Main AFK cloaky thread

ISD direct people to this thread and merge other threads into it actively, all the time. This thread is here for a reason, and will be kept alive to serve it.

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Happy birthday!


Yes, this thread is here to dump all the threads into one megathread where it can be more easily ignored. Thatā€™s the reality of it, as evidenced by tens of thousands of posts spread across several forums without CCP ever doing anything at all.


Because thereā€™s nothing to fix.


In 6k posts no one has ever successfully described a real problem :slight_smile:


Why waste developer time on a thing that 1) isnā€™t a problem and 2) should be ignored?

Again, since itā€™s not a problem, CCP doesnā€™t need to do anything about it.

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Yes, yes. I did not mean to imply otherwise. My past posting history clearly indicates Iā€™m not of the botter/RMT crowd. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Oh no, lots of real problems have been described in this thread.

Itā€™s just that none of them have to do with AFK cloakingā€¦



cloaky campers its a big problem.


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What do you mean? CCP just completely fixed it:

Time to close this thread!


Can I just say that while I donā€™t agree with completely barring cloaking, the fact itā€™s somewhat of a random thing (unless the storms show on the mapā€¦) isnā€™t super terrible.

Of course, itā€™s just null right now eh? Would love the storms to hit lowsec as well.

As always, more changes that make cloaking less invincible are welcome.

Haters/chatbots gonna as always complain. This is just one step in the right direction. Cloaking will change, you canā€™t do anything about it.

Electrical storm hits. All the krabs jump to the affected systems because they think they can be ā€œsafeā€.

Cloaky campers just donā€™t log into those systems.
Roaming gankers know exactly where to go and find systems filled to the brim with krabs who arenā€™t paying attention.

I donā€™t see how this would change anything. After the storm goes away, the campers will be right back. :woman_shrugging:


Anyone who thinks this is a nerf to cloaky camping hasnā€™t actually thought it through.

I woud love to quote all the salty "if it is that bad CCP woud do something and as CCP os not doing something nothing is bad"or ā€œyou crappy nullsec botterā€ guys and say:

Hey CCP did something even if it is not directly against AFK Cloaky guys as a lot say it will affect them.

The cloaky campers are the people affected the least by this.

Worst case for them they have two choices:

  1. One or two jumps over and camp a different system.
  2. Safelog for 48-72 hours and then resume camping.

Given everyone will feel safer with cloaking switched off on that system itā€™ll be a bigger target for roaming gangs anyway, and the increased farmer presence will tap out the sites in record time anyway, distributing that systemā€™s wealth to a wider player base and reducing the income of any single farmer.

And thereā€™s what, two storms with this effect and how many nullsec systems? So itā€™s likely to pass through your system how frequently?



No amount of code can fix Pixel Cowardice :rofl:




Butā€¦ Butā€¦ But then we would have to start a new one because the :salt: will never stop. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


They did close the bumping thread and somehow got away with itā€¦

Biggie Smalls. Just naming an evil gives it power. :skull_and_crossbones: