Mining on the cheap (hauler / venture combo)

There’s been constructive feedback in the thread, but you’ve just ignored it.

You’re also continually convinced of your erroneous point, that a prop mod would improve alignment on a venture.

When faced with this constructive criticism, you discard it as being hostile and only part of some doctrine dogma. This is yet another example of how these forum “nice guys” are generally toxic and just full of themselves.

Why post this in the first place, if you object to every criticism thrown your way? Did you just expect us to go “Yes yes Zazz. Some wrinkly brain setup you got there. Should be pinned in New Citizens section.” ?

Accepting criticism is not showing weakness or admitting defeat. It only shows maturity and willingness to learn. If you check the thread, you will see that Magnus Carta corrected me on how prop mods affect ships with slow base alignment times. Since I’ve no expertise in this area, I accept and trust his knowledge. If I didn’t trust his points, I can research it myself or seek advice from some other knowledgeable individual. This is how normal people handle criticism.

Equally, you could accept and implement some of the advice given in this thread, opposed to ignoring or discarding it. Instead, the only point you latch on to is the porpoise comments and then write a small rant about how this is all doctrine dogma.


Its not about right or wrong.

Its about suggesting a dumb waste of time where you lose everything to one gank.


It’s bad enough @zazzmatazz_Xu has a crosspost of this thread…

And helping them get more might keep them coming back, it’s the reason many log into the game for some SP and cheap prizes, an incentive, by all means if there’s a better option please let us know, for now a hauler is a hauler, I’m simply hauling a mining frigate and secure containers with ore, I’m doing exactly what the ship is designed for, haul whatever someone wants, a venture hauls 5000 m3 a hauler can haul easily 3 secure containers (actually way more), with 2700 m3 worth more + the 9000, and if you compress this ore you can haul a dog ton of ore, nothing worth ganking but only good for lolz which is going to happen anyway because it’s not gankers only gank for profit, some do it out of boredom.

You’re not helping; that’s the point.


You are not helping them though… :thinking:


Ones in player ideas specifically for the Miasmos change, and the other thread is for a hauler carrying a mining frigate with secure containers, come on now, don’t try and get others to do dirty work because you don’t like what I have to post.

You are HURTING them with this profound ignorance/these bad ideas


We at least I am not posting to mine in a hauler or a battleships, or a gallente or Amarr cruiser even they have bonuses for mining drone, sheesh, you people lose your minds over nothing.

Nobody has lost their minds in response to your posting. I see a lot of people providing suggestions and reasonable counterpoints here. You just seem hell bent on ignoring them.


Meh, at this point can’t really do more. He is either an oblivious carebear “nice guy” or some troll.

Pretty sad that these people are often the ones newbies will encounter, since these people hunt newbies to “help” in an almost predatory way.

Can’t ban ignorance and stupidity. Nothing to do here.



So using a hauler to haul is wrong?

I’m just confused by all this blowback, I already said from the get go it is NOT optimal, and I’m not saying mine in an industrial, I’m saying use a hauler to bring secure containers and a mining frigate to get more ore then the typical venture hold and some are losing their minds, crazy man.

@Jayce_Fitzpatrick you know what they say… if you keep feeding the trolls, they’ll never leave :roll_eyes:

Prob the best thing for everyone to do is to stop replying to this thread. No last words. Hopefully no one will necro it and it will die a natural death. Same with the other thread.


Holy ■■■■, DMC have liked a lot of stuff you’ve written.

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Narh, once it’s been established that a person is trolling, this is where the true entertainment starts.

I’m somewhat of a shitposter myself.

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Place Your Bets! Which moderator will be the one to close this thread?

  • ISD Dorrim “Vice Admiral Batman” Barstorlode
  • ISD Lord “Freshmeat Sergeant Robin” Arranoth
  • ISD/CCP/GM/etc Generic/Other/Whoever/Whatever

0 voters

Voting for the new guy.

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Nah, they’ll make new threads. The best thing to do with regard to trolls is to fight and discredit them openly. Serious responses hurt them more than ignoring them.

Vermin are attracted to garbage.


It may get shut down because the kids can’t seem to have a discussion, I’m fine close it mods I’ve put out what I needed to and am done with it.

Au contraire, it’s you that seems unable to have a discussion, many of the posts in this thread are rightfully pointing out the holes in your advice; aside from your admission that it’s not optimal, which in itself is somewhat of an understatement, it’s also piss-poor advice and more likely to drive people away through sheer boredom and poor income than retain them.