I don’t think you understand the geometry of how big space is. If you can engage NPCs from anywhere in a 100km radius sphere the sheer volume of space enclosed by that sphere is going to make it very difficult to catch you. By the time you run out of volume to run through you’ve probably finished the site and moved on. Sure, you could get unlucky and happen to fly right at the cloaked ship, but 100% safety was never promised.
Without it, or something similar there is no warning whatsoever.
Nope. Stop being terrible at EVE. Cloaked ships have a delay before they can even start to lock you, a delay that is more than long enough for an aligned ship to warp out to safety even if you don’t click warp until the cloaked attacker appears on your overview within tackle range. Removing local makes it more difficult to survive (as it should be) while farming, it does not make survival impossible.
The current situation is the exact thing you just claimed is good
No it isn’t. It isn’t an alert player being faster, it’s about even a half-asleep player being automatically faster because the minimum possible time to reach and engage a target after entering a system is much longer than the time required to warp out. Competing skill vs. skill does not mean that success should be impossible for the hunter unless the prey is spectacularly incompetent.
Yet you have the colossal temerity to suggest that a cloak is Ok when it does not require even that tiny amount effort to maintain it’s own safety.
Again, you continue to be an ignorant sheep ****er (and probably a RMTer) and fail to understand the most basic of concepts. A player that is making billions of ISK an hour should be required to spend more effort maintaining their safety than one who is sitting idle in space. Maintaining your safety while idle in space has only the cost of fitting a cloak because sitting idle in space has no reward beyond mitigating the effectiveness of an intel system that shouldn’t exist in the first place. Can you honestly not understand why a player farming the most profitable content in the game should be required to spend more effort on staying safe?
You are correct, cloaks do not in their current state require any meaningful skill component.
AFK CLOAKING does not. AFK cloaking alone accomplishes nothing, however. Once you decide to use your cloak for something besides sitting idle in space (such as attacking and destroying a target) skill is required.
Even if that were true, it’s still an effect being inflicted from a perfectly safe position that deserves, like all things in EVE, to be opposed on many levels, including direct combat.
Fine. Nothing should be safe, and you can have a mechanic that allows you to defeat AFK cloaking with a level of effort inversely proportional to the benefits of AFK cloaking (basic risk vs. reward, the higher the profit you’re making the more vulnerable you should be). Since AFK cloaking alone provides a non-zero but extremely small value the cost should be appropriately high. Say, paying CCP 10,000 PLEX to generate a system-wide pulse with a 1% chance of deactivating each cloak it hits for 5 seconds.