Mining wastage is a bad idea

No its not a bug, its a stupid new feature they came up with:

to deal with ratting problems but simultaniuosly anal miners with no thoughts given.

No, they were not (exluding that one thread you eventually will cherrypick somewhere). In my entire eve playtime which is a few thousand hours, i literally never ever saw someone beeing bothered by an orca sitting in some highsec asteroid belts. Because why should they? they dont hurt anyone, they dont even show up in ur overview, u dont even notice them, they make pisspoor isk and the only ones theyre competing with are bots. Ppl were pissed about everything in this game but definetly not solo orca miners.
If anything people asked for BUFFS to orca and mining in general to make it more attractive.
And if their changes over the past 2 years aimed at accomplishing that, they failed miserably.

hahahaR… funny guy

Yeah but in the end they have to finance them somehow, the isk for omega has to come somewhere thus they pay2win their 100-200 bucks per month or are 20 year veterans with no life straight, which again not everyone: is willing to do.

so again: orca solo mining is dead. force to respec into mackinaw because “choice”. lol

Na, my decision to just resubscribe for 7 days turned out to be a good one.
You know expected some new content after literally 2 years, but nothing there they just fcked up mining for 2 years straight without doing much else.

Game is an even worse botting cashshop casino then it used to be.