To place this order you would need the total sum of 1,934,047.50 ISK (of which 1,934,047.50 ISK in fees), while your current balance is only 2,465,368.56 ISK.
The GUI showing order costs have the prices correctly in white, however I can’t place the order.
If you will notice it is using 2 different values. It is not just a cache error of old values, it would be caching and reading values wrong still.
Was a long time since I had cleared my cache, and I still hadn’t when it was fixed (by client restart most likely, could also be time). So clearing cache was unrelated to the fix.
No, if you local cache says the value is X, it will allow your client to send a request for X, but the server will tell you it’s not possible because it’s actually Y.
That being said, the local game data cache has nothing to do with the wallet cache. It should be forced the moment you open the regional market though.
It depends on the cache.
The server also has caches.
It may have a check using the cached value, but then the DB operation fails with error “missing money” and returns you the (cached) values (which are wrong)
you → your local cache → server handler → server cache → DB handler → DB cache → DB query → error
(FYI your CPU has two cache layers, but then also your RAM is a cache and the local data of your wallet may be on a disk cache distinct from the game data cache )