Make Eve Online Great Again!!! (2003-2009 Era)
I see that at this point that anything is possible within Eve Online and at CCP Games. At one point they were a Publicly Traded Company with Stock but then a few years later they withdrew this and ended it. Also, I am not talking crap about CCP because many businesses fail or have roadbumps; it is good to try new things and I am not negative about that. CCP had Dust 514 development for many years and it was Up and Running and it failed and they ended it. CCP also had that other game project or two, World of Darkness??? And they ended those. They stuck with what was tried and true, Eve Online. Again… Anything is possible or reversible at CCP Games! All options are on the table!
I am not an employee of CCP where I keep my mouth shut and I am not a “Yes Man”, of toeing the Corporate Line and acting like everything is Groovy. We ARE going to speak our minds we Say it as we See it. Over the years CCP is starting to become Sell Outs and is becoming obsessed with a “Sales” Culture, and Digital E-Goods marketplace. The Hardcore Sandbox is slowly being withered away from this game.
MAKE EVE ONLINE GREAT AGAIN! No stupid Launcher, but the actual full window account login screen such as during Dominion and Apocrypha Expansions and before those. No Stupid F2P Scheme and go back to normal accounts. Keep subscription and 1 month Sub cost at a competitive Market Rate; if it is too expensive and you want new or returning players, then lower the cost. NO dumb cash shop ingame or Aurum shop. No dumb PLEX!!!
CCP: Please go back to the basics and drawing board of the Core of the game - Of increasing Player Influence and the Sand Boxness of this game! Focus on the New Player Experience. Pump more budget into the Game and Server hardware, for Jita and huge Wars and incoming Flux of New + Returning Players if you do things right.
BRING BACK the Jukebox! Was amazing when I started the game in 2007-2009 and enjoyed it a lot.
Nerf and Lower Isk Faucets that are ruining the economy and over time weaken NPC PvE Missions and resources spawned out of thin air from missions; which instead should be public to fight over. Weaken overtime and one day get rid of NPC corporations, so that players will focus on Sand Box driven content aka needing to possibly join Player Corps instead of years in an NPC corp.
Tidy up and Update / Make fixes to the Contract and Hauling Contract Market System! Want more Wars and less Stagnation? Huge changes to the Player Hauling Contract system will increase the Ebb and Flow of Goods across the galaxy; thus driving Liquidity and the Machines of War. The Economy and Industry is the backbone of this Game and for all War!
Vote for me as Candidate for brand new CCP Games career job postings: Business Development or Game Designer!
Looking forward to all of your replies and thoughts on this.
Will edit this Post and add more soon…