Mining should require more skill

Yes and my killboard will show you the plethora of mining barges I lose due to my AFK mining. My original response was directed at the OP, however.

*checks his killboard*

Oh wow, you’re in Electus Matari!

So weird! I’ve been mentioning them to a friend, less than a week ago. A few days later I’ve continuously saw them mentioned every day at least once.

How’s the alliance doing?
How’s Gradient doing?
I thought you guys were dead!

Man, I forgot all the names of the people I once knew from Hek! D:

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Make a new account type. Say beta. The owner picks what account is main and what account is beta. Remove concord protection from beta accounts. Risk vs reward goes up. And you are forced to be there while you mine. Also make a beta account require a upgrade. This way nothing happens to CCP’s wallet, afker alters are stopped from going afk and more ships will die on the defensive side (miner alts) and more ships die on the attacking side (15 ships x 5 drones can hurt). The economy moves more.

Remove the continuous cycle of mining equipment and that will cut down on afk miners. Give the miners a one shot desperation bomb to destroy the ganker(s) who skirt Concord and dont get blown up before the miner does.

Or use a tanky miner

Then botters would just make a script to activate that module and go afk again…

We all started the game in a noob ship, learning to mine a rock with a civilian mining laser. We all thought it would be cool to play a game where you have to obtain resources, process them, and build a fleet. Unfortunately for some of you, some of us don’t want that process to be an automated AFK activity.

In high sec, we use mining permits. If you have a permit, you can mine. No permit? No ship.

Well, you should gank miners. It even brings AFK players back to the keyboard.

Its BS too. No such thing as a mining permit. Go to losec and try that.

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If there’s no such thing as a mining permit, why do people keep buying them from me?

They are purposely targeting people who want to mine in complete safety (usually so they can do it afk). Anyone mining in low-sec would definitely be paying attention to local if they didn’t want to get blown up. Miners in high-sec think they don’t need to do that. These people want to show why that’s a bad idea.

I do find it weird these people spend their time harassing players who mine in high-sec, but nothing in the game rules is against it (actually their behavior is specifically allowed).

Nysta, we aren’t here to harass people. We are probably the most polite alliance in the game. Until you start ganking yourself, you have no idea how many miners will thank you profusely, for injecting a little excitement and content into their life for the first time. You might be pleasantly surprised when that first miner sends you 10 million isk, with a letter of heartfelt gratitude! Many of our agents began their careers in either mining, hauling, or anti-ganking. Others crawled out of some boring hole or low content region. Some have even come all the way from the no content tutorial. In every case, the consensus is unanimous. EVE is far more civilized when illegal miners are brought to justice.

More importantly, James is most pleased.

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Nothing In this game is particularly hard. Not mining, Not Sleeper Sites,Not Super ratting, and not even Pvp.

The games difficulty os purely in the meta and understanding the moving parts of each chosen professions.

For some reason you think you have God’s gift to Eve. You don’t your another voice in a sea of people that have been trying to change the game to fit your image for 16+ Eve. You don’t have the answer or answers. You fail to see the other sides point of view and just draw assumptions.

Your replies to some of the comments here show your just harvesting this thread out of Boredom.

Mining gets buffed and nerfed like everything else in this game.

People at Eve are professionals from art to game design they make their living doing this I have confidence they will continue to develop the game that the Overall community want to play and not just keyboard warriors. Don’t like it, don’t play.

You don’t like Tetris?

You don’t like Eve?

Of course I do. Ganking is fun.

I mean, isn’t that why anyone posts on forums or plays video games? The original post probably was intended to “inject a little excitement and content into the forums for the first time”. It has certainly passed a lot of my time.

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Can an ISD make all of the OP’s roleplay aspirant posts get stuck only in the roleplay forum?

Is that a politically correct description of Trolling?


I’m neither roleplaying nor trolling. I’m quite serious that a Tetris style minigame should be introduced into mining as a way to check if players are AFK and to keep them actually engaged in the game.

Bring back Sig Fields and this begins to make sense. Meanwhile I am plenty busy, unloading Covetor holds every 90 -120 seconds, checking Intel, watching local, checking twitch and YouTube for stream fleets coming my way.

If your so offended by AFK Mackinaw or Retriever fleets, go blap them. It sounds like you are a PvP player who doesn’t mine and wants easier kills by distracting miners or simply don’t know how to mine in such a way as to maintain situational awareness and effectiveness.

As far as I can tell the closest to actual AFK mining a person can get is in .8 space or higher. While you likely wont get ganked and don’t have rats, the rocks have very little in them so you have to keep targeting new rocks. For me AFK mining is about as real as Nessy and Sasquatch.

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