Alphas generare orders of magnitude more wealth running L1 missions, doing exploration in a 2m exploration ship, or doing Project Discovery, so unfortunately OP’s concept is not sound at all in the slightest.
The vast majority of these players want opportunities that simultaneously generate more wealth AND are more fun. Very few players actually enjoy mining or opt for crap-yield mining setups because they find it worthwhile or fun. Guides should, at the barest of minimums, mention alternatives. “By the way, here are several newbie/alpha-friendly low-cost/low-SP alternatives that will generate a ■■■■ ton more ISK and are more fun than Venture mining in Hisec” - this would have been the responsible thing to do.
Time = money + fun. Venture mining in hisec money+fun down the toilet. This is not why ANY player signed up to play EVE.