Mining should require more skill

Oh look this troll with this unique request again. >.>

You don’t like Tetris?

If you want something like that sweetheart you need to go play Elite dangerous that’s what they do over there

Ah, so in your ideal version of EVE, it is neither elite nor dangerous? It’s more like a carebear theme park of some kind?

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While I’m not sure inventory tetris is the way to go in EVE, I agree that the game would be better if people had to pay some attention while mining, to discourage afking and botting.

Punishment for afking in the form of chance at a exploding ship sounds good. What about random NPC rats that hunt for miners? Rats that give decent ISK when killed, but require more than a few mining vessels to be killed?

in my opinion this is impossible to do.
markets will change so dramaticly. maybe prices will rise. maybe some T2 that require no T1 will be cheaper than T1. Some T2 Missiles and Torps don’t need their T1 parts to produce.
Depending on how the prices go and how the spent mining time changes, it could be that mining will get more or less lucrative. if you can only do this 1 hour a day because then you will get mushy in your head, some will not skill into mining. would mean less miners. i’d say it is impossible to predict how this will turn out.
Maybe all mineral based products will go way up. that also means everyone that got a lot of stuff made of minerals today will get pretty rich over night. can you imagine what that announcment would cause in the markts? chaos … pure chaos …
i don’t think this is balanceable. keeping the amounts and so the value for minerals in balance and not make mining so much more effctive in making isk than anything else. To keep minerals the same and have a minigame you would need to make the same amount of minerals in so much less time.
You can’t ask someone to play 8 Hours Tetris … it’s not possible … And making only so much less because you can not mine that long anymore would crash mining as a whole. so you need to increase the amount you mine per second by a lot. and there we go again: mining will get in an isk/h so much more lucrative. That will bring the price down again but not to the level of today.
Now if more people would do mining this would mean they do less other stuff. Less missin running, meaning less LP and less Salvage material. Less Pi less industiralists, less haulers, and so on.
Complete unpredictable change in all areas in the game. And again: complete chaos.

So no matter how i turn this in my head: This is simple impossible to do.

You can and could tune very carefull with the amount (what CCP is doing) but you simple can’t do such a drastic change to one of the core mechanics of the game

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I agree! Miners should have to be on the lookout for NPC catalysts and thrashers!

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We already have random npc rats when mining.

Yeah and sometime its pain in … :slight_smile:

The problem isn’t bots or afk miners. The problem is 1 guy with 15 alts stripping belts all day.

Id say for every “solo” miner there’s 2 guys with 5 - 15 alts.

Stop the alts and it gets balanced

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While that’s true, these random NPC rats never really are a danger except for the occasional NPC dreadnought. NPC rats warp in, you put your drones out, orbit if necessary and continue mining as if nothing happened.

I would love to see relatively rare stronger NPCs that could randomly show up and actually cause trouble to miners if the miner doesn’t warp off or is with a mining fleet or other kind of backup.

Sure, NPC dreadoughts do kill afk miners, but those are a bit too rare to be a reasonable danger to afk mining.

That would be another problem. Eve is a nice game, but it has multiple problems. Afking, multiboxing and botting all lead to similar issues, but it seems these three problems are all (at least partially) countered by requiring more attention of the player.


There is one bigger problem. That 15 alts must get omega somehow and that means money for CCP because even if they plex them for isk, plex come to market only from real money. So CCP wont trash their income just to let prices in game go up. Not to mention that game (especially mining) is dominated by one group.

Mine it ourselves and actually fight for the resources that would finally have a value.

I know I would.
My CEO would as well.
We’re literally waiting for a more balanced and healthier environment allowing people to compete for resources and for afkbears to get the ■■■■ out.


As I read the OP and some of the comments, it seem some what want to force others to play Eve their way but not everyone want to play your style of Eve.

While I am still new to Eve, I am not sure if the Ore belts response on a timer or if it is at server restart (as I am only on for one or two hours a day because I have a life). If it is a timer, then kill it and at least wait until server restart. If it happens at server restart, try to figure out away to make the re-spawn happen after so many restart (initially say like every other restart). Since I don’t do programing, have the Code to Eve, or know what kind of scripting would be need to cause this to happen, I don’t know the difficult to cause it to happen.

As a new player, I am sure you are well qualified to concluding that AFK bot aspirancy is an acceptable ‘playstyle’.

I don’t agree with the bot mining or multi-box mining.

I have one account, with one character and I am only an alpha at that. I have had NPC rats get me when not paying attention, I have been caught in lowsec chasing some ore I wanted and podded. I even gone through some gates to find out the hard way that is was gate camped on the other side… It is all apart of Eve. Just like when Code members show up in HighSec, sometime I will keep on mining or ratting then other times I dock or jump to the next system. I get podded, I get podded oh well lol

I do agree that some changes to the easy of coming up with ore needs to change. The challenge will always be how to go about it and to what extant to you have the changes.

So what you’re saying is, gankers are just angry miners that have been beat at their own game so resorted to ganking?


Mining, and everything around it, would be awesome if it wasn’t hogged by afkbears.

Are you one of those losers? :smiley:

How do you differentiate 1 guy with 15 alts from a mining corp with 15 members? How do you discourage one but not the other? I’m all for making mining more engaging in some way…any way, cause it’s dead boring af as it is