Main AFK cloaky thread

But… how can you track a cloaked ship?!!11 :poop:

That afk cloaking is fine, and even necessary, because of local. But it’s always been that.

Even if it doesn’t hurt anyone what exactly is the gain from having a person come back every X-1 minutes and bump the mouse to keep the AFK flag off? Or remote desktop in from their phone to do it? Or build a little robot to bump the mouse every few minutes? Not only is it easy to avoid the flag, it’s a solution in need of a problem.

That just tells you whos afk and who’s not. Something you shouldn’t know.

Not going to happen unless you remove local.

I do enjoy the AFK Cloaking debate. Both sides trying to out-accuse the other of being risk averse. Pedantic sidestepping. People trying to argue that there isn’t even a problem in spite of afk cloaking being one of the most violently debated topics in Eve. There are a thousand bandaid fixes that could be implemented to deal with this. There always have been. But nobody wants to get nerfed, and nobody wants to see their opponents get buffed.

Rather than “Nerf AFK Cloaking” or even “Remove Local” I’d prefer to hear the mantra of “Overhaul Intel”. But it’s big and it’s scary and even if you completely ignore the technical implications of reworking such a core part of the game it’d be impossible to do so without pissing off half the playerbase. CCP are probably just kinda sitting there going “well, you know, we’ll get around to it eventually…” and honestly, can anyone even blame them?

Local and DScan and Probing are awkward intel tools, and people have a tendency to think that something is good simply because they’re used to it.

Personally, I have no such loyalties.

Burn it to the ground.

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Not me.

Hi, my name is Teckos Pech and I am risk averse…that is I play smart and try not to lose my ships in a stupid fashion.

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One side is making logical and well-reasoned arguments, the other is whining about how unfair everything is.
In nature the problem would have solved itself through evolution, but in modern society the weak and stupid are breeding like bunnies and are being protected from natural evolution, for whatever reason, by the smarter populace. But in the end nature will win anyway, because all those stupid people will lead to humanity exterminating itself one way or another once there aren’t any half-intelligent people left that could think for the stupid majority.
Too bad it’s not going to help us in the here and now. We have to take up with their limited thinking abilities and waste our time trying to explain them something they simply are not equipped to understand.

Linus (I hate the US) Gorp decided to mention this thread to me so why not make a showing.

I have already said all that I wanted to say in the thread on the previous forum, but I thought it would be interesting to talk in this thread about AFK cloaky camping from the perspective of an AU TZ alliance which in its main period has what I would call local dominance.

My alliance has a couple of people who love to go hunt in the home of the proverbial whipping boys known as Providence, from that we had some fairly laughable counter camping in our area which resulted in the death of a Sin and the cyno Tengu. Prior to that we had Dommchinchilla himself try to do the same with a super ineffectual AFK cloaky camping campaign and I mean AFK, as far as I could see he did not drop once with his toons, though PL did some drops, I lost a throw away Vexor to one drop and I laughed and pointed out that I had another 10. The PL invasion failed by the way and I got some juicy capital kills with Dracvlad’s Nag.

The last four days has seen the odd Russian from Red Alliance groups and my favorite is a Space Violence camper, Space Violence is one of the Goon groups if you people are not up to date on such stuff, most of their fleets seem to be run by English from their videos, but some Americans seems to be active too.

What was amusing about this is that I instantly noted that the person concerned has actually killed his own toon with a covert and normal cyno fitted Nemesis and another of his campers had been fit the same way, the amusing part was that the other toon managed to lose two Nemesis to our guys in very quick order. What was evident is that he was actively hunting, in that he would move around when he became aware of people in space and NPC kills in a system, so this enabled him to be murdered a few times. One fun operation was keeping him focused on me by having a VNI in a safe near where the anomalies spawn for him to try to pin me down by warping to anomalies thereby wasting his time while a corp mate was next door ratting freely, as he did not have a expanded probe launcher it was super easy to do and highly amusing.

The interesting thing is that he does login his toons when the server comes up and evidently missed the socket closes a few times, from that I have his TZ pretty much sussed.

Does this have an impact on me, well not really, because my main income is now indy based, I have not really ratted for over two months and yet I am richer by about 5bn in that period, isn’t that fun. What I have done now is log in Dracvlad and I will leave him there for an hour then log off wait two hours then log off, come back in three hours and login briefly to pretend that I am being driven from the game and all that, true elite game play and massive excitement. To be honest I am enjoying it…

As I started to detail what I am up to I decided to add to the excitement by logging in another of my toons and warping to a safe spot in a VNI near a load of Hubs, I wonder if he will be warping around trying to find me, if so I will have won Eve. So far no combat probes out, and my disappointment is tangible.

Just clicked D-scan and there was an Epithal on D-scan, damn.

Need to make something to nibble, so I undocked Drac from the fort to check for bubbles before warping the VNI back and docking up. Be back later in this exciting game of interaction with a possibly AFK cloaky camper

Well I wanted to check how many active or is that inactive campers we have in the pocket and previously he had about three, it seems that the one in the system that I am in is the only one, which to me is a completely weak effort on his part. Those Burn Eden players camping me in Stain a couple of years back had almost 20 toons hanging around the place.

So are ganking and wardecs…

Being frequently complained about doesn’t necessarily mean there is something wrong with it. Especially as more and more people are becoming snowflakes.


Logged out my second account, I am leaving Dracvlad logged in, but will minimize the client, then it is go to my steam account and murder a load of Orcs in Shadow of War. Ever so often I will take a break and check to see if he is still ahem effectively camping me ahem…

Another 500m of sales, very nice…

What occurs to me is that we are both actively playing Eve, good show… Well I have an undead captain who I follow around sometimes, he is good fun, when following him I came across another captain level 62 and I murdered that one, was a fun skirmish and all, he dropped a nice Epic cloak, but as I have a legendary one the only use will be doing the killing in it to make it apply its bonuses. I am still playing Eve though in all of this, just so you know…

Wife wanted to know about what cake to get for Christmas Eve, so sorted that, quick pee, then checked my Eve account, have 5 of our +10’s in local three of which are in the Fort with me, real fun this. Well back to Shadow of War, time to do a Outlaw tribe free for all, should be a legendary captain there, cool loot I hope. I am still playing Eve by the way…

That was great fun, went after a captain instead of doing the Outlaw invasion and there was another one there, bit of a fun fight but killed both , was low health, but in no real danger. Check the Eve client, still being camped, I hope he is having as much fun as me, great stuff.

This equipment setup is awesome, I have the ability to apply curse, poison, fire and ice damage and I get healed if I am on fire, means that I can just swan about adjusting only to do the things that get the most of that type of attack. I write this as I am about to go deal with an Outlaw invasion in Cirith Ungol, but I am enjoying my time with Eve too, just checked and he is still camping me, what fun I am having! Next up a fort defense, well my blue Orcs defend, I on the other hand go outside and kill everything… Oh and I am still playing Eve you know…

Thanks Linus for asking me to come here.

That’s assuming that the people complaining are just the ratters and miners , what if some of the cloakers also think cloaking could use a tweak , very small tweak of course

The best part about your post is that I literally can’t tell which side you’re advocating for.

Not like AFK cloaking. Like yeah people get a bit heated about wardecs, but the AFK cloaking debate will break into your house and start eating your cereal if you so much as turn your back on it for five minutes.

It’s kind of really obvious when you fall into the former category and have read a few posts of either side…

I had a pre-Christmas meal, bottle of Cote du Rhone Blanc, 6 Oysters, I had them with a challote red wine vinigerette, my mother in law likes to eat them nature, and my wife with a squeeze of lemon, or citron in her language. After that Poirot or leeks in English and new potatoes, followed by a gateaux which was mango ice cream and other fruits. I also opened up a bottle of St Just , and had some Sauternes with the cake. France has some wonderful cheese and I had about five different cheeses. just perfect…

Anyway I come back to my computer and find the cloaky camper in system, all this time I have been playing Eve, I opened oysters, I ate well and I drank some fine wine, I cleaned up put the dishes in the dish washer and then walke dmy mother in law home and Iall during this time I have been playing Eve, wonderful stuff what you can do…

Hopefully we can do the same tomorrow, night I have foix gras and and venison planned, plus a bottle of red wine from 1997, all during this time I will be playing Eve. Wonderful stuff.

PS I just logged out being the nasty little tinker I am, I expect he will not notice, but I wanted to check my skill queue on another toon… And all during this time I had no intention to rat at all, wonderful isn’t it…

Volume would still be irrelevant. Make a good case and it will probably be read, you can do that as a lone person. No matter what your stance is.

Posting this without a link, pictures, etc. is bad. And doing so might actually make this thread good.

Just saying.

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Tempting, sadly my daughter decided to become a Vegan which we sort of caused because we took our children around a Foix Gras farm in the Perrigold region a number of years back, all the ducks and geese were outside for all but the last two weeks of their life, then they were force fed for two weeks which was a hellish end to their lives, that started my daughter on that road. As a result she will there on Christmas day along with her boyfriend, though they have decided to eat sea food to give us something, so we brought some very nice Scallops (St Jacques en Francaise). I just need to make a decision on the wine, Mercury blanc or Montagney Premier Cru.

Teckos, I hope you have a very nice Christmas and a great and prosperous new year.

Not sure if I will log in my toons much today, I turned off my computer overnight, I have only left it on overnight a couple of times and that was mostly when I was counter AFK cloaky camping Razor a number of years back. Though I am interested to see if he has had a socket closure.

I think I have managed to work out who this camper is and I think he is focused like many on the periods outside of the main TZ of the alliance, or looking to pick up early starts in the AU TZ. In the main TZ period he would bite off a lot more than he can chew, that is for certain.

PS Found he was no longer there, likely socket closure and he will be logging in after DT. I have to say a very ineffective cloaky camper.

I see we’ve abandoned even the pretense of this being a thread for constructive discussion…

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A simple solution would be make cloaks use some kind of charge of which you couldn’t keep more than 3 to 6 hours depending on your cloaking device,something like a prototype cloak would use up the charges faster or use more per cycle whereas a high meta faction cloak would use less charges.
Ofcourse the cloak duration could be more or less than 3-6 hours I think even 12h for a top tier cloak is reasonable for both parties with 6-9 for mid-tier.

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