Main AFK cloaky thread

Sounds to me like Eve isn’t the right game for you then. I’d suggest you go play something else or stick to highsec.

Sounds to me like you have no counterargument.

I cannot argue your opinion about Eve. That is how you feel about the game, which is not the same as mine. I don’t see a point in trying to change your mind. Eve isn’t a game for everyone and that is okay.

Lolwut? It’s all about tactics/timing/etc and player skill over character SP. It is 100% agency in making the choices that either lead to a successful escape or death. The fact that you can fail and die doesn’t negate the skill test that happens prior to that point.

Let me put it this way: in my EVE career IIRC I have lost exactly one hauler, and only because I assumed that nobody would be stupid enough to suicide gank such a low-value cargo while I autopiloted through highsec. Other than that? I’ve evaded every threat. And you know why other people have hauler lossmails all over the killboards while I don’t? Skill and knowing how to avoid death.

Here’s another way to think about it: how can dying whilst being ganked be made more fun or more meaningful?

It’s not supposed to be fun. You are losing a ship with no hope of survival, the fun is entirely on the side of the people ganking you. Try not to let yourself get ganked next time.

(And no, you can’t change this. If you make changes so that ganking is fun for the victim, by giving them greater ability to fight back, the gankers will just respond by adding more people to the fleet until they’re back to 100% guaranteed success.)

Why are you playing EVE if you hate its core design concepts so much?

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Actually even then there can be fun in being ganked, tears in local when you have fit correctly and escape, having scouted and planning a counter gank, using the environment to give you just enough wiggle room to go out of scram range etc etc. It often feels just as good (if not better) to escape what should be certain death than it does to actually apply said certain death.

I’m only up for a debate on how to make the game better. You’re not at all interested in that.

You can’t explain why people should be able to fly cloaked.
You can’t explain why decloaking range shouldn’t be increased.

Will only respond again if anyone can come up with a substantive point on how to make the game better.

Because warping cloaked allows for more varied tactics and strategies to be used.

Increasing decloak distance would be an unnecessary nerf to ships that already pay a high price for their ability to use covops-cloaks.

Neither are you. You’re only interested in making it RMT BOTTING ONLINE by making it 100% safe.

We can, you just either wouldn’t be able to understand it, or refuse to acknowledge the answer as it wouldn’t fit your moronic viewpoint. Probably both.


I’m going with not a real WH player.

Anyone else notice that Loki Orkund will reply once to those replying to him, but he is nearly OCD with Merin…I think he has a thing for Merin’s avatar. :stuck_out_tongue:

Anyone else notice how 6 people can’t produce a half-decent counterargument between them and so have to make personal attacks instead?

This thread is all about insulting

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And he has no sense of humor either. :rofl:

Im thinking of writing a 6000 word whining essay for ccp :thinking::grin:

Go for it, but do it a way that is going to be humorous too. :wink:

Oh wait…no. Look you scrub you just need to get good at playing the game vs. whining on the forums.

Holy crap, can’t believe I forgot to be insulting. I need more coffee. :sunglasses:

Umm that 6000 word crying essay i was talking about was you. You wrote it dude.

6,000 word? Really? Hmmm…where was this?

I havent counted it but was alot. You made your own crying thread then in a different one you are insulting others who whine just like you? this is stupid.

Okay, if you say so…but it makes me wonder, if this is so stupid…why are you still replying? :sunglasses: