i agree, she has to bring evidence for her accusations.
My sincerest apologies. There is a thread to that effect, but it is not by Aiko.
thank you for your honesty @Xeux
very good, Overmind the Diplomat solved another internal conflict.
And here I thought the Xeux v. Aiko was going to end up being an even more fascinating to watch. I even had my michael-jackson-thriller-popcorn.gif URL ready to paste and everything…
But yes, that was a good read
The miners adore their princess, but I can only direct them to their king.
I made a terrible error in casting any doubt as to Aiko’s character. However, I am still not a fan of this 73 part thing on Minerbumping.
yeah, its pretty boring.
It’s about you Overmind.
Can you believe it’s been ten years since Hulkageddon, and miners are still AFK?
Look everyone! It’s Helicity Boson!
We’re not talking about a hive-mind, here. While there are certainly people who just refuse to learn, there’s always going to be plenty of people who just haven’t learned yet. That will be corrected either by hearing about CODE. and adopting proper safety measures, or by learning the hard way via a gank.
Thanks for explaining to me how to teach miners this valuable lesson.
Ahh Hulkageddon, the summer of gank.
I made a lot of isk, had some laughs and provided warpins on my fellow miners.
eye miss you, Helluva Bottom. even moana seys you are wun of the best pie lots thar has bean a tho i wuz only a wee eggh when yoo wuz flaying in spase moar orften i still remember beeing tole bedstime storage of yopre explotes and yore addventcers. will yoo sigh my autograff buke pls?
Oh god, somebody has let Billy out of the cellar.
Lock up your sheep, your booze and your women; in that order.
eggSCUSE mee butt eye am ellergical to WOOL and BOOPZ eyell
half you know. Sorree thart was rood of mi. Moana arsked me to hang out hear becos she sayed shee had to goe and “start the revolusion” witch eye think ment she hadd to pute the washin in the dryer
I use the word booze loosely, Ramona tells me that it’s actually Ethylene Glycol.
Who the hell told you to come out of the cellar!?
Beating noises
I am ashamed to admit that it took me a literal minute to realize you were being sarcastic.