Main AFK cloaky thread

It seems ppl are shitposting instead bringing solid arguments. If CCP nerfed afk mining/rating why not nerf afk cloaky camping. There always need to be a balance.

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I agree about balance. They only know they are there because of local so nerf that as well.


Ok so lets say CCP removes local chat from all systems hi/low/0 secs. Would you ever undock your carrier or exhumer to rat/mine in 0sec like ever? And the more hilarious part would be is prices for everything would skyrocket. Because 90 % of current miners would drop that career and the ones who would continue would take those prices to heavens.

Mining produces ore, what does cloaking produce, ESPECIALLY when the player is AFK?

AFK Cloaking doesnā€™t DO ANYTHING.

Except scare bears and bots :rofl:

The crow, complaining that the farmer is always standing in the field :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Personally yes, and as for prices it could be a potential way to reel in the capital ship proliferation but these are things for other topics.

As Salt Foambreaker and many other have said previously a AFK cloaked ship doesnā€™t do anything.

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Well they make targeted space unusable for smaller entities. Thus forcing players even into bigger blobs. Also it kills solo character game play since you need +1 account for cyno ship.
And for balance goes, every mechanic should have a counter play to it. Currently cloacky campy has none.

No they donā€™t. AFK players have no affect on space at all.

They make you scared to undock your ratting ship. If you canā€™t defend your space, or afford to have someone else to defend it, then itā€™s not really your space at all.

An AFK cloaker only causes fear. They canā€™t hot drop, they canā€™t shoot you. They donā€™t even know that youā€™re logged on. Itā€™s just the fear that they might come back, and the fear that you canā€™t defend yourself, and the greed that stops you paying for that defence you canā€™t muster yourself.

It absolutely does. Not the least of which is a cloaked blops ship of your own to counter-drop. A single blops fleet can defend every system in jump range. Or a cap fleet.


I was just about to post exactly thisā€¦!!!

You are trying to claim a system in Zero-Sec as a solo player??

In addition to what @Brun_Warbear said, cloaks are their own counter.
a cloaked ship cannot interact directly with the rest of the universe. A cloaked ship must uncloak to use other modules, to lock a target, to jump through a gate or through a wormhole. It must stay a certain distance from everything lest it be decloaked.

At which point for any of those things it is no longer cloaky ship.

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A cloacky ship CAN drop cyno or cov cyno, thus is threat not just afk guy in your system. By solo i meant a player using a single account.
After 5 secs cloacky ship can lock shoot tackle etc. And most of campers targets align in more than 10 secs.
So far your offers are to have 2nd toon or have access to cap umbrella, which perfectly make point on what i said earlier.

Which they have to uncloak to do.

Iā€™ll just leave this here.

Just listen to the song. Not only is it a good fun song, it is instructive.

Also, I thought the first time it was just a typo, but it is cloaky. There is no ā€œcā€


No what Iā€™ve offered you is to play with other people. If you arenā€™t able to do that then thatā€™s your problem. Cap umbrella can be bought. If you canā€™t afford it, and you canā€™t defend your space, then you donā€™t own space.

CCP donā€™t owe you safety to solo in nullsec. If youā€™re completely alone in nullsec with no backup and no counter to hostile action and you die thatā€™s absolutely right, proper, and correct. Thatā€™s how you lose expensive PvE ships in nullsec.


Being piss your pants scared doesnā€™t constitute being ā€œforcedā€.

Now I know you are full of ā– ā– ā– ā– , a cyno is not a threat unless YOU are afk.

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So what?

  1. If he pops the cyno in sight of you just warp away
  2. If he pops the cyno outside your vision warp away when local fills with players

Cynos are not an issue and they donā€™t make cloaking an issue.

You are just afraid to undock unless you are alone in the system. No amount of code can fix pixel cowardice.


So you are not talking about an AFK Cloaker, you are talking about an at-the-computer player decloaking and lighting a cyno.

Also if someone is lighting a cyno, they have friends coming, so multiple players.
You are complaining again that this ā€œkills solo character game playā€, and again i will say if you are trying to hold a system in zero-sec solo, then you really may want to bring friends.

Do you also complain about roaming gangs? people fleeting up???

Seems to me you want to own a system in zero-sec and be able to mine or rat or whatever, completely solo, you want to dock up as soon as local blinks, but donā€™t want to put any work or effort into defending that system?


Thatā€™s because the amount of people who really have an issue with bumping is insignificant and even that is probably an overstatement. Far more people - and far more different people over time - are affected by afk claoking, than by being bumped. I am not exaggerating, when Iā€™m writing that 99.9% of all people never get bumped. I am also not exaggerating, when Iā€™m writing that 99% of all people, who complain about bumping, have never been bumped.

In reality the three-minute-timer changed nothing, because there arenā€™t enough people around willing to bump others for three minutes. On a world-scale, bumpers are insignificant.

Itā€™s just the (forum) white knights using their fascist tactics. In real life theyā€™re being enabled, empowered and encouraged by a media landscape which amplifies those who (next to other things) scream loudest. They create the illusions of problems through repetition. When you repeat a lie often enough, and share it with enough people, they will eventually believe it. Plus, as long as you keep this going, you attract more ā€œof your kindā€. It does not matter if it directly or indirectly affects them. It does not matter if they have ever been bumped, or not. They simply keep screaming, also because it attracts others who also like to scream.

Others, who also like to see a victim in everyone. A victim which needs to be ā€œsavedā€. They do this, because they believe people will recognize them as ā€œgoodā€, ā€œhonourableā€, ā€œnobleā€, etc. and that their doings will make others look up to them. They donā€™t want to be looked up upon, because theyā€™re sad and seek friends, though. They do this, because theyā€™re literal psychopaths seeking fame and power.

The non-issue with AFK cloaking is vastly different.


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Iā€™m sorry, I was on a roll :relaxed:

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Iā€™ll never get the hate for stealth mechanics.
If you see folk in local, canā€™t see on DScan, yet star map or dotlan says there are people in space you have cloakers.
Iā€™d you are sitting in dead space and see combat probes pop up, a cloakers is looking for you.

Honestly this game has way more tells than WoW rogues back in the day. All you got was a whoosh sound then 30 seconds of perma stun shortly after. Dare I say eve has more ways of dealing with stealth mechanics than most other games (besides the fact that stealthy ships are also more fragile).

The only legit complaint I really get is when someone has a concert cyno guy just hanging out doing nothing but making farmers in carriers nervous. Or am I missing something here?

Nope pretty much spot on.

Not really even a legit complaint. The only reason that is an issue as many have said is that a cloaked ship still shows up in local (being covert but seen in local never made sense to me). I know people will compain about that as well. However if it was the way that cloaked ships donā€™t show up in local from the beginning, pilots would have learned from early on how to fly safely in dangerous space.

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