Oh look, it’s almost like there’s a tradeoff between farming a single system at the expense of being more vulnerable to disruption vs. having widely-dispersed PvE operations that can’t be locked down by a single threat.
the fact they were still there 6 hours later?
How does that prove anything? Maybe they sat there ATK for an hour while you bait mined, ignoring the obvious bait and waiting to see if you’d present a real target, then went AFK when you logged off?
I said he was still there 6 hours later when I logged back in. I was playing an hour or two after downtime initially. I’m pretty confident he was still there when the next down time came around.
I was fooled because he WAS active initially. I was annoyed to find out later that I wasted my time because he was actually a AFK camper. All the arguments about “Oh, he might not have been AFK.” are pretty silly.
If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck… please stop saying “Oh, it might have been a goat.”
You said that he was AFK while you were baiting for an hour. Stop moving the goalposts. The fact that he was probably AFK at some later point is not proof that he immediately went AFK after arriving and “wasted” your time. You’re just assuming that because you failed at baiting it must be someone else’s fault.
You are here whining about cloaky camping and you obviously have no idea about cloaky gameplay. So yeah, it’s fairly obvious that you are a failure that has no business being anywhere near nullsec. Just a whiny bear wanting to farm in perfect safety.
Nah i replied to this topic when pussies like you were insulting other people because they had different opinions like yours then realised how stupid you are lmao.
The whole point is I was fooled into thinking he might be present by the fact I saw him enter. I tried to interact with him for an hour. But he obviously went AFK. I can strongly suspect this… because he hadn’t moved for seven freaking hours.
Is it possible that he could have come in, cloaked up and scouted the system while cloaked for an hour… then gone AFK later for the rest of the day? He just didn’t want to risk dropping on a skiff?
Yes… and it’s possible that person with a bloody knife really does want to make a sandwich.
If he was an active hunter… he would have moved on. Your suggestion is that he saw my skiff… thought “nah… trap”… and then stayed at the keyboard for an hour doing nothing before later going AFK and camping.
If he was setting up an AFK camp… once he decided I was a trap… do you really think he wouldn’t go AFK?