Medical Forum Discussions

I have come across a lot of websites that ask you for your sex that was assigned at birth.

What determines your sex comes before your birth and with the medically proven fact that a fetus does not function on its own after it takes its first breath, where does the notion of being assigned your sex at birth come from?

I must say that’s a strange thread discussion. What sort of websites are asking such?

I can only think of dating sites would do such like the one I visited called GrndR

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I will just point out the way in which certain sectors of society are way more concerned about the wellbeing of a 1 in 10,000 minority over the glaring issue that for the last 40 years productivity, investor profit and the wages of those making decisisons about salaries and layoffs have increased threefold whereas the salary of people actually doing the work has stagnated and is slowly losing the abbility to pay for essentials like housing. But sure it’s an accident that identity issues (race identity, gender identity, sexual identity…) have completely overtaken the discussion spaces which used to belong to the proletariat. Joe Blue Collar is poorer and poorer and slipping into paid slavery with unliveable wages? Nevermind, he/she/it/them John/Joan has a really serious issue with his/her/its/their access to public restrooms… :thinking:

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I went to Ancestry . com to fill out info for a DNA kit. Under the sex part, it read, what sex were you assigned at birth?

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Wouldn’t it be cool if we’re related?

Sex is (should be?) assigned when our chromosomes develop, the female is XX and the male is XY .

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Your list is incomplete. Your forgot to declare the cases of Monosomy X, 47XXY, 47XYY, cases where a fetus’s external sex organs do not match their genetic sex, cases where a fetus‘s internal sex organs do not match their genetic sex, and cases where a fetus’s external sex organs do not match their internal sex organs, just to name a few.

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I didn’t know those were a thing.

I definitely get what you’re saying, the objective for the development of a fetus will allways be XX or XY which is what nature will strive toward. You are giving examples of DSD (Differences in sex development).

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That’s a trick question not meant to be answered.
Sex isn’t “assigned”, it is determined by the nurse/midwife and predetermined by God Himself.

Not necessarily, Eden Atwood is very visibly female and has been seen birth, her chromosomes on the other hand are XY, which technically makes her male; she suffers from AIS.

Yes, so Eden Atwood’s sex was still assigned when chromosomes develop, it’s just that there were problems with the process. Your point doesn’t change that sex is determined/assigned when chromosomes are developed.

I’m not qualified to argue the point, neither are you.

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I’m not arguing a point, I am stating accepted facts, A fetus’s sex was already determined at the point of fertilisation. with the goal being xy or xx, the egg carries the x and the sperm is either x or y.

let me know if theres something I’m missing here, if the OP’s question is when is sex determined then this is the factual answer, I have no clue what point you’re trying to make here or I have misunderstood you, in that case please feel free to explain further so I can understand your point (although I may not agree).

Perhaps this is a record of what is seen with the naked eye?

Accepted facts include gender/sex not being a binary spectrum.

I wasn’t disputing that gender determination is determined by chromosomes and happens at conception, I was pointing out that it’s possible for a person of either gender to naturally have the physical attributes of the other despite their chromosomes. The person I used as an example of this is very definitely female, despite being chromosomally male.

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That’s true only for humans and some mammals. Chicken are a well known case of many brid species whose males have a pair of same sexual chromosomes (ZZ) whereas females have a pair of different chromosomes (WZ).

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There isnt.

Those are called physiological traits or how someone looks, which is based off of the connections made between DNA proteins that generate random physiological traits.

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Basically the notion of having your sex assigned at birth seems to be a control factor. A mother wanted a daughter but got a son and then tries to assign the sex of the infant as she sees fit, hoping that the sex of the infant will change, but never will.

I can only explain this as a type of post natal depression, I honestly don’t mean to offend anyone but if a fetus is born as a boy then that is final, the infant is a boy. If there was no problem with chromosome formation like the example Jonah put forward then it is set in stone and there isn’t anything anyone can do to change that.

Do you think this affects if they are attracted to men or women as well?