Mining on the cheap (hauler / venture combo)

It isn’t, compared to other methods it’s a really bad way. That’s the point we’re all making.

Bit of a misstep but along with the mods for improving alignment is the afterburner to help you get into warp faster, all work to help one evade.

It doesn’t. Your AB when turned on increases your mass, thus increasing your alignment time.


You have a mining permit?

Doing it cheap, not optimal, people seem to miss this part, to people starting out the loss of a porpoise can be very bad, but an industrial can be replaced easily, cheap not optimal, it’s only an option because the alternative, well there is no alternative to do it cheaper because nothing exist.

It’s like you don’t read the replies to your own thread.

If you have two accounts you’re better off putting them both into a miner, instead of one miner and one hauler. Or perhaps not mine at all and go do something that’s actually fun and/or gets you some real isk.

Wouldnt two Ventures be cheaper still?

Screw that, mine in an Ibis, haul in a Venture, simples

The alternative, is going into wormholes and doing some ninja gas huffing.

Even that doesn’t make much sense, though. There is no reason to use a venture for regular mining. You’re better off doing literally anything else while you wait to train into a retriever instead. A retriever is 20 mil and can earn itself back after an hour or two of HS mining, thus cheap.

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Also, you really don’t read the feedback in here.

The first response to this thread, said that you don’t need the hauler at all. You can haul your compressed ore with your venture. So even if you’re going to do what you wrote, the cheaper alternative is to just forget about the hauler all together and only use the venture.

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This thread is proof once more than if you really WANT to remain oblivious to the game and its mechanics, even after years of playing, the best way to do so is to become a miner.

Back when I did can flipping I only ever once ran into a miner who understood the true power of the Orca, we ended up facing hugging our orca alts and switching ships all the time whenever our tank got low. After some 10 minutes we realized we both had the means and understanding to keep going forever so we called a truce, had a chat and a laugh.

Turns out he was a pvper afterall so I guess I’ve never ran into a miner who understood the true power of the Orca.


This pretty much.

The Porpoise does benefit gas miners in a specific situation, though, as it can actually fit through small wormholes and haul for a gas mining fleet.

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Alphas generare orders of magnitude more wealth running L1 missions, doing exploration in a 2m exploration ship, or doing Project Discovery, so unfortunately OP’s concept is not sound at all in the slightest.

The vast majority of these players want opportunities that simultaneously generate more wealth AND are more fun. Very few players actually enjoy mining or opt for crap-yield mining setups because they find it worthwhile or fun. Guides should, at the barest of minimums, mention alternatives. “By the way, here are several newbie/alpha-friendly low-cost/low-SP alternatives that will generate a ■■■■ ton more ISK and are more fun than Venture mining in Hisec” - this would have been the responsible thing to do.

Time = money + fun. Venture mining in hisec money+fun down the toilet. This is not why ANY player signed up to play EVE.

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doing plexes on fw

Okay, time for some “real talk”.

I’ve mentioned in other threads/posts about how I infiltrate carebear corporations as part of my activities. OP’s advice is exactly like the advice that new players get in those environments. You won’t believe what kind of rubbish I’ve seen get fed to new players. Anything from “stay docked if there are Goons in local” to “make sure to fit a few of each turret size so that you can engage enemies of all sizes.” And the worst part is that this advice comes from players who have been playing for years - the kind of players who have been around for a while, but see running high-sec mining/mission-running corporations as the pinnacle of achievement. Usually, they’re very power-hungry and controlling, but impotent. You know exactly the type of people I’m talking about.

The real reason why this game has such low retention isn’t because of ganking, or wars, or scamming, as the “anti-griefer” camp always claims; it’s because new players get fed a bunch of asinine ■■■■■■■■ from carebear corp executives that completely fucks up their gameplay. They get started off on this path that never leads to any rewards for their efforts, and results in no meaningful progression. So what happens? They get bored, burned out, and disenchanted with the game, which results in them quitting. Permanently quitting, because this isn’t the same thing as “taking a break” after having played for a while. The game leaves a bitter taste in their mouths, and they want nothing to do with it. This is a natural reaction, and one for which I don’t blame them. They started playing a new game, put their trust in people who advertised themselves as “helping new players” and running “newbie-friendly” corporations, and got set up for failure. Meanwhile, the new players I’ve convinced to join PvP “academy” groups, or at the very least major new-player training organizations such as Brave, are flying in fleets and doing anomalies and wormhole sites for income just weeks into the game.

If you want to help new players, steer them away from carebear rubbish. When you see some blowhard teaching newbies to mine in Ventures, call them out on the spot. Wardec them, or gank them, as quickly as possible. Drag them out of their homes, and publicly execute them right in front of their Athanors while the rest watch. Don’t relent until they’re beaten into the ground, and relegate themselves to semi-AFK, solo mining in NPC corporations. You will be doing EVE, and its new players, a massive favor.


This is one of the greatest posts I’ve ever read. Particularly this part.

Some of you might remember the Komi (CSM Candidate) bounty thread I started not too long ago - stirred up a lot of attention and gained some momentum… maybe more threads like that need to be generated with regularity…

X is ignorant. He has been thoroughly educated by the community as to the error of his ways, but X insists the educated/experienced are wrong and that he knows better. X suffers from the Dunning-Kruger Effect. Bounty on X!

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And this is proof that eve is NOT a sandbox, it is a doctrine of spreadsheets and when someone breaks away they admonished for going against the dogma, in the first place I already posted “it IS NOT optimal” and that alone should be all that one needs to know that it is not to be the end all be all, it is only a different approach, if it doesn’t work for you that’s cool.

I’m not here to convince anyone, just to approach something differently, it’s not doctrine eve, sheesh, but there is no discussion other then doctrine (orca/porpoise), what can you do when doctrine is all there is.

But I’m done, I put it out there right or wrong is up to the person to decide not me.

In the same way that sticking a fork into a power outlet is a different approach to waking up in the morning compared to drinking a cup of coffee.


It is not. Nobody is questioning your right to do whatever you like in whichever quiet corner you like. What has people up in arms is that you’re dressing up this play style to look like a good idea and passing it on to new players, who don’t know better.


i think brave and horde are the greatest corps for noobs in the game
they do pvp , they have fun
i usually don’t like null sec corps but this 2 i do