Yes, yes you are. Or as I said, desperately trying to frame the situation to fit yuor narrative and ignore any other possibility…
I manufacture in LS, hunt Clones and mining fleets…everything is sold at the nearest hub. I run haulers in and out with about 50-100M in them…haven’t lost one yet as I know the local’s scheduled, I check the boards and the map and if really nervous, use Alphas to “quickly” look ahead…
Cries about dangerous space not being safe, did you turn off the warning about jumping into ls,NS, ws? You lost welcome to the sandbox. You played a stupid game a d won stupid prizes.
I used the term un-counterable, not un-avoidable. big difference, it’s very avoidable, dont go into Low-Sec.
I’ve been trying to avoid absolutes this whole time, and there’s a line between being lazy with absolutes and talking about the specifics of the situation.
I would like it if we could stay in good faith communication here, as I understand that this is quite a subjective topic.
So basically, you think you should be able to just bumble through lowsec in a miasmos without scouting or making any meaningful effort to see to the safety of your slow, vulnerable ship?
No…how about find a different way in or any of the methods suggested?
I’ve been trying to avoid absolutes this whole time
so then your "dont go into Low-Sec* line would be…?
And there you go again trying to frame the conversation…Everything people have has been helpful and accurate and for the most part polite (for Eve at least) so please don’t position yourself to play the victim…again, we all see this.
It doesn’t matter what ship you fly, they all come out of warp gate lanes eventually, I think it would be more suitable to call it PVP once someone has decided to come out of that lane.
I already said something completely to the contrary, let people train, at the very least very niche skills that would be in-game due-diligence, like some sort of new combat probe scanning skill specifically for this sort of thing.
I do know, after-burner is only needed for that. lanes should be considere unless you get into capital ships(which can jump), most everything else uses warp lanes
Because you clearly don’t seem to know what you’re talking about.
Gatecamps are very counterable. You can:
-Get some friends and just smash the camp
-Scout ahead
-Cloaky-MWD which has a pretty high success rate
-Covert-ops cloak, which is borderline uncatchable outside of some extremely poor luck
-Just fly something with an align time so low it’s essentially uncatchable
-Keep an eye out for smartbombing BS and don’t faceplant into them
And that’s by no means exhaustive.
Yeah, you’re probably not going to “counter” one after you bumble into it in a shitfit T1 industrial ship that is in no way prepared to make an escape, but that’s not exactly planning ahead.