[March] The Monitor Flag Cruiser

Yes…let’s make a module that makes it easier to multi box a pvp fleet >.>

This really should be at the top of the thread alongside the Manny posts…

give now. want now, need now.

Don’t get me wrong, I always want to be a part of the fleets killing ability, as FC or not. But this sounds like a fun thing. I want NOW


ZOMG I completely didn’t realize I was replying to Chance Ravinne, and I forgot to fangirl all over everything for his excellent videos.

Chance, if you’re reading this, good job on the videos! I love watching them! Feel free to slide into my DMs sometime! I’m not thirsty!

I regret everything :frowning_face:

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So, put the FC into a covert-ops. Now they can scan and not be shot “at all costs”. Plus can observe as much as they like.

A thousand times this!

So, a few days later and I’m thinking: You guys really wanted to re-use the Enforcer hull so it’d see more use, didn’t you? I can respect that. It’s a cool hull.

Might I suggest a line of T1 CONCORD hulls on-par with the Pirate hulls, for that sort of thing?

Please rename the ship to the Merrimack to recognize the Confederates struggle for states rights. K, Thanks.

Sgt Ocker, my blurb was in response to another comment.

I’m for the concept of the ship, with some changes, as I’d previously stated (ability to get on killmails, not that FCs get on many anyways, faster warp speed, lower price - others want probe launcher ability, we always use dedicated prober so that’s not a priority for us).

I am not in Brave, nor leadership of Brave, so I cannot speak for Brave. As someone who fights them often, I would guess and say I doubt it would change how Brave approaches a fight much; they would likely tackle the FC a lot sooner in a fight, and they probably would primary the FC sooner in the fight (since at its current expected cost, it’s a nicer killmail), but I don’t expect that Brave would start headshotting the FC’s immediately. In my experience with Brave, they appreciate people bringing fights and generally don’t intentionally headshot FCs. (It happens, of course, but it’s not all that common.)

This ship might possibly encourage me to log on and take out roams more often :smiley:

Or… you could fly a tanked command ship… And have the ehp of this ship anyway. Plus links plus weapons…
This ship does not make it any less likely for an fc to get head shotted in any significant fight. And unless you are having a large fleet fight in a novice plex the fc can fly.something heavier than a frig.

Lugburz, that’s quite all right, you don’t have to be a fan of public roams. They are enjoyed by many thousands of players, and one or two not liking them won’t impact the existence of the NPSI community one iota; it’s got a long history of actually keeping players engaged and involved in Eve, after all.

Eve’s a PVP game, if you are undocked, you are inviting PVPers and consenting to PVP. If you don’t want people flying into “your space”, don’t own space. (Acknowledging that it appears you do not own space, looks like you live in NPC null. Hrm, been a long time since we’ve brought any roams up into Syndicate… might have to bring you some content!)

I find smarbombing a giggle, for the record :smiley: Headshotting has its place, too, but it’s become a “preferred strategy” to the point that it’s negatively impacting the game; hence, CCP coming up with this ship. Maybe if people didn’t abuse headshotting as a strategy, there wouldn’t be a perceived need for this ship.

The really nifty thing about this ship is you don’t have to use it if you don’t want to! If/when someone else shows up on your proverbial doorstep flying it, you know their fleet has one less pilot’s worth of DPS, which is to your advantage. Then you just go kill them and gain a nice killmail from it! I don’t see why you would find that a negative; it’ll probably be worth more than a number of other common FC ships.

Out of curiosity, do you happen to have any constructive suggestions to improve (or worsen) this ship?




Perhaps i dont see it as an issue because i dont generally watch streams, im not often clued up to who the fc’s are either but id headshot someone who appears to be anchor or in a lachesis which are incredibly valid targets. I literally dont see headshotting that often, never have; unless its the same folks coming to the same space constantly and/or their running a live feed; though to be very honest the last corp (that wasnt my own) i was with not only worked on taking fights they shouldnt be able to win they also didnt like fights ending prematurely so i guess its something only a few people really do constantly?

Suggestions for tp would make it worse, as do suggestions about adding a whore gun; in many fleets there are several different roles (logi, scout, dps, fc anchor, fc target caller, etc) pick one, if logi are happy or expected to fly without killmails fc’s flying this ship should be too. TP would be incredibly bad option for obvious reasons, creating a new module may be an option.

The align times and warp speeds (aswell as speed) also make it fairly linear; to make it better id suggest being able to use nanofibres, istabs and overdrives - or having some sort of modular effect to adjust this as seen on t3’s. Im not sure they should have mjd capability but its hard to say whether this is to be used for cruiser fleets, bc’s or bigger; having looked briefly on sisi id say bc and bigger wher having no guns doesnt make a difference.
It does have a massive tank but not big enough to withstand fleet size alpha, its main defence is the tiny sig radius which will need adjusting severely i think - this ship will be a major problem in facwar areas.

Looks like it will be worth over 350 mil btw and the skills required to use it pretty much rule it out as a lowskilled or new to fc’ing vehicle. literally the only place for me atm this looks like it is good for is large fleet engagements and not in the hands of newer fc’s where you simply wont want them placed in such positions. Many alliances will likely adapt this as an anchor and target calling ship, the major fc will probably be in something else

That being said, and knowing eve players fairly well there will be areas it will be misused for.

Well, that’d just be insulting. Merrimack was the Union frigate that got burned to the waterline and salvaged, then Virginia was built on her keel. (Note: Ft. Monroe, in Virginia, used the name Merrimack for the ship the last time I was there, but that was 30 years ago, and let’s face it, the Union won, so their historical displays might have a reason for not giving the ship her right name as CSS Virginia.)

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As I’ve told my guys many a time:

We are the reason the fleet can keep fighting. ALL killmails belong to us.

Besides that, generally, logi pilots are logi pilots because we care more about being useful and making a difference than we do about personal aggrandizement and killboard dicksizing.

Still, we’d love some sort of ‘SaveMarks’ on Logi hulls… Ships that took damage but were still intact 15-20m after you repped them, for example.


I kind of agree especially as many logi 5 dudes end up not being able to do much else in fleets because many others refuse to fly them.

That’s why we built a Special Interest Group just around Logi and training people in best practices for both flying and anchoring Logi. Over 1100 members, too. :wink:

-1 to this ship being in the game.

I do love the fact it can’t get on killmails - anyone flying this thing does not deserve killmarks.

FFS learn to FC. What this seems to be about is people not wanting to undock without SRP limiting who they want to fleet up with. Bunch of goddamn nullbears.

LOL love it

You wrongfully assume that other people want a “good fight.” Eve is a sandbox. Those other people that you are fighting may simply want to win as fast as possible so that they can go back to doing whatever it was they were doing before you got there.


Terrible idea. Headshotting is a legitimate tactic and creating some magical ship like this introduces fairy dust into a reasonably true to life combat system. If you don’t want to lose your FC you plan ahead and execute the correct tactics to minimize that occurrence and/or establish a fallback plan whereby somebody is ready to step up and continue the fight.