Minral Frighter

The problem is that things require to be needed. Saving work-time is usually not a valid reason, because you are supposed to put the effort into it. It’s a part of the game! But there’s more!

Every time someone asks for a feature that helps him doing less work, the overall work in all of New Eden decreases a tiny bit and the gratification comes in a tiny bit faster. We’re now at a point where this game is loaded with instant gratification types, which - just a few years ago - would have never made it far because as players, they’re simply not good enough.

It is literally killing this game, because you can not have a society exist like that for a long amount of time. It will collapse inevitably, because people grow lazy, selfish, greedy and partially sociopathic in the sense that no one gives a ■■■■ about anyone else anymore unless it is for the own gain.

I know this sounds far-fetched, but you have to remember that every single tiny change into that direction adds up to the pile of past tiny changes into that direction.

If you have a point in this, that is not about reducing your work-load, THEN you MIGHT have a chance!

Why do they want it to be hard to move minral out of an area ?
Alliance want to trade so they deposit that in main hub.

Do not tell me you want to force them to do so.

Also keep in mind there is a lake of players to serve the need for
the logistics for an alliance and not every one can do same as Goon as eaxmple.

Almost of alliances relay on two or three ppl that have alot of ISK.
so they have many alts for haulling.

From the start My suggest was about if you want to make one trip with compressed
Ore then do the same to haull one trip of the minral that reprocessed from the ore.

yeah fine with me putting an effort for what i enjoy.

So same as i did to haull the compressed ore let me do same amount of trip
for the minral that come from it.

If you want logic then i will tell you the Rock it self is Compresd dust so why
adding compressed ore.

Actually why did they provide compressing from the start ???

Clearly some ppl have a need for this. It is also a matter of detail - you see, if there is tatara with t2 rigs just 3-4 jumps away from your location you would want to repro minerals there. But any gains due to improved repro efficiency will be lost due to how much of volume expansions it causes. Go do 40 freighter trips yourself or pay 10x more than you got from repro gains… Minerals are really extreme case – although I advise against moving large quantities of mexallon :stuck_out_tongue:

This is not compression.

You state yourself that you had to turn it into ammo while compression is instant. Even if you had on going ammo operations and shipping and essentially made them the same, there still is a significant difference between the two.

You are looking at compression only from your point of view of your operation, from the standpoint of a single miner in highsec your operation of ammo production for relocation would be of no benefit whatsoever. So, compression for a highsec player is a significant improvement and is not even close to the workaround you suggest.

that want it to be hard to move minerals as minerals out of an area once refined they are still easy to move when they are in their raw ore state.

this prevents you from easily moving minerals you refined with large nullsec bonuses and flooding the market.

you used to be able to compress minerals and this caused issues before the gap between refining rates got as large as it is now and before NS mining potential exploded


What about the war that was going last month ?
I belive the market at some point being depleated.
I think it is good way also to give some income for high sec players.

what point are you trying to make with this?

what point are you trying to make with this?

did you fail to read what I just said? this would lower income for HS pilots not raise it

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It is fine it is fine.

just kept this up for a while so might attract some CSM and eve DEV.

They will notice something somehow.

Having read this comment and understanding its implications are beyond reproach, I withdraw my support for this idea.

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