One thing that is extremely important to me is giant freakin’ robots. Extremely important to me.
If I get elected to the csm, you can be sure that I will advocate for more utilization of the giant robots that exist already in New Eden. I feel like this has been a huge slap in the face for inclusion of mecha fans. Every time we’re forced to deliver an MTAC in an incursion, I think, “why can’t that be me?”
In short, if you too like giant robots fighting stuff, please vote for me.
I might come off like the like politically correct police or something to some. Here’s a little context.
I’m from a county in Florida that is 80% white. I told racist jokes, said gamer words, and largely did not care about the rights or opinions of people that didn’t look or think like me.
Average entitled cis white male.
Growing up and getting out into the world has given me chances to see that everyone has something to offer to the conversation. I’ve seen measurable value in inclusion and diversity, and I’ve seen stagnancy and toxicity in closed spaces. I feel like New Eden would be a better place if the diversity of the player base echoed the diversity that’s always been baked into the game world.
I’m not here to police your language outside of the game, I’m not here to cancel you.
Just stop scaring off all of our future friends while blaming it on CCP, okay?
If you’d like to catch me on eve related social media, come over to
super positive community, lots of great content already, bounties are really fun.
Go ahead and apply, it’s still fairly early in testing :3
that’s justabout eve-online
I must have missed you @Melicien_Tetro, CCP make it really difficult to find who’s running on the forums. I began this process before the ‘List’ was published. so the only way that I could find people was to try to open up every thread in my browser, but they change depending on who has had the most recent activity. Please accept my sincere apology.