Mining Channel moderated from now on

What a perfect way to bring back mining missions.

A huge frozen turd :poop: floating aimlessly through space.


Why? He singlehandedly saved EVE in the later half of it’s life.


Where will miners conduct their Azov Battalion roleplay now?

it was about time they did something about that. it was a cesspool of toxicity and hatred. they should have done so earlier.

Mining chat is not a help channel. Hasn’t been for 19 years, though we do help if asked actual questions. Toxic? Trolling? Roleplay?
Other than trolling, you clearly have no idea what the mining chat community is about. 9/10th are friends razzing each other, like a normal gamer does. 1/10th are serial reporters that create situations they can whine to ccp about to get people banned.
That 1/10th is why mining chat is being moderated, and regulars for decades are now permanently muted. That 1/10th are the same type of person that “swats” streamers on twitch. They are the actual toxicity, and as usual, ccp can’t pull their heads out long enough to see what is going on.

This poses an interesting question. Given the nature of the internet and anonymous posting/voting, any simple system will be abused. That said, ‘no system’ is also abused - there are multiple threads on this forum that I’ve simply given up on and never returned to because the quantity of puerile backbiting in it gets to the point where you scroll past 4 pages of trash to find one useful post.

I wonder if there could be a system of upvote/downvote where nothing is hidden or blocked, but the quality of a post (and the poster) could be evaluated by ratio of up/down votes. Then you could set your own personal tomatometer to, like, “60% fresh or better” and only see the qualifying posts.

Anyways, neither here nor there I guess but would be something interesting to try and work out.

Well the forums does have a summarize feature, but I personally don’t like to use it. It looks like it gives preference to posts based on likes, but will also try to mix things up so that the most liked posts aren’t the only ones that ever get seen. But, I’d rather not let an algorithm decide what I see, especially when it means that unpopular opinions tend to get hidden, whether they have any merit or not. Of course, not using the feature means that some threads can collect comments faster than I can read them (usually controversial dev threads).

And the lack of a reddit-like system for the forums may mean that unpopular opinions can’t be buried, but it also rewards quick posting, rather than thinking before you speak. After all, earlier posts tend to get seen by more people than later posts. Of course, slow mo can help with that, but it tends to piss people off, and I’m not sure if it’s the best solution.

Anyway, I have no answers or proposals on how to make things better. Just my thoughts.

Have they banned Elyham, Fl0pski, and Tenla?!

flopski, dunno who elyham is, and nobody puts tenla in the corner. Nobody.

Ahh fl0pski and elyham and Nolak were regulars. Ely did alot of solo miner ganking and nonstop trolling of the channel as well as missions chat. Alot of folks no longer around.

Mining chat is pretty dead now. Same way the forums are dead. I guess CCP doesn’t want players forming connections and interacting with each other.

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They probably prefer r/Eve :stuck_out_tongue: :upside_down_face:

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