Massive decrease of my personal fun and playtime

It appears the forums are the best entertainment now. Especially with a :cookie:.


That’s right!



Agree with this post.

It went from we need players to be active in the game to punishing the most active. The new ESS system doesn’t push people to be more active, but, CCP want more active game play and at the same time bring in another change to drone aggro.

Whoever is making these decisions either:
a. has never played the game
b. has sales targets to hit and slowly turning the game into a P2W model.
c. is smoking crack.


one day princess @Aiko_Danuja told me a very wise thing
those who spend billions and billions on their ships don’t get eve
they will eventually lose and be unhappy
she was on the point …
i have a friend who lost 10 billion in a abyss fit + implants
he made much more than 20 billion using the ship so he was 10 billion on profit
but he lost half of all the money he had done in the game at once
i was a huge blow for him
he rarely play the game nowadays
i lost 39 bilion in ships
but each ship doesn’t represent 1% of all the money i made in the game
its sad but its part of life
i keep playing the game happy
those who spend a lot to be secure and to make easy isk are not secure and make their lives hard
those who don’t care about security , and make “risky” isk , are happy and make easy isk


I just want a cloak for my ship (omega time) blingy and big ship doesn’t fit my playing style, The only ship I use is covert frigate for explo. and just a cruiser for the abyss, I’m already content with that. any excess, I will used that to do something that can influence highsec.

Removed some inappropriate posts.

We should all fly corvettes, in the worst case destroyers. That would be awesome. :joy:

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Here’s hoping that the comment during one of the ccp live streams on twitch “folks who leave will come back when they see what we will implement later” is true and not long in the makling. Knowing ccp it might be a year before that gets released, whatever “that” is.
I miss the trig invasion, that was my personal ratting nerf. The conduits and the dynamic events with public fleets were fun while it lasted.

Take a break, I was planning on coming back in May 2021, though I am starting to feel that I can just let Eve go at the moment. One thing I detest in any game is gameplay that forces you to be an easy kill turkey to other players, and I guess from your post that you feel like me.

Actually that is a great idea, just stop and do all the gameplay you can find in cheap throw away ships with trash T1 modules, so if you do any missions do level 1’s in a destroyer, do mining in a venture. Use characters set up for that only and no implants. It would be hilariously funny, and in fact it is actually not bad fun doing that. Think about perhaps doing level 2’s in something trash too, see how far you can push those naff cheap ships and their naff cheap fits.

At one point we had PL camping my alliance so we all switched to cheap ships, I got dropped on in a Vexor and laughed at the loss telling them that I had another nine fitted and ready to go. It took the wind out of their sails completely, especially as we were easily keeping ADM’s up with cheap ships. +1 to CCP on the design choice of making the ADM’s based on ship numbers rather than value, they do get somethings right at times :stuck_out_tongue:


By “fun” you mean farming ISK without effort?


And low-sec, null, WH and anywhere else you make isk.

I quit 3 months ago. Used my remaining isk stash to continue training. I come check the forums ever now and then and saw PI went to ■■■■ as well. Glad I quit, best decision ever. There are so many games out there.

Go on, get out of here! Don’t come back!


No :wink:

except that i lost a marauder , a freighter , a barge , many battleships , uncountable cruisers …
we are talking about near 40 BILION
its a lot of isk
but i never lost a 10 billion ship
and I’m talking about bling ships …no supers
i had a marauder some time ago


i will not get depressed about it

btw my favorite ships nowadays are

the coercer 20 million fitted
the omen 50 million fitted
the sucubus 65 million fitted
the omen navy 100 million fitted
and the phantasm 200 million fitted

all i can recoup in a good day
so i can lose as many as i like


WoooOOO! Devoid!!

De-Void De-Void De-Void

Gooooo Devoid!

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YES! :smiley:

btw this game is full of smaug type guys
hoarding isk

them one day they spend half of their gigantic pile of gold in a useless blinged ship
and lose it
and cry
and quit

meanwhile bilbo have 2 lunches



I don’t even actively play anymore. All I do is log in to claim my daily/event rewards, and then log out. In fact, CCP is making it very clear to me that they don’t want me to play anymore with the e-mails they send; e-mails that advertise new reward campaigns and store sales. There’s almost always some kind of special discount for character services, whether MCT, or extractors, or SP packages. I’ll occasionally make a new account/character using one of those special offers, and then I have even more opportunities to claim the daily/event rewards. I’m up to almost two dozen active accounts right now, and the last time I was actually in the game, undocked and doing something interactive like PvE or PvP, was months ago. Today, EVE makes it super-easy to do all of my playing without ever leaving the character creator/selection screen!

I think that maybe CCP’s server costs are growing too large, so they’re trying to lower the online player count in order to save on bandwidth and processing power. After all, it wouldn’t reflect well on them if there were so many people actively playing their MMO, that their servers would strain to support them all at the same, resulting in lag and slowdowns that would make them scramble to add additional resources. People would probably make fun of them for not keeping up in their ability to support such a large player base, causing a lot of negative publicity in the gaming media. I don’t want to add fuel to the fire, so I’ll continue to help CCP and EVE by only logging in to claim my rewards, and buying things from the cash shop. I want EVE to be successful and last a long time, and don’t want to create problems by selfishly trying to entertain myself with in-game content, when everything I could possibly need is presented to me at the login screen. I can play (and therefore waste the resources of) other games that I don’t care as much about as I care about this one.


:slight_smile: nicely written. It really does feel that CCP don’t want us to be active. Countless mechanics and nerfs that had a narrative of “improving activitiy”, “creating more gameplay” in the end all they’ve done is contribute to the initial problem, apparently activity?

  • There’s jump fatigue that punishes you for trying to be involved and finding a fight. I get the reason behind but it is a double edged sword.
  • There’s the constant thinking that balance brings a more fairer game when in reality fairness creates stagnation itself.
    At one point the surveillance system sounded like a really good step but in CCP’s true style it wasn’t even finished causing Dominion not to live up to expectation.
  • Now there’s this ESS, brilliant idea - I love the thought of small flash points in space that cause conflict and forces those farming a system to defend it rather than dock up and wait for them intruders to pass by. Reminds me of the days of when a HDF was something everyone joined but players got more intelligent and realised a 30 man squad wasn’t going to cause much damage to my habitat. The BRM is just mindless and once again hurts the game play, one that we keep being told is full of lazy asses and AFK players.

I think the devs need to take a hard look at themselves and look at the different play styles with a magnifying glass. They need to understand their game and their customers.

The days of 65,000 players signed into the system will never be achieved again if they continue to destroy the very fabric of the sandbox,