Make sense of this Battle for me


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Correct, they do. We tell people this in Rookie Help all the time.

If you put a 2 year old behind the wheel of an F1 racing car they do not win a race against Lewis Hamilton even if he is on a skateboard, because the 2 year old crashes into the wall on the first bend.

I’d be surprised if it was much over 100.

Then you don’t fly a ship that uses Large Turrets. This doesn’t require some complex understanding of how EVE works, this is basic common sense. You don’t load a shotgun with peas just because you don’t have any buckshot but want to use a shotgun. You use the pistol you have bullets for and know how to use.

You don’t understand what balance means. Veterans are supposed to destroy noobs. They always have done in every MMO I have ever played. EVE does not seperate you from them, which is perhaps what makes EVE somewhat unique (although not completely, you can attack noobs in some of the other MMOs) and what is confusing you.

Balance is not level 1 character beats level 100 character just because they want to. That’s not how balance works. You want to win no matter who you fight or how inexperienced you are. You want to walk into a level 100 area with a level 1 character using a wooden sword and take on the level 100s in full epic raid gear. This is not a thing. Anywhere.

EVE does not seperate you in level brackets. There are not defined 1-19 20-29 areas like you are obviously used to from WoW. Everyone in EVE is in the same space as you. That you chose to poke a level 100 with your wooden sword is on you. That was a stupid thing to do and you paid for it.

This is also partly on CCP. Giving big ship hungry Alphas access to Battleships without the skills to properly fit them and then immediately throwing free ones at them in the Arms Race event so they don’t even have to wait until they can afford one.

It was obvious a lot of dreadfully fitted Battleships were going to appear with the Alpha skillset expansion and the Arms Race freebies, piloted by people with no business being in one.

Still, a small dose of common sense would have saved any of this happening in the first place. One does not simply fly a Battleship, and one does not simply shoot at anyone and win.

TL;DR: Making intelligent decisions is important in EVE and the game should not be rebalanced in order to make switching your brain off a valid play style.


One of you went suspect (flashing yellow), allowing this engagement to happen without CONCORD. I’m guessing he stole loot and went suspect, and you took the bait. If you had just ignored him, he couldn’t have shot at you without getting exploded by CONCORD long before he killed you.

To be fair, he probably would have lost with large lasers, since I doubt he had the support skills for large guns to track a cruiser with a MWD or AB at point blank, especially without a web or grappler to slow it down, or drones for additional DPS. Ironically, if he had targetted the guy’s drones with those small ACs and laser, he might have killed the drones and been able to survive lol.

Sorry, but your fit was garbage. Looks like you just fit random drop modules you got doing career agent missions. Forget wrong gun types for a minute…no damage control module, no DPS modules, no rigs, wrong sized modules, a bunch of empty low slots, virtually no tank, and you (very poorly) attempted a shield tank on a ship that should be armor tanked. You even reduced your overall hit points with a cargo expander.

Not sure if trolling or not. You have been given good advice, and you just argue why you still should have won. Skilled players both in terms of player skill and skill points can lose a battleship to smaller ships because of large guns not tracking close up moving targets well, so it’s no surprise a low skill point, inexperienced player in a poorly fit ship lost that fight.


So you don’t make ridiculous fitting errors and end up on the forums complaining to anyone who will listen.


You probably would have won the fight in a properly fitted frigate … :wink:


In an interesting twist, it appears there was also a Raven and a Harbinger at the same site, all of them taken down by Aunt Tom as well (although the Raven got Concorded).

Check out December 19th, 20:02, 20:04 and 20:08 :open_mouth:

Would love to know what actually went down at that site.


A hilarious fight over what would likely amount to metal scraps.


Well, at first I felt kinda offended by the claims of the OP, but there’s two points in his favour:

  • Battleships for Newbros is not the best idea to keep them happy. I’m half a year old and have BS II skills, but only recently got my large gun skills. I’ve never bought any (150m ISKish) BS and was mildly shocked as the AGENCY gave one for each for virtually nothing, so you were easily able with newbie skills to get a BS. Of course I’m happy to have one now, but for a newbie who is not used to EvE and who might think that is normal, the shock of loss is even worse than I thought.

  • I wondered while reading all the discussions how he managed to lose a ship with +20k tank in highsec. But ok, suspect status is quite a good explanation. That was a case of bad luck, I’d say, because all you do the first days in EvE is just trial and error (very much error :slight_smile: ). I only lost a cruiser in low, because I had got no chance to get a Batlleship :wink:

So OP, start over, Battleships are overrated. Think about realistic aims for the following weeks like fitting yourself a frig that can go more than 3500 m/s and a destroyer with more than 200 dps. Step by step.


So you have never flown a BS or just never payed for one?

Golden Rule: "Don’t fly what can’t afford to lose."
Thus I have not flown one yet, my Myrmidons are nice ratters up to Lvl 3 and roams are Dessie size most times. I skilled and bought Porpoise, Noctis and Procurer instead.

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If I gave you one, would you whelp it gloriously in PvP?

Don’t tempt the carebear :wink:
But I’m about to build a Domi.


Well, it’s training for free (ok, need to gather some ideas for fitting). I doubt it will be gloriously, but hey, I’m no chicken.


Have you played starcraft 2 before? You should, its free now. But if you have, think about it like this.

Youre a protoss player, against another protoss player in a 1v1. You mass Collossus, which is a very strong high-end unit. Youve got like 15 of those, and are about to walk over to the enemy base and shred him. But your enemy has massed phoenixes, which are far, far less costly and easier to make.


Even a starcraft idiot will tell you that collossus will lose to phoenixes, every time, because Collossus cant shoot at air units. Starcraft is designed in a rock-paper-scissors system where some units counter some, but are weak to others.

Eve is, in many ways, more complex than Starcraft 2. Each ship has a niche, each ship is good against some but bad against others. The way you fit a ship matters as well. You cannot buy a 30 billion isk ship and expect to be able to kill everything, everywhere and win every single battle. This is the mindset of a WoW player.

In other words, use your brain, not your dck. Your dck wants to say “Hey, bigger is better, ima get all these ladies up in this house”, whereas your brain is saying “I warned you, but you didnt listen. Enjoy your STDs”.


Pure gold right here!


Just to add one point to this winner of a thread and assuming that this is not troll — chances are those guys in the site were suspect baiting you. Until you get a handle on what you are doing just ignore folk in highsec who go suspect. If you want to play eve and learn how to pvp find a friendly Corp that will train you. Otherwise expect to keep dying.

My reading of it was , bearflipper getting jiggy with it , muggins here thinks he van land the decisive blow with his fantastic new battleship … I’ve been in this exact same situation and its outrageous good fun.

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Let me tell you a story…

My uncle once found a data core with historical information near a barren and toxic planet.

It told the story of a large war where everyone on that planet was fighting a small alliance of three corps (Japan[JPN], Germany[GER] and Italy[IT]. It was called the Axis Alliance.

The others called themselves the Allied Alliance, which sounds pretty stupid to me, but hey they might have been a little bit primitive at that time. They had over 60 corps assembled.

Well, the small alliance managed to built a huge Battleship, almost a Titan Class ship compared to everything else and they named it “Yamato”.

The data core describes the ship like this:

“The Yamato possessed the greatest firepower ever mounted on a vessel—more than 150 guns, including nine 18.1-inchers that could hurl 3,200-pound armor-piercing shells on a trajectory of 22.5 miles. Its massive armor was the heaviest ever installed on a battleship, making it virtually impregnable to the guns of any ship in the world. The very name Yamato was a poetic and spiritual term for Japan itself. In its gray, armored magnificence, the great ship symbolized Japan’s dreams of conquest.”

But then in a big fleet battle they lost that ship to a tiny wing of six fighters or drones of some sort, that are described as “Avenger” class, but Uncle could not find any more details about it in the data core.

Well the war did not go very well for our small alliance after losing that flagship, but they managed to survive somehow.

Then there was the description of another war, not that huge, more sort of a rebellion. The defenders, which oddly might have been descendants of the [GER] from the first war, even managed to built space stations with almost planet size and a huge weapon that could destroy other planets. But it seems that this weapon was so expensive, they did not have the ISK to install a simple deflection shield to a ventilation shaft and the whole station got blown up by a single fighter dropping a torpedo (Thermal probably) into the shaft and made the Citadel like station explode as its reactor was hit. Only 3 or 4 capsuleers escaped that explosion.

[GER] Command was pretty upset about this, but life goes on and they started to built a new station … guess what happened!

End of Story

So what do we learn from this? Bigger is not always better, nothing is unbeatable.

Well, back to the data core. There was also lots of porn on it where [GER] Capsuleers where doing some kinky stuff they seemed to have learned from [JPN] Command. The name sounded Japanese at least.


Guess that’s what happened to you when you went to the forums with your story. Poor fellow!

But ultimately, we learn that it all happened before to someone else.

Stay safe!

PS: Do not take this answer too seriously :wink:


Mate, if this was /r/eve, I’d be giving you gold.



Brilliant :hugs:

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