I was wondering if someone could clear some confusion up for me as I have not been able to find a definite answer in or out of game.
I am trying to determine if I need to set Trig and Eden minor victory systems as avoidance systems when setting destinations and traveling through space. From what I have been able to gather, you need positive standings with Trigs and Edencom to travel through these systems without being attacked.
However, as I was not around during the Trig invasion, I have no standings (good or bad). So I guess my question is… with no standings period… am I able to travel through minor victory systems safely, or do I still need to gain positive standing first? If I do need to gain positive standing, how difficult is it? As I understand it, one must go to Trig space to grind standing for both Trigs and Edencom… which happens to be PVP heavy area? I don’t mind trying to accomplish that, but I am worried (being a fairly new pilot) that I will get ganked by pvp players before I have the chance to raise standings.
Thank you for the tip. Although that does help, I would really rather be able to fly though those systems without the worry of Trig attacks. Scouting gates with another ship would a pain to deal with and very time consuming with a single toon.
I actually tried to go into Trig space and farm some rogue drones to gain standings with Trig and Edencom. I spent nearly two hours in three different systems flying from planet to planet and checking gates and didn’t see a single drone the whole time I was in there. Very disappointing! I am at a loss, not sure what to do, or if I did something wrong while hunting for them. On the plus side, though, I didn’t get killed by anyone.
I just want to have the ability to go through minor victory systems without the worry of NPC attacks
rogue drones in pochven also hang around wormholes, too, iirc. you can also shoot drifters in pochven and gain positive standing with trigs/edencom that way.
It’s easy to get positive standings with both factions. Then you won’t have to take the long way around either of their systems. Besides, there are certain regions of space that can only be accessed by traveling through triglavian or edencom systems.
Anyway, I gave instructions in a post and a video. So, check one out if you want to know more.
Just wanted to say Thank You again for all the replies with helpful information. I was able to get into Trig space tonight and hunt down a few rogue drones near some anomalies and got my standings up for both Trigs and Edencom. I think Trigs are +.007 and Edencom .003, which I assume is enough to let me pass through minor victory systems safely? After the standings tick they both turned white to me, so I assume that is what I want correct?