Mike Azariah for CSM 15

Yup, I am the one without any broad support base other than ‘normal players of the game’ who, as we have already discussed, do not really care about this political side. That is why I have to work a bit harder, engage a bit more to even stand a shot at getting elected.

But I do try anyways. Have for years. Sometimes I got onto the council but more time than not I did not. But BY engaging BY taking part and speaking up YOU can raise issues. Make people think about more than just themselves and their tiny portion of the game.

Eve is huge. A few claim to that they ‘know it all’ I consider them liars or self-deluded. Others lay claim to large organisations who have the knowledge base to back them but then you start treading into NDA waters. The CSM is a very odd thing in gaming. A chance to talk to the Devs and ask questions, make suggestions. We are not their bosses but with the cover of the NDA (Non disclosure agreement) they can pull back the curtains a bit and ask for feedback.

So when you are electing the council (If you vote) you are choosing who gives that feedback. If you decide that it is a waste of time then you are letting SOMEONE else make that decision as to who is elected and their feedback might not match yours. Your ignoring the CSM will not make it go away, it will just mean that others gain a measure of power and YOU let it happen. Passively.

There will likely be about 50+ candidates if past history bears out. A few will forget to tick all the boxes or not be old enough to travel alone and dropped from the roster. Hopefully one or two of we candidates will be someone that you can feel good about voting for. It would be great if I made that list but if I don’t? I accept that and will still answer your questions to the best of my ability.



Wardecs reddit thread, hosted by Suitonia - check out & consider the comments.


Those look like great ideas and the comments seem to support that. I agree with @Elise_Randolph s comment

You shouldn’t be able to put a ship inside an SMA while it’s tackled.
The fact that this isn’t an exploit is actually mind boggling

Tackle should means something, no?



One of, if not the only, candidate who actually will represent anything PvE related , especially non null bloc. If you are new to the game or aren’t into large scale pvp, please vote for Mike.


I’m voting for Mike, but how cool would it be to have two “Mike’s” on the CSM? You should run pal.


Thanks. I appreciate that, maybe next year.

Mike is an awesome human being who does a ton for the community. More than I’ve ever done. Mike will get my vote for as long as he wants it and for as long as CCP term limits allow.


I can’t vote for someone who uses an apostrophe to pluralize an initialism. CSMs is the plural of CSM. Or maybe CsSM, but that would be a bit pedantic for some.

The problem with being righteous about language is that sometimes you end up just being wrong.


As i have told students in the past. I use language to suit my purposes and sometimes my porpoises if I feel sea mammalish. I torture words and make puns just to hear the vowels scream.
AAAAAAiiiiiiiieeeeoeoooouuuu and sometime why.

If the apostrophe cost me a vote then so be it.



I am, once again, in full support.

It is good to hear you are looking to do this, and continue to support new players.


Mike, at the very least, is not one of the Usual Suspects but a true neutral with the best interests for everyone on his agenda.

Go Mike !!


Easy choice for my #1 spot! Glad to see Mike running again, he has a proven track record of being fair and impartial, gathering information on subjects as needed to represent the players from all areas of game play.


Mike Azariah is so kind and generous. He helps us new players understand this complex game and gift use stuff to get started. I wish more players are like him. Thank you so much for everything Mike ^^


a good enough cause to stay omega for a while. Plus One from me.


How does anyone who wants to represent “carebears” think CODE is good for the game? Up until the DDoS, these low life griefers have chased the most people out of the game.

Calm down, miner.


I admire your efforts to support young pilots, since they are our future. I’ve met a pilot that was inspired by your actions (Rene) and now flies his bowhead to the rookie systems once a week.
You are not only helping, but inspiring other people to do the same. That’s really admirable!

Much luck with your campaign, I hope you’ll be one of the top candidates o7


As a builder and new CEO, I talk to new players all the time, If you get on the CSM, all I ask is that you help the developers to guide new players to the career agents. I like the magic school bus, I will support you.


I said they have a place in the game, just like everyone else. CODE are, to me, the early 'panto villains; of eve. Easily evaded and or ignored. Capes and twirly moustaches and their extortion racket. But look back at soem of their history . . . did you know their saviour James 315 ran for CSM one year? Dropped out of the race early. Did you know that they tried in the AT tournament? Oh wait, dropped out of that, too.

They have their RP and play the game and the PvP they bring is PART of Eve. So they cosplay the badguys.

and they can

IF it is shown that they are hounding players completely out of the game? Well then I am sure that the GMs may want to have a word with them. And that is how it should be.
