Please don’t change the bookmark system. This new system you have is terrible for selling locations. If you absolutely must change it, come up with something that makes it easier to sell locations than the current system. Give us a minute, we’ll even come up with a whole new system for you! Just don’t try to fix what ain’t broke, please.
Hi! I’m not sure if this is the right place to ask, but here’s my question. I logged on to singularity, and created a character. but none of my skills are able to copy over from Tranquility. Am I right to assume, that I have to wait until the next mirror, to be able to copy my skills over? Thanks a bunch!
Yes, that is correct. You could probably do some trick with buying skill injectors on Singularity or something . . . but mostly you just wait for the mirror.
Cool! Thanks a bunch for the info!
@CCP_Habakuk sisi is closed.can you tell me pls when you will open it pls
they ran into some problems and its vip mode for 5 days by now?
Today is 4th day since test and still no sp issued. Not complaining, just curious when they will be issued. Concerned maybe having to relog due to stuck in warp tunnel may be a issue?
sorry for this being completely unrelated but how do u tag like they did in topic mass-test and singularity
i dont need to know issue, just time)
no vip[s on sisi now
sisi vip again
6 days
7 day will be soon,ccp come on… if its vip,it means rip.
I highly doubt that Sisi is dead. More likely they’re just having some issues debugging, and it will be back up soon enough. I’m just excited because I’m pretty sure this means a new mirror.
Soon ™
7 days and still no promised 2 mil sp
why you ask if you cant even login…vip mode for almost 10days now
I ask because we did the test. Should have nothing to do with vip mode working or not…should it?
how can we get the sp if we cant login…
Because I thought the sp were to be assigned over to your tranq. character. If the sp are only going to be accessible ti the singularity side then no point in helping with tests as points will be useless, at least to me.