Mining on the cheap (hauler / venture combo)

This is the realest post I’ve read since I’ve come back, one worthy of old school C&P instead of the Buffy the Vampire slayer ■■■■■■■■ nonsense it has become.

We used to be able to pin point wardec terrible corps like that to make the newbies understand that they had made a mistake and would be better off in a proper corp. But alas: carebear CCP thought better of it, they probably didn’t like how their own mining alts got decced all the time.

No new NPC type or game mechanic is going to help with that and quite frankly the fact that they first took away the options for players to remedy the problem and then introduced NPC to somehow bring the danger back is fcking terrible, for a player driven sandbox like EVE.


But you are not

If they follow your advice, they will grow bored with how slow EVE is and how little reward they get for time invested.

So they will leave for the next game, while never fully have experienced EVE for what it can be.


and its not just about the money you make
its about the meaning you have in your eve life
i had 800 milion in my wallet today , and 800 k lp , i was like ill plex
them an idea came to my head , i don’t need to plex now , ill spend all the money and all the lp in gear for me

i dont do the most well paid job in new eden but i have lots of fun , lots of action and making this cool amarr ships made me happy AF :smiley:

anyway a dude with a t1 frigate in fw make a LOT of money compared to mining , and have a exciting life

It isn’t just not optimal. It is shyte and you are hurting new players with it.

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Mods, get to work!


Typical regressive behaviour. Be ignorant, be wrong and when others come along to have a discussion (because they disagree) they stick stick their fingers in their ears going “LALALA I can’t HEAR you!”. And when people get fed up with that and go “listen here you little ■■■■” they can THEN go “you called me a little ■■■■”, claiming moral victory.

That’s how nothing ever gets accomplished.


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