[March 12 Major Update] Dev Chats!

Your first said that there was going to be a damage reduction but now you don’t only decrease the optimal range bonus but completely REMOVE IT? Who was the CSM that promoted this Eos Nerf? It was said by Trashpanda that it was due to a “CSM Discussion”

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I don’t believe the specifics have been announced unless I missed something?

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I really hope the T3 cruisers don’t get a warp speed nerf.

I heard that Burst Jammers were getting changed, but I don’t see anything about it here? Is that change not happening?

If it is, I would like to suggest instead banning Burst Jams from Command Destroyers rather than only allow them on battleships and haulers.

(That is the main reason for the change, right? Oppressiveness of Burst Jam Command Destroyers in lowsec and WH space?)

The Burst Jammer is a powerful tool to resist the blob and punch up against blingy targets, and also I have a solo pvp Scythe fit that relies on it to survive its principal targets, Navy Destroyers. Entirely selfishly, I bought 11 of these Scythe fits two days ago and would rather they not be immediately disallowed.

it just says ECM burst mods…

You have to be on Douyin to get all the good info months before everyone else. Like how CCP announced PI templates during the player carnival.

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I look forward to finding the next patch notes on Tinder or LinkedIn


You seem incredibly good at telling people what they should, and should not, be doing.

“It’s a nonsense that now even a Myrmydon T1 is going to deal more damage with Sentries than an Eos.”

Myrmidon. And if this is true (IF.) the Myrm does something better than it’s T2 counterpart? This is an issue how? Maybe the Eos would not be a direct upgrade. Maybe people would fly the myrm more, and being that it’s significantly less tanky it will be easier to handle by attackers too.

“Now Eos won’t even be useful as links since you should prefer Danmnation.”

Damnation. Also please… Please, do elucidate on how this is the case, and why people ‘should’ prefer the Damnation? Last I looked player-choice was not always driven purely by numbers, but also available skills and personal preferences.

“Also not even useful for using Heavy Drones since Proteus/Ishtar have bonus to max velocity drones.”

Skill issue. Gain tackle first, then deploy the slow, heavy-damage drones point-blank into their faces. IF they still move? Attack with faster drones? Did it occur to you more drones exist with jobs to them different from sentries?

"You killed an entire gameplay for a lot of multiboxer. You’ll soon see 3k less player active every day just with this.

No, this won’t ‘kill’ EvE, nothing else has ever done it and the loss of 3K multiboxers, if your assessment is correct, will do so either. It may even help the game out long-term.

“I hope your game dies soon.”

You are a riot at parties, I’m sure. If you leave over this, leave because ‘oh no my one trick got nerfed a little bit’ then nothing of value will have been lost. You won’t be missed, and as has been said a million times before, failure to adapt is a skill-issue, and a personal problem that will not affect the rest of us.

Harden up.


You can use dominix (and most of EOS packs use this) for sentry platform. also ishtar have optimal bonuses.
Nerf only EOS change nothing

EOSpacks must die i think, but smart EOSmans know that Dominix still exist in game.

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Marauders: “Welcome to the nerf club, Eos”.

Background (to the above comment): Apparently Ragnaroks will warp faster after the warp speed patch (CSM leak via Discord on Reddit?) No idea how this specifically relates to the hinted warp speed changes, though - or how this change will affect or be applied to other ships.

In two days, we shall find out! Oh… have popcorn ready. It’s bound to be interesting!

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Popcorn and a bucket to collect all the salty tears from Eos multiboxers…


I really like this! In Jspace there are a few groups that use EOS blobs to toxic levels that make counter play almost impossible. You cant ECM them, you cant Damp them, you cant TD them and all for 500mil while sitting at 100km with full application. This may not seem a big deal in Nulsec, but for J space the enemy is ship mass, so bringing extra mass just to counter a 1 heart beat click and forget comp seems fair.
Also looks like you moved the damage per-level to the Command Ship which is also good. Stops the multi boxers from getting command ship 1 and having full sentry drone DPS.

Not really! I believe the main nerf for this was on behalf of Wormhole space. The thing with Domi’s is they are heavy mass wise and slower to escape and move around. The Ishtar is a good substitute but its a lot more squishy and more able to be countered because of this. Also the Ishtar cannot use an MJD so again plays on the fact that the current EOS fleet can be done with a single heartbeat compared to an Ishtar having to move, I.E not sat on a boosher, or using its own MJD, to be moved to safety at the drop of a hat.

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You’re basing this on…?

This is what CCP Swift posted above. Great idea :slight_smile: