covert ops T3 to warp cloaked to the site, reposition far off the warp-in point, and continue moving once you decloak.

Now, I’ll grant that it’s an effective tactic because stupid farmers warp to sites at 0km directly from the station instead of a random distance using a safespot in a random direction as an intermediate warp point. But that just means that stupid farmers should learn to be better at EVE.

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Strawmanning using non-viable tactics as an argument, cute.

Yes because every player is expected to multibox or have a poor wench whose sole purpose is to provide them warp ins, such exhilarating content for players.

It’s neither a straw man nor is it lacking in viability. What’s difficult about ratting in a fleet?

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It’s not difficult it’s just not viable, the sites do not offer enough reward for the effort, and depending on the situation may just make it a bigger target for a hot drop, You would all be better off soloing the sites in myrmidons, increasing your ticks due to more efficient time spent shooting targets instead of warping, while reducing the single grid loss potential.

Compared to what?

Incursions, Emerging conduits, Wormhole farming, L5 farming, and last but not least doing something else in some other game that is actually fun, because combat anomalies are repetitive and quickly become mundane.

So it would appear that more threat would encourage players to experience more varied content, rather than farming the ISK faucet that CCP dares not nerf.

Sov Nullsec is what percentage of the space in game? It would behoove CCP to keep it entertaining and viable.

Why do you need to multibox or have a friend to warp in from safespots? Do you not know how to make safespots to avoid warping directly between objects?

It’s not difficult it’s just not viable, the sites do not offer enough reward for the effort

And here you admit the root of the problem: it’s not that there is no counter to AFK cloaking, it’s that using the tools you already have would mean making less ISK/hour than you feel entitled to.

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The proof is in the pudding on this ISK/hour argument, compare it to ISK/Hour of other activities in the game, then breakdown the number of people doing said things. Ratting isk income is high because there are a lot of people that do it, there is a lot of space to do it in, not that its necessarily high ISK/HR unless it’s super ratting, which I don’t condone.

Viable means that something is technically possible or capable of being done. It is perfectly viable. You want the income of solo ratting you have to take the risks of solo ratting.

If you want to make the argument that the suggestion is not worthwhile while you’re getting 30-60m bounty ticks (or more) that just tells me you’ve not actually run wormhole sites or level 5 missions.

Remember that in WH space you don’t even know when you’re being camped because there’s no local. Wormhole farming is way more risky, and does not offer higher reward for solo players. To equal what you’re solo farming in a wormhole takes a fleet in C5 or C6 combat sites risking caps to trigger escalations with no intel channel or local, just Dscan which rarely covers an entire system.

If you can’t muster a fleet to rat, you certainly can’t handle wormhole life.

Emerging conduits average payout is a few mil by the way. It doesn’t even compare to ratting.

Also level 5 missions are in lowsec, where you can be easily scanned down. You might have the acceleration gate for minimal protection but if you’re scrammed by the rats already and tanking the site there’s little you can do.

So yeah. All the things you list are either a fraction of the reward you’re getting, or at significantly greater risk. So why should you have your income made significantly less risky when everyone else has greater PvP threat to monitor?

You could just go run level 4s. They’re as close to risk free as Eve gets.

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Like I said: it’s not that there is no counter, it’s that you feel entitled to a certain ISK/hour rate and reject any counter that prevents you from obtaining it.

Ratting isk income is high because there are a lot of people that do it, there is a lot of space to do it in, not that its necessarily high ISK/HR unless it’s super ratting, which I don’t condone.

Sounds like the income is just fine since lots of people are doing it and making tons of ISK. Perhaps the issue is that they are better at EVE than you and you don’t deserve any ISK?

Of course, but that should be measured in fun / hour not ISK / hour.