Main AFK cloaky thread

They should not, thus implementing it needs to be done right and with propper limitations…

That or make cloakers have to rehit the cloak button every so often at random intervals to force them to stay ATKB.

Again why should ATK players have their game nerfed? Have you ever had to get close to a target while hunting with a cloaked ship? Tried to get out of a camped system by slow boating around a gate?

The problem here is local…local grants flawless perfect intel that cannot be countered in anyway and lends additional power to cloaked ships at a safe even when the player is AFK. This is why the Observatory Array has some possibility of ending this stalemate.

“Have you ever had to get close to a target while hunting with a cloaked ship?”
(Sounds like whining about inconvenience.)
“Again why should ATK players have their game nerfed?”
(Nerf? So having to do more than push 1 button is a nerf?.. Sounds like more whining about inconvenience.)

But you can slow boat around the gate… Nothing stopping you even with my recommendation.

So your solution to solving the problem is using an OP solution to solve a major problem.

No, I’m fine with slowboating. But having my cloak turn off randomly is Bravo Sierra. Why not randomly turn off local?

Because it isn’t just pushing 1 button. It is sitting there when hostiles around and your cloak turns off and then you are dead because of randomness.

Yes, and slow boating around a heavily camped gate only to have your cloak turn off randomly.

Again…you are nerfing the play of people who are ATK.

See, I didn’t think you could see the problem.

What is OP? The Observatory Array…it hasn’t even been released yet. We have only some barest hints of what it might do. So…WTFAYTA?


Your problem is your view is too limited and by the sounds of it your game experience is as well. There are lots of times people will be cloaked and they are not camping. Focusing on just one aspect and ignoring all the other possibilities is why these ideas look so bad. Yes. randomly decloaking a cloaked ship at a safe while the person is ATK is not all that bad. But the other instances it is not so clear. People use cloaks for things other than AFK cloak camping.

Never said that.
Here is what I did say

Try reading…It helps.

Again… Try reading what I DID say… ALL of it.

I guess you can’t really read…That or you have ADD.

and you don’t know CCP makes new stuff OP as sh** 9/10 times before nerfing it to hell?

Who is the one really lacking experience here? :smiley:


I think I can read just fine.

The only way you decloak is if you get lazy.

Or… Have not comprehended it all? That would be different.

If there is something I did not explain well enough, I’ll try and help you understand it or correct it if I have made a grammatical mistake making it incomprehensible I shale strive to make it comprehensible.

Give up.

He will never argue against what you said. That’s not what he does.

He tries to draw you into his little circle jerk of cloaks needing to counter local with no effort in order to endanger already endangered pilots that aren’t in systems with him by cherry picking sections of what you say out of context. It’s all he does, and has done, for the past several years. He used to actually engage, now he just trolls.

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Why are we even pretending that the difference between randomly turning off and randomly requiring a prompt button press to avoid turning off is relevant? They’re both stupid ideas. Randomly turning off is stupid because of the obvious reasons, randomly losing your cloak in a dangerous situation and instantly dying because of RNG is terrible design. Randomly requiring a button press is stupid because it does absolutely nothing to stop people from using cloaks while ATK, the only benefit is that it keeps people from going AFK while still logged in and makes local more effective as a defense tool for farmers. And farmers do not need more safety.

Merin Ryskin must be an alt of Teckos Pech
Because in that same link.

Which Merin Ryskin faild to read

It tells how this could be use to not only deal with AFK cloakers… But AFK ((((((MINERS)))))) as well.

I don’t give a **** about AFK miners. Nerf highsec ore so that miners can only make a profit in space where they can be attacked easily and the AFK miner problem resolves itself. Endgame level PvE should not exist in the newbie training areas.

And nothing about your post addresses anything I said. Your random countdown idea is stupid and nothing but a buff for pathetic farmers.


You hate care bears and you say you don’t care but the proof is in the pudding!

Reposting this to save the evidence.

There you go!

Yeah…now you have removed all doubt that you are a dope. Merin is not my alt. :roll_eyes:


  1. Merin is not an alt of Teckos.
  2. Stop this crap, it will just make you as much of a paranoid, mindless, extremist hater as the rest of them.

I wonder how many of you are actively playing the game lol

Wait…there is a game to play?

Yes actually it can be pretty good sometimes. Wanna fleet up?

Can you come to Delve?

Depends. What you wanna do?

I thought the forums ARE the game??