Make security status proportional to Concord reaction time

Yeah. That doesn’t mean more players are leaving because of ganking.

It doesn’t even specify ganking does it?


OMG dude, are you purposely being dense or what?

Which part of understand what happened, quickly recover from the loss and get revenge do you not understand?

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That’s why you think it means ganking? Because you think no one ever seeks revenge in any other situation?

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I’m going to say yes. Or maybe willfully stupid?

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:

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Anyway, as I was saying before you called me a troll, your sources of information are lacking, to say the least, and so are your abilities to comprehend or formulate a straight idea that would convince the rest of us that “it’s happening a lot”. Maybe to you it does.
I hope your ship made big and pretty conflagrations before it burst into a gigantic explosion.

o7 Fly Safe

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I think he’s one of those people who purposefully argues the incorrect side of an argument, vehemently, in order to annoy people.

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Yeah, I agree. It’s not rocket science, easy enough to figure out what Hilmar was talking about.

That presentation by Hilmar in 2019 was centered on over 25,000 new players for a 7 week period. About half of those new players didn’t even log in after registering to play the game. Obviously there’s a big problem with that which Hilmar said was on CCP.

Out of the other half, over 90% of those new players quit within the first 7 days of playing due to suffering a devastating ship loss which he called the ‘Magic Moment’, that’s when the new player decides to stay or quit the game.

He then said those new players would be more inclined to stay playing the game if they had a social / support group to help them understand what happened, help them quickly recover from the loss and help them get revenge.

So New Player in game for 7 days is pretty much in High Sec space, probably doing the Career Agent missions, SoE level 1 Epic Arc, running Hacking sites or mining Ore to buy skills and equipment.

New player suffers devastating ship loss. Doesn’t understand why it happened, can’t quickly recover the loss and can’t get revenge. Sure sounds like he’s talking about High Sec ganking to me.

Basically his presentation was directed to established players. Hilmar basically said Eve needs their help to retain new players. He then cited a couple of player corps that specialize in quickly contacting and recruiting new players. He said the new player retention rate with those corps was very high because of their social / support groups.


I think, concluding that Hilmar was hinting the 90% loss is due to suicide ganking is a bit of a stretch.

Here is the talk in question. The referenced bit in the timeframe 38:21 - 43:35.

So we have all these people. Everyday, 25,000 people trying to be a part of the friendship machine. And just epically failing at it, because we are epically failing at it. I think us CCP, we have the role for the first 7 days, then you guys can help a lot in the what’s to follow. A lot of the new player organizations, like Brave, are doing a phenomenal job in helping people after 7 days, but we CCP need to do a lot better on this.

He explicitly states, that the 7 day period is an issue CCP themselves need to fix. After that period is when he calls for players to welcome and embrace new players. There are no hints, he sees suicide ganking as an issue within this period.

TLDR - Join a corp.


The fact that you have to make so many leaps to make your point should tell you that you don’t have a point.

For the millionth and one time… :sunglasses:


i dont know why you guys have this fetish about new players
if a guy cant handle a loss of a 400 k venture he don’t belong in eve
its not like the great problem of the game is the lack of players
we have players
there is much more important issues in the game
all of us who played this game for some years had it harder
no free sp, no injectors , no 100k ehp barges , no easy invite to null corps
we don’t need soft cry babies ruining the game
if you want to be a capsuleer you have to be baptized


You would be wrong. Skiffs and Orcas are ganked almost daily throughout high sec. The gankers suffer little to no consequence. It is time security standing means something. It is time to start treating PKers like the criminals they are!


Yeah, so I incorrectly recalled who he said was accountable for the first 7 days of game time. It doesn’t matter if it’s 7 days or 7 weeks, CCP is the one who is accountable for player retention in this game. He’s asking established players to help with the retention issue by recruiting and getting new players involved with group activities. His main point for that:

Try to get them to die with us. That’s the key operative, that’s a serious serious matter.

What’s a stretch is how you guys keep trying to justify ganking as helping new player retention. Funny how you conveniently overlooked the part about devastating ship loss which starts here at 42:50

Devastating loss is really like… we now call it the Magic Moment… at the moment you lose your first spaceship, it’s the moment whether… either you have enough understanding of why it happened, or you have the social network to help you through it, then you play forever. If you don’t, you immediately quit and never come back.

Understanding why it happened… a ray of hope that you can respond and get back on your feet and get revenge… and social support. During the Magic Moment, that’s what makes an elite Eve player.


But you consent to PvP by undocking. It’s literally allowed by the game. How can they be criminals by playing the game the way it’s meant to be played?


Security status does mean something. There are consequences. They are very, very annoying consequences.

Stop punishing honorable and skilled PvPers simply because you’re too lazy to pay attention. I really hope you don’t drive AFK!

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Who are “You Guys”?

Captura de Tela 2021-06-10 às 00.26.39

Captura de Tela 2021-06-10 às 00.26.26

the people that say ganking and pvp make eve lose players , especially new ones
pics unrelated


Weekend report from the Talking in Stations twitch mentioned about the Eve Academy and had gone into details with New Player retention.

They have reports that suggest otherwise.

(bold mine)

Very hard to believe that PvP in general could make EVE lose players, rather, quite on the contrary - a main point of playing for many, if not most.
With high-sec ganking, it at least seems reasonably possible, so it probably deserves more specifically focused attention.
The much quoted stats from the Friendship Machine presentation say nothing about this very matter.

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Who are “you guys”?

I literally only said, that I think, it was a stretch to say that Hilmar was hinting at specifically suicide ganking in that talk, since he says nothing of the sorts. Am I saying anywhere, some specific opinion on how suicide ganking helps new players? I’m only saying, you should reconsider or re-evaluate you argument, if you are going to build it on the referenced bit.

And how am I conveniently overlooking stuff, when I specifically say the timeframe 38:21 - 43:35?

I just didn’t want to transcribe the whole bit. My quote is not starting from 38:21 either. I was only transcribing the particular part about the 7 days to support and show where you were wrong. Feel free to transcribe the whole thing.

I don’t think, that what he says about the “magic moment” has anything to do with your argument about specifically suicide ganking. It’s only about how social support, influences player retention. The social support, is literally why I wrote “TLDR - join a corp”, since his talk can be boiled down to that, but again, nothing about suicide ganking being bad.


It’s had specifically focused attention for years.

CCP haven’t found any correlation between suicide ganking and player loss that has moved them to act against the status quo.

It’s an issue that has more focus emotionally in player discussion than it does in evidence based discussion.

Thankfully, CCP don’t fall for the emotion, either in favour of more ganking, or in favour of more safety. They’ve been looking at the data for years and put more weight in what players do than what we all endlessly argue about.