Main AFK cloaky thread

Citation needed on what, that is above average these days.

I Reject this strawman premise in it’s entirety. It’s largely about some semblance of fair play within the game and Reward / Opportunity cost having some semblance of similarity between the hunter and the prey. In large part the cloaky camp meta was put on steroids when skill extracting became a thing, the cost for cloaky camping was suddenly offset by like 80-90% making it much more cheap and prevalent activity.

Yes personal digs are lovely and productive

ISK/HR = Fun/HR to many, it’s a means to an end, if the activity is enjoyable at the same time then it’s a plus.

It’s not a straw man, it’s your own words admitting that it’s about ISK/hour.

It’s largely about some semblance of fair play within the game and Reward / Opportunity cost having some semblance of similarity between the hunter and the prey.

This already exists. The prey has plenty of tools to make things dangerous, even suicidal, for the hunters. Their refusal to do so does not mean that the game is unfair. It’s like whining that suicide ganking is overpowered because you flew a freighter full of PLEX into Jita and then hit the self destruct button.

In large part the cloaky camp meta was put on steroids when skill extracting became a thing, the cost for cloaky camping was suddenly offset by like 80-90% making it much more cheap and prevalent activity.

So what? Lots of people are overcoming the “on steroids” campers and making tons of ISK. The fact that you are bad at EVE and unable to do so is not a problem that requires game mechanics changes. Either learn how to stop sucking at EVE or go back to highsec.

ISK/HR = Fun/HR to many, it’s a means to an end, if the activity is enjoyable at the same time then it’s a plus.

Yes, we know that RMT botters and bot-like players exist. Why should anyone care what they want?


It’s the entitled part that makes it a strawman, I’m just here giving my opinion about the game trying to improve it, people keep trying to tell me what I am, when they do that is building a strawman and i will call it out.

Ahh a personal dig with good ol go back to highsec meme, come on try to be more productive eh? This narrative of “turn off the isk faucet, or stop being bad” is paradoxial to what eve is, its a sandbox with opportunities and risks, if you simply keep cawing for CCP to take an opportunity away or infringe upon it without a benefit in return it’s will have nothing but reduced login and subscriber counts as a result. To take away yesterdays opportunity that the majority of the existing playerbase benefited from is a direct insult to any new player.

Yea those things that people join the game and strive for yea, using the quickest means to an end makes them a “bot-like player” not like those BPO’s just print themselves and fall into your lap so you can make things, or that researching the ME/PE on them is cheap(which btw the time cost of researching new BPO’s after greyscale irrevokably nuked the old ME/PE system was another grandfathered gift of wealth to the existing playerbase.

No, it’s 100% truth. This entire argument is about being entitled to ISK/hour, otherwise the reduced ISK/hour from using the existing anti-camping tools wouldn’t be an issue.

To take away yesterdays opportunity that the majority of the existing playerbase benefited from is a direct insult to any new player.

This is utter nonsense. Nullsec farming isn’t an old opportunity that is being taken away, it’s something that is still actively happening right now. Good players are fully capable of exploiting that same opportunity and AFK cloaking has done nothing to stop them. The issue here is not that no opportunity exists, it’s that your EVE skills are too limited to allow you to survive in nullsec without begging CCP to make the game easier for you.

Yea those things that people join the game and strive for yea, using the quickest means to an end makes them a “bot-like player” not like those BPO’s just print themselves and fall into your lap so you can make things, or that researching the ME/PE on them is cheap(which btw the time cost of researching new BPO’s after greyscale irrevokably nuked the old ME/PE system was another grandfathered gift of wealth to the existing playerbase.

Boo hoo. Play the game because you enjoy what you’re doing, not because you’re mindlessly chasing huge wallet numbers.


Sov Alliances are not allowed to whine about cloaky campers, it was established somewhere in the first 600-900 posts.

Just sayin :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Nope, the “Anti-Camping Tools” are silly and a waste of time, you again continue to build this strawman fallacy, and fail to recognize the opportunity cost.

Aww another personal dig, how unproductive and thoughtful of you.

Old money has it on easy street, skill goo farming is a cherry on top, we have to keep the game entertaining, attractive, and fair for new pilots or this universe is gonna get lonely.

Only because they result in less ISK/hour than what farmers like you feel entitled to. They are actually very effective at negating the threat of AFK cloaking.

Aww another personal dig, how unproductive and thoughtful of you.

Aww, another instance of you ignoring the fact that people who are better at EVE than you are currently making tons of ISK despite the obstacles you are unable to overcome.

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No it’s usually a waste of time and you’re better off soloing in myrmidons and writing off the losses, stop denying the reality of opportunity cost in the meta

You’re making personal attacks that are unwarranted and unproductive

TL;DR: you reject the counters because it doesn’t give you enough ISK/hour.

Also, if you can solo farm in a Myrmidon and write off the losses while still making a good profit then what is the problem? Why do you need more buffs to farming?

You’re making personal attacks that are unwarranted and unproductive

Of course the target feels that they are unwarranted and unproductive. But I assure you that they are 100% true, warranted, and productive.


If this is what the game has come to then there’s little point in paying a subscription, it’s a pretty sad state of the game.

If it’s a “pretty sad state” that you can’t solo farm with a certain ISK/hour efficiency then the game is better off without you.

PS: people who are better than you at EVE are currently making tons of ISK despite the obstacles you are unable to overcome.

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It’s been like this for 16+ years, friend.

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Quite right ! - Can I have your stuff ?

I mean, cloaks were added real early on in the T2 ship rollout so this is pretty much what the game has always been at this point.

You can protect yourself. You’re saying that protection reduces your income too much (fine) but the solution is to generate your income elsewhere or adapt.

There’s no good argument that your ISK/hour should be preserved over other people’s gameplay when you can use some of that same income to solve your problem. Your comparison to income in other areas of the game also conveniently ignores the already greater risk those players manage in order to achieve it which is a false comparison.

You can’t have your cake and eat it, too.

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Again, this does not sound like an AFK Cloaker issue.
Being ready to hot drop in the few seconds as the target arrives on site and before they re-align themselves takes a very active Cloaker who has scouted his target and spent time preparing.

Thanks, its always good to learn these things. I haven’t had any experience with cynos TBH.

Holy ■■■■ this thread still exists.


Threads based entirely on Pixel Fear never die :rofl:


You can’t necro a thread that never dies…


And every bump resets the 90 day lock timer. Great going.

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I’m pretty sure ISD would promptly re-open if it somehow actually closed, since there would be new threads to merge in.