Hell people, calm down. CCP is pushing out content updates for free nearly every month - other games do that once a year if at all and you have to pay 50 bucks to be able to participate in the new content , additionally to the monthly fee. ■■■■ happens. The system is borked and they are on it to fix it. This is a major overhaul and includes several infrasturctural changes as well. Yes it could have been more thoroughly tested and yes it could have gone smoother. It didn’t. I’m pretty sure the Dev’s will not see a good nights sleep until the major bugs are fixed and I am sure they are doing everything they can to get the problems solved. So get accustomed to the idea that not everything goes smoothly everytime. Accept it, that’s life.
My Bug Reports page: An unexpected error occurred while loading the bug report form. Please try again later.
Where can I report this bug?
for god sake , do rollback
I seem to remember paying 15€ per month and character so it is anything but free. Just the idea to farm out the chat server instead of having them in-house where they can talk to TQ much faster shows just what CCP cares about. There is no intelligent reason to have them outside of TQ or to not test the things before deploying. As we can see CCP clearly feels that we are morons.
hmm so if we payed for the updates as well as subscription would the updates actually work then
thank you for finally implementing the Noir. modified Covert Ops Cloaking Device II that cloaks Noir. Pilots also in Local
Where is this “Free” update coming from, we pay sub so nothing is free, if I don’t pay my sub then CCP does not let me play eve, if I cant play eve then CCP shouldn’t expect to charge me for a sub…cant stand this “oh there doing the best they can”, yes I get that 100% and all credit to the devs but that’s what I’m paying there wages with my sub for. in my job if I ■■■■■■ up I wouldn’t charge my customers for my mistake
Well said
You can play eve without paying, just as an alpha and with that only a limited part of the content.
- Edit: And noone said they are not going to compensate. Noone said they will either. I remember that back when the ■■■■ hits the fan like that , we got some SP to compensate for it or a couple days subscription. Let’s see what happens.
Ummm… no, the procedure is reciprocal - that player will also get to type a message and send it to you without awaiting confirmation. Unless, of course, you’ve already preemptively blocked him/her. Unfortunately, no matter what, people with abusive intent will find ways to harass other people, and it’s hard to find ways around that. Personally (again, personal preference here) I would probably find it marginally less bothersome to block someone after a single unwelcome message, than to get “invited” to convo a couple of times to make me realise what’s happening.
Of course, I completely agree that the rationale behind this is suspect at best, and utterly flawed at worst: to reduce the number of accidental messagings arising from those asinine chat bubble icons - yes, surely just admitting a mistake and removing those would accomplish that stated goal far better!
Then let CCP mess up the game for Alphas I have Omega and its not working any better than for alphas.
well at the moment even as an alpha you cant play eve…well you could but would probably die because local doesn’t update or the standings are screwed…I most certainly don’t play eve to die and lose the stuff that I spent hours of my time ratting or mining for…if everyone went alpha we would be able to play eve at all, the people paying the subs keep this game going not the alpha accounts
Why don’t you just wait until they fixed it? Does lamenting and bickering help with that?
nope but it sure makes it clear how unhappy people are…
why can’t they run these patches on a test sever to make sure there wont be any problems when they apply the patches
This for goodness sake, the chat bug’s are horrific, I can’t imagine the state of low / null at the moment. Rollback until you get the 3rd party chat servers upgraded to something more than 386’s.
They did and people told them that chat was broken as hell. But someone at CCP decided that we are lying or something.
great way to treat your player base
Chat servers are apparently in the amazon cloud because CCP read that cloud is all the rage and bestest. Apparently there are no latency issues in the client-cloud-TQ-cloud-client model…