Mobile Observatories – Live on Singularity

Blackout was the solution. Krabs whine, CCP not only brings back local, but buffs local and nerfs even active cloakies while claiming to only nerf “afk campers”.

But aside from this, PVP in EVE has been in “just one more nerf” mode for over a decade.


I suggested an idea in this thread, that would not nerf an active cloak hunter, only the afk one.
but you and your friends shat all over that.
Then ccp proceeded to live-ify a questionable item instead. So that’s on you.

btw. How was local buffed?
all I’ve been experienced for the past year are local chat going down “locally” “for some people only”.

Shat, because you have no idea what the word not actually means. :wink:

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The amount of time wasted sitting around in just the chance to decloak a ship with this new deployable is laughable. Seems like CCP wants us to afk to catch afkers.

This deployable is not powerful enough to warrant being unable to recover. Please revise.

If you’re not a fleet F1 monkey or carebear they don’t care

The rest of us are few enough in numbers to be acceptable collateral damage

So you have no clue as well then.

stop talking in riddles.
point is, if you actully made an effort of discussion alternatives, this mobile observatoy in all its flaws perhaps would not be live?
so stop using it as a talking-point on “how ccp only wants to make krabbers happy” as you previously been attacking me, you know i’ve identifiy myself as (unhappy) krab and saying that that this item is flawed af.

as I’ve been saying for two weeks now, :confused: … from the krab perspective.
the “l33t pvp cov-op” perspective claims that it’s disruptive when it comes to ‘active gameplay.’
which might be… its an item that promotes semi-afk plays.

I know “the architectural” behind how cheats are/can work.
what I’ve described above are two ways a cheat can work, that would completely circumvent any active anti-cheat software of a game client, no matter the game. (the cheat is not even on the players pc)

Cheating is a part of any online game and it will be as long as game devs develop their games around the “gameplay”, and leaving any “anti-cheat” thoughts merely as an abstract afterthought.

I don’t know how to code, thou.

All this I know as well.

I was speaking about coding.

You create 2 safe bookmarks and warp from one to the other while decloaking mid warp. As long as you’re at your keyboard, your cloak is going to make it impossible for them to find you.

i hope people do this because I don’t want cloaky campers in the system (same as everyone else)

tbh tho, that’s a recipe for disaster.
as you warp uncloaked you can be scanned, then the defenders just have to park their smart bombers /warp/drag- bubble, either as they see you on dscan, or just after 10-13mins.

and its because of these reason i have been saying:
the “krab” placing the observatory, will hafto sit and spam scan for 90min.

basicly its a flawed item for everyone.

I wish you good luck finding someone who only decloaks mid-warp between two safes.

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You would need a very big system or a very slow warp speed for that to work.

She brings up a good point. My wife toon can usually find the target in 2 clicks. Unless you can cloak as soon as you come out of warp, you get away, otherwise you don’t. That being said, it’s easy enough to make more than one bookmark.

Good luck catching me even with my wife’s toon…

Edit; It will give away what ship your flying though.

I was mostly thinking about the CovOps ships that are impacted by this, I think they can all cloak up 5 seconds after decloaking so the system doesn’t need to be that big to stay uncatchable.

If it’s a normal cloak then yes, it’s going to be harder to not get caught. But even then it’s hard to find a ship that uses multiple bookmarks to switch between, even if it doesn’t use a cloak yet.

with all scan skills V, bonused ship with t2 scan stuff on + scanning pod.
After someone has partially scanned you down, only patience is needed.
I, however, will just log off.

Yup, that’s true. n+1 bookmarks are needed for not a total fail.
but still, we come to the conclusion that patience and spamming the scan for 90 minutes are very important.

And spamming the probe scanner for 90 minutes vs makking indefinite amounts of bm…
is a really really fun and “engaging game play” just as ccp have promised to provide :slight_smile:

:rofl: You really have no clue. Why would I spam probes at all. You only launch them if you see him uncloak while he’s moving. Twist it all you want, you just don’t seem to the experience understand what were talking about. Go live in a wh for a few years and you will lose your fear of cloaks forever.

But I digress. I know that still doesn’t help your botting…

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The probes are out all the time, as they should be.
pro scanning tip: you move your probes away and hit scan after you have gotten the warp in (as not to spook your victim) … but you never recall them, unless you are a condescending egghead.

Also, you scan the entire time, as you don’t know what sector of the system the person will uncloak in.
or when.
= you hafto scans the entire system on repeat, at all times, until you get your first “partial hit”.

granted, it is all about how big the system is.
in a smaller system, you might be able to get a partial from an entire system scan.

so congrats, you don’t have to move the probes around. but…
you need spam-scan to know the player’s “immunization” timer.

(if you dont see him on dscan, in any case, then you need to spam dscan…)

Lol what?

Back in the realms of reality you’re not ever getting probed down doing a safe to safe warp in a cov ops that you’re refreshing the cloak on

You would have to do something really dumb to die that way

Meanwhile if as you’ve previously claimed you’re only interested in preventing AFK cloakers the defender only needs to wait until the hostile pops up on dscan to reship for probes. If they’re immediately recloaking, they weren’t AFK anyway

Changing the amount of time the cloaker takes between decloaking will screw up your timer.

Yet again, this only gets rid of afk cloaks.

Yet agai, you will never catch this toon. At least while I’m at the keyboard…

you see, its really you who dont have a clue.
i don’t even have to twist it. common sense.

as you main mate even say.

(if anyone hostile pops up on my dscan, it’s because I’ve done a scan to begin with)

you need to be scanning constantly, either dscan or probe scanner.

You need to find the cloak immunization timer, and even if you did know it, by seeing the cloak,
you would still like to know if that player is trying to “offset” and do it early, as it is a way to protect his safety bm.

YET again. I won’t even be trying, I will log off. as I have been saying now for two weeks.

I’m just saying that it’s 100% possible to catch someone.

and you refusing to see this fact only demonstrates to everyone that you do not know what you are talking about.

defenders are stuck spamming scan for 90 min, the cloak will make bm for 90 min.
yes. fun and engaging gameplay. thanks ccp.