[META] CODE as a controversial topic

Oh man! You don’t even know the half of it! He was also constantly “blah blah blah blah blahing” in every thread complaining something about how people don’t “get it”. I guess he had some point but nobody ever elucidated what it was because it was buried within pages and pages of inane rambling and whining.

Oh! and what’s more, he was one of those “I support ganking and highsec shenannigans, but you guys are DOING IT ALL WRONG!!1 YOU GOTTA DO IT MY WAY, LIKE MEEEEEEEE” kind of people. Disgusting.

I’m really glad you’re not him…


The document is just a bunch of words. It was a reformatted section from one of the many pieces of writing by James 315 on his movement, I mean, his primary manifestos alone (Manifesto I, Manifesto II) are like tens of thousands of words, so it isn’t surprising some might consider the Code a little wordy. Regardless, I agree with you it is the spirit of the thing that is polarizing, not necessarily the content. It draws a clear line making most lazy highsec play verboten, and gives absolute authority to his agents to punish such morally bankrupt (according to the Code that is) behaviour. You either are with the Code, or you are against it. The line is drawn and the game is on.

The text doesn’t matter. What matter is the Code is a test to see who is self-aware enough to understand this is just a silly video game and who isn’t. Those that get it play along and buy a permit, or declare themselves rebels and have a laugh at the whole situation, while those that don’t take it personally and actually get offended that someone tried to tell them what to do in a video game. The ones that completely flunk the test are the ones that resort to threats and vile insults.

Don’t get me wrong, there is an element of true belief in the noble goals of the Code to make the game a better one, but really the Code is primarily a litmus test for the character of the player confronted by it. It forces them to do something - pick a side - and how they choose to respond gives much insight into whether they get what Eve is about, or are just another unimaginative grinder seeking self-validation through the accumulation of virtual and imaginary assets.


“wanker” seems wholly appropriate for someone with a liking for a highfalutin honorific.

In a good way right?

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My freighters are tanked and I don’t fly ventures, CODE has always been a joke at someone else’s expense for me. I see the CODE ideology the same way as flat or hollow earth theories, it makes people angry so it’s fun to promote their propaganda.


Context is everything, calling someone a wanker on the forums isn’t particularly offensive, it is a word best used in person where word combinations, intonation and delivery are what makes it offensive; besides as has been pointed out it is often used in friendly banter.

If you want to use something stronger to describe your dislike of CODE. I’m sure Teckos and I can provide some examples that don’t require the subtleties that wanker does. If you really want to go to town ask someone from Ireland, their command of English crudities, insults and epithets in everyday conversation is unmatched anywhere in the world.


I was initially going to reply with a one line quip about the relevance of mentioning “pvp alliance” and “spaceship pvp” in a thread supposedly about CODE. , but this is likely to draw a sigh from various readers and oblige them to don their well-worn forum warrior hat and then construct 18 paragraphs in reply educating me as to how Eve is all about PvP, defining what PvP is, the dangers to the game of more nerfs to villainous gameplay in Highsec, an ode to a vision of a “dark universe” including a large slab of text quoting CCP Falcon, followed by the usual HTFU and pointing me to the latest browser based kiddie game.

Which I will then have to read.

So I’ll save everyone (including myself) the trouble.


I was hoping my previous reply would have narrowed the spectrum of possibilities sufficiently and I’m not intending to enter into textual analysis, although I am somewhat disturbed by the thought of there being any equivalence between “arsehole” and “wanker” and while one could generally and safely call a friend a “wanker” to his face , to label a friend as such in a clandestine manner would give rise to suspicion that one is an “arsehole”.

2 posts from me in a row is surely an unwelcome record, so I’m going to vacate the field now to exchange bon mots and brickbats on bigfooty, and will leave it for someone else to do the heavy lifting while you all wait expectantly for the pitchfork carrying carebears to turn up.

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But you’re already here tho… :thinking:

You seem to have a large distaste for Pvp, you know Eve isn’t a mining simulator right? You might want to fix that toxic attitude you have and buy a mining permit like the other bears flying in our sov space.


I respond just as I would to a 3am infomercial… “Ha, what a ****. Shady AF ****. How sad.” and then block them. Just like Jita… spend a few minutes scrolling up local and blocking obvious scams and before you know it you’d think there were only 20 people in Jita.


sad that you block people that are more interesting than 95% of the EVE population lol

but hey, your loss :wink:

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CODE? Whatever…

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I see CODE as a continued efforts that were started with Hulkageddon.

Yes it kinda maked some interesting content. The alert in the eve news that the big blue ring alliances were paying for it. The announcements every week about the number of barges were taken out.

But later it was found out that they were doing it in an effort to raise the falling ore prices to fund raise for failing groups and help make the big wigs at the top super rich, while the drones sit looking for little miners to kill.

Same with CODE. The money people at the top just getting rich(look at all the heads of CODE that has been banned for bottling and other offenses) letting their pet boots make them rich.

Ganking and extortion are one thing. But the bully attitudes are something else, the toxicity is horrible. I don’t mind getting killed for doing something stupid but don’t bully me for it


I make other people rich by ganking miners? Well if it wasn’t so much fun to gank them I would be really angry right now. :roll_eyes:


I made a character in another game called james 315, only took 10 minutes for the abuse to start :slight_smile:


I’m amazed and pleasantly surprised, that post my forced absence this thread is still open, despite the many replies.

Also, i’d like to point out that Yiole drew the conclusion based on ONE picture i’ve posted. A picture of The Rock, saying his classic “Know your role and shut your mouth”, in response to some rando talking about roleplaying. I guess, based on this SERIOUS WEALTH OF EVIDENCE provided by someone who writes bad soft-erotic novels for attention (and now i’m really making fun of you, Yiole/Indah) …

/me stands up.

I am …
… the real slim …
… Spartacus Project!

(it’s a joke, you paranoid ducks)

I was nearing the end of my tether mining when CODE. arrived on the scene.
The rocks had already started whispering to me, and the concept of killing my fellow man to spare them the living hell I was enduring had already crept into the corners of my mind.

They didn’t really frequent the dark alley I generally hung out in to smoke my plagioclase, so it came as a surprise to me when one of their agents strolled merrily into my little corner of hell.

‘Do you have a mining permit? I can sell you one for 10 million ISK’

blank stare Mining permit? What’s that? Is it tasty?
While it may have been a bit rude, I ignored the agent while I did some reading on this CODE thingy.
Miner senses aflame I was instantly infuriated.
Strong arm protection racket!
Wait… 10 mil? Why so cheap? I go through that much in ammo on a busy day.
Something seemed fishy.

I hit D-scan.

I read it again.

I hit D-scan.

And I read it again.

Being a weird miner, I always mined aligned to a bookmark. It just struck me as sensible. Just keep about 75% max velocity and scoop up the rocks as you coast by.
Local spikes by three.
I hit D-scan.

I hit another button and warped to station. Just as the cat lands all he gets to see are the tail lights of my mackinaw receding into the darkness.

So, I spent some time thinking about what I’d read.
The CODE as a document is a wonderfully engineered piece of work, designed to immediately polarize it’s readers. It’s very hard to remain indifferent about it.

Then I also realized just how much I hated mining.
I already had a full time job that I didn’t like much in RL… and now I was paying to work part time as ‘leisure’.

As an odd coincidence I got an invite to Lords of Midnight a few days after that, which gave me an opportunity to learn from some pretty cool folks about all sorts of violence and fuckery done to the fellow man. I hung up my industry skillset almost completely from there out.

Since then I’ve flown with and against members of CODE. and found that like any other organization there are some really cool folks and a few asshats mixed in. They love what they do and like the CODE itself, it’s hard to remain indifferent to their activities if you are made aware of them.

I don’t do the suicide gank thing, tried once back in 09 and was less than enchanted.
Being that most of what I do anymore revolves around reminding folks that they are not truly alone out there I can’t really dislike them. They are at the very least keeping things interesting.

And no, I never did buy that guy’s permit.
Are they tasty?
asking for a friend.


They’re kinda salty tbh, it’s a leftover from when they soak them in a naturally occuring saline solution during the manufacturing process.


Where you think all these barges came from? :rofl:
Where all these catalysts and blasters you use came from?


from gankers who do industry on the side