[March] The Monitor Flag Cruiser

Voting polls are useless. The vast majority of the playerbase don’t have the experience to game out how things will develop, and don’t tend to look past their own particular playstyle and ‘what would be cool for me?!’ The feedback threads on the PvE topics demonstrate that.

Feedback threads where people actually have to provide substantive feedback instead of ‘I DON’T LIKE IT’ are much more helpful. They let the devs not only see how many people are just knee-jerking without thinking about it, they also let them see why people don’t like it.

Im sorry i forget the emotion humor don’t translate well to text.
Go ahead and answer the real question Corraidhin asked

What about have decent stats and slots on the ship (keep no cargo, no drones) but with something like a bastion module who boost stats and make all offline excepted propulsion modules ?

Ok…no, next question? The issue here isn’t the need for a module or ship, its the need for a completely different way of flying your fleet to ensure that if the opposing fleet does wish to start picking off fleet leaders that your fleet can fall back on others until ultimately they are all dead or alive and won the engagement. We shouldn’t cater to the whole follow the leader mentality. Take a naval carrier group, carrier is destroyed, does that mean the cruisers, subs, and destroyers in the group scatter like flies, do they freak the hell out at the loss of the fleet commander? No…they have a series of commanders to take over the fleet in those events. THAT kind of mentality should be encouraged within the community, not discouraged through the creation of a useless ship.


It’s also supposed to be a fun game. With that principle above all else. It’s why even though certain features had strategic or tactil value, they still sometimes get cut or needed because they overall don’t improve the game experience. There’s a reason that many purposely focused strategy games try to avoid tedious minutia in their design.

And before you go back on the “definition of fun” tangent, do not I have not described what fun is.

Also, someone telling you your reasoning and arguments are wrong or irrelevant is not trolling.

To be fair, when carriers bearing flag officers were sunk (as recently as only seventy-five years ago!), they not only had a series of commanders to take over, but they also freaked the hell out a fair bit.

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“Happiness is found in labor, not leisure” - Aristotle.

What that means, btw, is that real, lasting pleasure, as opposed to transient dopamine release, comes from doing something difficult, something that takes hard work and focus over time. For a lot of us, that is far more ‘fun’ than something that’s momentarily exciting but otherwise just… lather, rinse, repeat. In the moment, it might be grueling as hell… B-R certainly wasn’t ‘fun’ while it was going on… but the lasting satisfaction of ‘I competed at the highest levels and was not out of my league’ is a lot more of a draw than just… yet another Street Fighter game.

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Well I actually suggested a module rather than a ship which got rave (I should really say kill it with napalm and orbital nukes) reviews. Still it’s probably better to make a “flagship” module rather than an entire ship.

My goodness. Are people unable to read and comprehend?

CCP could you please put in a reading comprehension test before people are allowed to post to the forums? Something I would say that is college level or higher reading skill!

This ship is NOT the go to ship for FCs. It just gives them a choice.


Coming from a more industrial point of view.
Would the ability to use a probe launcher be viable?

With all this tank and basically 0 combat advantaged aside from anchor, could we slap a probe launcher option to enable new FCS the ability to learn to probe down combat ships?

No cargo hold means no place for ammo but what about an ammo hold?
We see this filter already applied to ship arrays in capitals.

Keep in mind this input is from not a pvp guy.


hitting f1 and flying anchored on an fc isnt all that engaging or fun - at least imo. Sure you get to eat your sandwich while watching netflicks- but are you really engaged with eve if your fc is doing all the pvp’ing for you? At least when your fc is headshot - that is incentive for other players to get involved and actually play the game.

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Ok so lets say the ship gets added and ccp is only asking what they can tweak.

I’d say add 1-2 mid slot and offer a bonused ship scaner alternative a longrange targetpainter to boost fleet lock speed/speeding up alpha attacks.

In a single FC roam/fleet engagement it really isn’t much of a choice, fly the ship or your fleet is dissolved the moment someone decides to pick you off the field. In a multi FC fleet where there are back ups then yes this ship is a choice, but in those instances it’s a moot choice seeing as how if you have those back up FCs in place within the fleet for when you die, then your need to stay alive the longest is irrelevant and thus this ship becomes an irrelevant choice for you. It stands to reason you would prefer to have more useful purpose on the field.

Thus the ship really isn’t a choice in the end, it’s being added out of a necessity of a single FC mentality which in of itself is a detriment to the healthy growth of this game. If you want to risk a 150 man fleet on a single FC that gets killed off than chances are that your opposing forces will notice that pattern too and short of a cockroach with 99.9% resist in S, A, and Hull you aren’t going to live long because they will still pick you off in the end. It’s a waste of development time that could have better been served on rebalances and optimization…or wait for it, community involvement in trying to encourage better fleet fighting through FC training resources or interactions.


except this is the first ship in a line of ships i believe. but dont quote me on that. eventually the people who want this will get their way, it will have the ability to use a gun and fit tp… and will be widely used for other things that arent actually fc’ing where the ship will be of little true value anyway.

I’ve been involved in running public fleets and new player fleets for um, lol, not sure, 7 or 8 years, wow… long time! Anyways, I’ve flown with several tens of thousands of pilots over the years and long ago lost track of how many fleets I’ve FC’d. I’ve literally spent years of my life to planning and organizing roams!

Trust me when I say I’ve seen more than my fair share of headshotting shenanigans, although it doesn’t happen as often as it used to to me (I also just don’t log on as much as I used to, either), it still happens.

Due to the open nature of public and new player roams, every now and then some putz or another thinks its funny to get into fleet and coms, and makes sure that each and every pilot who steps up to take over the fight gets headshot.

What makes it particularly loathsome when it happens is the fact WE BROUGHT THEM CONTENT, we flew sometimes 50, 75 or more jumps looking for fights, hunting for targets, and instead of just duking it out and having good time exploding each other, they disrespect the content providers.

Our entire philosophical approach to the fight is simple: If we can kill at least one ship, we’re going to take the fight more often than not, even if we know we’ll lost every ship in the process. Why? Because the fight is the entire reason we logged on, grabbed a ship, and undocked! We’re not out there pursuing strategic objectives, we’re not exploding structures, we could care less about moons. Our entire reason for being is roaming in pursuit of a fight - NOTHING gets our juices flowing like a good old fashioned furball of a brawl :smiley:

But when you headshot the FC and subsequent backup FCs, you not only deny us the good fight, you deny YOUR OWN fleet the good fight. There are some groups/alliances that do this so often, we simply don’t roam to their systems anymore; we don’t bring their line members fun and good fights, because a few putzes think head-shotting the FC is fun.

Then there are other groups that take extreme pleasure in saving the FC (usually me!) for last, and will even have their logi keep me alive so I can sit there tackled ten different ways, stewing, unable to escape as I yell to the remnants of my shattered fleet to get out while they can :smiley: then once they’re sure everyone’s got me locked, blow me up giggling up a storm! (:heart: Brave! :heart:)

Overall, most of the groups we fight regularly just bring the fight, and neither headshot the FC or save the FC for last; they just call the fight as they see best. They use tactics and doctrines and strategies to show not only their guys a good time, but our fleet a good time.

Guess what? We bring fights to these alliances pretty much every single weekend!

While it is true that infiltrating our public roams is pretty rare, when it does happen, everybody loses, regardless of what the killboard says.


So after such a nice little blurb - Are you for or against this new ship?

You state Brave give you GF’s, taking pleasure in killing the FC last - Will this new ship change that in any way?

Will this new ship encourage you to go to places you avoid now due to them head-shotting FC’s?

Your blurb is a nice read but where is the connection to the thread.

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i dont do public roams and to be very honest im not really a fan, what you see as fun here people living in those systems do not; so your point is kind of moot here?
no offense meant just that if you folks want to go on a public roam into someone elses space expect to get headshotted, smartbombed and every other dirty lowdown trick one can pull; just because you have 50 guys in fleet doesnt mean the other party wants you there, it seems a very one sided argument you have here tbvh.

It would be interesting if the resists were dependent on fleet role and pilots under their command, maybe this would force it to be used for the role intended.

Was talking to one of the FCs in my group. They brought up a good point about people wanting a way to show up on a kill mail.
In his opinion, a good FC isn’t going to worry about being on the kill mails - as the battle report is his/her killmail.

Now if people really want something.
Then give it a specialty high slot module. Does no damage, but forces all fleet members to auto target the target of the FC (if they are in range).
Boom Content creature now have a way to get in all kills and BROADCAST to all the F1 monkeys what target they should be shooting by forcing a target lock (if possible) on the target. :expressionless:

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