March 2018 Release - Known Issues & Reporting

+1 , good idea

So… when TQ will be back again?

Вспомнил .Смотрел где-то в просторах тытруба видео о тестовом сервере.Можно фиты потестить)

Please do it once and don’t go on and on.


Короче ещё 45 мин (3 часа)сервер будет недоступен:ccpguard:

not important update, not using chat in game anyway, better move on with real content in game

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it’s hard to say without knowing the db structure, but i suppose if something during the migration of the chat system were to go wrong it would be something like what you described. maybe for some reason in the old system channels you once used were still saved in the db but flagged so you wouldn’t see them. new system, maybe doesn’t do it anymore, flag wasn’t properly including in the migration and channels pop up again.

anyhow, CCP not having a backup routine with several on-site and off-site mirrors for all kinds of things, is highly unlikely taken that it would endanger the entire business.

CCP update tactics…

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I think Sp will be of more value to players the CONCORD LP

if your local isn’t working, just use the forums to state your current position and ship you’re in

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Путин сломал опять вам что то)

It is Putins fault again.

@ CCP SISI Team: What will take you to have a 10 steps introduction to SISI with AURA UI, so even the bigger noobs of us would actually help yall!

Compleeting them steps unlocks acces to tp, skilling etc commands for testing features etc

make people want to come to sisi to pvp in a titan or a dread let em have fun while they test things fo ya


Test strategy works f641da0cf72950761e2902563f052784

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CCP’s measures against botting <3

server up … for now

looks OK

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…the typo isn’t mine


local is fixed :frowning: lame…