March 2019 Release - General Feedback

For a 30% markup I thought they would reduce most skill prices not increase them. Look at the Carrier hull price in comparison of the skill price its stupid. Admittedly you need that skill for supercarriers as well but still for someone wanting to expand into cap ships from subcaps 500 mill for a skill is way too high.

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A content-killing waste of time. In other games it made sense to remove skill trainers as it was pointless busywork as literally nothing can happen to you in a Themepark MMO while going to get a skill. In Eve though? It enabled a beginner-friendly trading profession and go people out in the universe interacting. But whatever, it is done so let’s move on.

Well, this is a little disappointing, but ok. Don’t let this slip off the to-do list.

+1, good job

Better late than never. Keep it up - the economy needs your attention.

General feedback provided.

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The easier it is to make isk the more isk enters the economy. That means demand for PLEX grows as it becomes easier to sub your accounts with isk. Meanwhile supply of PLEX sinks, because less people see the need to sell it to make isk.

PLEX prices are at historic highs and still going up. 2 billion isk to PLEX an account now. Anyone who wants to PLEX their accounts without having a super or rorqs to generate isk is already screwed. Things have been getting worse and will keep getting worse the longer this goes on.


So you are telling me, that I ruin the economy more with 1 super than a dude with 20-30 rorq alts?

Well. The month I come back after two years away they put a huge nerf on havens. Great way to keep subs guys!

The correct way to do this would be to put in real isk drains, not just nerf the isk income.

Bad game design. But, of course this is the same people who took away infinite ice and made rats target your drones.

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Yes. Mineral mining fundamentally is an ISK sink while ratting in supers is a largest faucet of them all.

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CCP created all this situation and now they cry thers too much money in game? rlyyyyyyy? omg it was done from the start like this to create 1000 alts and start farming…it was never supossed to be a game where u can solo and now this update doesnt rly hit the people who farm isk 24-7 with a ton of alts its hitting players who dont have the time or resources to play this game feeding 20 alts…ffs what a dumb way to solve something…ccp must have ran out of good ideea

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Dicking people over I have experienced more from Goons than from PL wherever I went. 5 times. :slight_smile:

I agree wholeheartedly though that this is a uselessly annoying change. A real change would be to kill titans, supers out of EVE because they serve no meaningful, practical or useful purpose anymore beyond screwing everything up, and CCP is incapable of and unwilling to fix that. And Rorqs need to be limited to 1 within 1000 km around an asteroid, so that more Silver incidents can happen. But yeah, CCP and sensible things.

Although I should probably correct myself right away: Supers and Titans serve one purpose: They enable CCP to fork out more deceptive marketing. It’s something.™

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You telling me this update to anoms is done because plex price has reached 2bil? cuz thers too much money in game? woooow…plex has gone up cuz always in every game i played price will go up as people advance in level skills ships weapons etc…and secondly making plex to buy for shitty cosmetic useless ■■■■ made prices higher than normal and will rise even more…if ccp didnt wanted plex to be 2bil and ratting in supers and titans they shudnt have made cosmetics to be bought with plex and not the need to have 200 toons in this game to enjoy all content and not introducing super powerfull ships in game and hope people will only use them in big wars and spinning in stations or in bubble otherwise…u made it…it will get used…daily…eventually

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not really, but because of this:

You are raging at the wrong things. And welcome to forums.


Well, that’s make sense.

I agree that supply and demand for isk and plex is going to be affected by this change. As a player that depended on ratting for isk, I may have to rethink my game. But if alphas are pushed out and people buy more plex with cash, we will just have to see if and where the new equilibrium forms.

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Well, we both know they’re not going to nuke titans and supers out of the game. And if they did… that would be a sign that every player in the game should be very, very worried.

Titans and supers represent a lot of time and effort put into getting them. Not as much now as it used to take, but that’s basically true of everything. After all, take a look at your phone. All of the natural laws—the ‘game mechanics’ of reality—that let your phone exist and function now worked just the same in the 1780s. Good luck making an iPhone to snap selfies with at the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia, though. As time progresses, our ability to build bigger and better things inevitably snowballs. That’s an inescapable consequence of progress.

The only way to avoid that would be to keep anyone from actually building up any lasting capabilities. You couldn’t allow people to become more efficient miners than they are at the start. You couldn’t let them become more efficient industrialists. Or even more efficient PvPers. After all, any of those things begins a cycle of accretion, and accretion leads back to where we are now, just like it already did once. If Titans and Supers had never existed, you’d have the same objections about carriers and dreads, because your frame of reference would be different, and those ‘normal’ capitals would appear more extreme by comparison. But that’s another issue…

If CCP nuked supercapitals, then what does that say about all of the time and effort people put into getting them? While basing decisions about what you do next on the perceived value of the time and effort you put into getting where you are now is a sunk cost fallacy, the same isn’t true of the developers. Game developers have to demonstrate that they value their players’ time and effort, because they want those players to keep investing that time and effort.

If the devs nuke supercaps, then what won’t they nuke? Why should anyone bother trying to get cool stuff? CCP’ll just nuke it as soon as they decide ‘your stuff is too good’. So why should anyone bother trying? And if they’re not going to try to pull themselves up the ladder… why should they bother playing this game, when there are other games out there that do let you feel like you can actually achieve something?

So, while that would be a ‘real’ change… it’d be about the worst message CCP could send. It’s why devs have to be extremely careful about making something really powerful: it’s always easier to loosen the reins a little more later than it is to suddenly have to tighten up again.

It would also be another example of a half-assed, ‘let’s address the symptom’ change. Caps and supers being out of balance (and they are, as every single member of leadership from FC on up in every single null group knows) isn’t the root cause here. Rorqual mining also isn’t a root cause here.

The root cause is disjointed game design, where one bit gets fiddled with in a ‘well, let’s see what we can tweak without having to do too much work’ manner… while completely ignoring the cascade effects that’ll have on seemingly unrelated things. It would be like treating high blood pressure with just blood thinners, and don’t take into account the effect that’ll have on things like bleeding.

EVE’s biggest problem, right now and for the last 10 years at least, is disjointed, disconnected game design that attempts to craft systems in isolation, stick them together, and have them not create problems. CCP needs to get a solid top-down idea of what the game should look like, figure out exactly what each piece of that needs to be doing in interaction with the other pieces… and then work on ‘what does it take to get each piece to do that?’

I would like to see a numerical estimate of how much botting is affecting the game. Then I would like to be given the tools to put an end to it. We are told to report botting, but I am not even sure what it looks like. I have seen a VNI pilot do odd things, does that make it a bot?

Dear players,
As far as I know, feedback is pointless, they won’t do a damn thing about anything once they did it.
Countless and countless threads, time after time, proves that they don’t care about disappointed players in forums.
NOBODY, literally NOBODY from management/development reads this forums because NOTHING EVER HAPPENS., time after time this is proven and it’s already a fact.
It’s impossible anyway for a new player to plex their account, even veteran ones have trouble doing that.
If you are not a very rich supercarrier ratter or a Roqual miner you have to spend hundreds of hours to get a month worth of plex and even at that level you spend around 15-20 hours+ to be able to do it, without taking in the fact that you need those hundreds of hours of grinding just to get into one of those ships.
I really don’t know what is the path the devs chose to take this game on to, but it seems that things are getting worse and worse, but bear in mind that once you ruin this game for someone, it’s highly unlikely to come back, just like a broken relationship.
As a player, I feel like getting slammed every time, harder and harder.
The fact that you go daily without listening to the community, that is raising red flags everywhere, trying to give you suggestions about IMPROVING this game, and you keep on making stupid decisions will only do you harm.
Eve is a game that is already hard for any gamer and a very niche game, fitted only for those with extreme perseverance and patience, why make it harder? If you think that making to much isk in the late game (super/titan ratting- rorq mining) think about how hard it is to get there in the first place.
Instead of nerfing incomes why don’t you make systems on which people can spend crazy amounts of isk on? Why dont you make a combat arena style pvp in which people can blow up ship on a regular basis without needing to spend countless hours roaming low/null sec for some content?
On the other side, they are fewer people with multiple accounts then there are with single or up to a few. Just do a scan and check those people with 20-30+ accounts on same ip/mail/pc/etc. It’s highly unlikely a normal dude can handle 20-30 VNI’s at a time without help. Also its highly unlikely for someone to stay 24/7 up all the time. I mean…there are so many possibilities and courses of action to take without messing up the game for literally every player.
As far as I see, botting hasn’t done anything to me but your actions have, if you keep on hitting the large playerbase just to get some less botting options then YOU WILL FAIL, botters will always be able to keep up with every game industry, there are tens of games that DIED because of botting, and even tho you try, you will never truly succed. One or two lonely VNI’s botting will never hurt Eve economy, tens of them in the hand of a single player will. The simplest way to get rid of botting is to just get all the bots in the first place and see what they do, and just cross patterns ingame.

Anyway, in conclusion, I want to point out that since I came back to this game things are getting worse and worse, player feedback is useless and not even taken into consideration even tho people are leaving this game because of stupid decisions CCP makes. Maybe statistics show otherwise but there are too many bad decisions taken every time a new patch/event comes out that just defy logic. and enrage community.

I’ve stopped making abyssals because of random RNG, I’ve stopped making events because of stupid calls involving them, I’ve never started ratting even tho I have a super and a titan because its way to boring anyway, I’ve stopped solo roaming in lowsec because of the low number of people/content to be found in a quick time, i’ve stopped mining in barges because is plain dumb waste time and electricity for 15-20 mil/h, I’ve stopped exploring because even tho it’s a great income, it’s still to much work for little pay sometimes. I’ve stopped rorqual mining because ore prices have dropped so low that it’s just to much risk for nothing(10 hours+ of mining for losing a single excavator), not to mention that is probably the most boring of them all…
What is left? Incursions? Factional Warfare? That mining/fighting/huling thingy?

What is left?


Well, hopefully they kick out all the other unbalanced and unnecessary rubbish out of EVE, like these jack of all trades Triglavian ships without any serious disadvantages.

Admittedly I probably also only look at some symptoms with my suggestions. I just want to get rid of my most frustrating annoyances and these I Win buttons.

They have done that already, haven’t they? Or is the massive focus on capitals in recent years not evidence enough that they want everyone in the biggest, most awesome ships there are to experience the biggest, most epic fights there all the time? That’s at least what their advertising hints at.

Plex is a privilege to pay with ISK for a month of Omega and not entitlement as many players seem to think: “Getting plex should be affordable for new players”. Well, duh… its shouldn’t. But if you can afford it with your ISK income without hurting your wallet much then its a whole another story.


Big dread/carrier fights are not that different from cruiser/bc/battleship fights, in big numbers they all blow up in the same timeframe.

No, because that ‘focus’ is only in one part of the game. Can’t really say there’s much focus on caps in high-sec. FW plexes aren’t cap-centric, either. Wormholes aren’t exactly ‘all caps all the time’, for that matter. Sure, they get used, but not to the exclusion of everything else.

And let’s face it, their advertising is mostly subcaps, with some caps and supers mixed into things for visuals that don’t at all reflect how we use ships or assemble fleets.

So no, I don’t think you can really say there’s a solid, all-encompassing idea of what the game should be and how things should fit together… at all.

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Yes, you are right, but if you want to plex that means that someone, somewhere buys it, and there are plenty of people buying plex because grinding is a pain. It’s a fact that the average player that has a normal job makes enough/ 1 hour of work to buy isk (plex) worth tens of hours of grind.
On the other hand, why should I bother getting a supercarrier for literally hundreds of hours of grinding if I can’t rat anymore, because there are no more anomalies, because I like to live in a place with more people and not solo. Not to mention if I spend hundreds of hours to get a ship that is considered late game at least I sould be able to at least plex it, even tho it still takes alot of grind to do that too.
But that should not limit those who want to grind for it and nerfing income by limiting the number of spawns is absurd.
People in this game like to bunch up and stay together, that is the point right? Community, playing together, being close to each other in case you need help, all of that, nerfing spawns is a bad move, instead of nerfing incomes, focus on those who make waaaay to much isk, focus on those with 20- 30+ accounts online 24/7, or make it so we can spend all that isk in other places.