Mobile Observatories – Live on Singularity

this module/change is a “solution” to afk cloaky campers
not an instant i-found-you-button
even if the hunter did not bring a cloak you would have to probe it down from a safe

Hey CCP.

Two rather important issues with this module;

  1. They shouldn’t work in wormholes. There are legitimate reasons to AFK cloak in wormhole space.

  2. They shouldn’t decloak capital class ships. This change nerfs capital movement and aggressive uses of capitals in non-friendly space. These uses are among some of the coolest (e.g. Nerixxa, or dreadbombs in hostile space). They shouldn’t be nerfed.

1 Like - they dont work in WHs anymore according to Rise

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So, I spend most of my play time in cloaky ships. Purifier and Hound are two of my top all time ships. This kills most of my play style. These things read as if they could be anchored on a keepstar inside PDS range, 10 of them, and they are dirt cheap, and they are tiny. You could set these things to chain the pulses once a minute.

Bomber action in large fleet is a matter of positioning and timing. You spend a lot of time watching the fights. Waiting for that moment. This will just cripple that.

This change helps no one but the botters and the super turbo krabs. There is already a massive load of counter play to active bombers in fleet actions, bubbles, defender missiles, having your fleet anchored properly. Its the same with campers and droppers, there is already a ton of counter play. You can easily know when hunters are active and what they bring. If you want to rat and mine out where you can get shot, you should be prepared to fight. If you are ratting and mining you should be capable of baiting and killing campers. Most of your hunter fits are usually nearly paper thin anyway.

In the end this will largely kill precision fleet bombing in my eyes, and it only helps the botters, and the laziest of the turbokrabs.

This will make taking bridgers out to mids much more dangerous. It is already possible with in game skills and equipment to get bridgers on their jump ins, or at least get the probes close enough that you can get their location when they decloak to bridge out. This means if I take my eyes of that bridge for 10 seconds, and this thing goes off, a guy who nearly had me on jump in is now in warp to kill me. And I have no way to move the bridger meaningfully other than to jump out.

If you want to take away my cloaking at least give me back blackout.

In my opinion, This thing needs to be much bigger, like say 10k volume, you should need an indy to move these. Needs to have to be placed 1000km off an anchored structure. And can only pulse scan a certain AU away. And should cost 500m-1b minimum. The cloak stabilization time needs to be at least a couple of hours. I view this thing as killing my game play. I see CCP largely neutering many forms of asymmetric play. Its like you want to force us all into the F1 fleets…

Edit: Also, Fix the Bomb Deployment skill so the bonus actually works please.


I second this. There’s no reason for the sigs to become unscanned, at least until downtime. I could think a good middle ground is they reset at DT and that’s it.

This is an issue.

With the nullification update, CCP posted quite a lot of detail. That change (in the form initially presented) was (rightfully) shot down). Not the idea (in general), but rather, the execution. Taking aside the concerns that CCP don’t know their own game, etc etc, this is actually healthy - it allows for adjustment of a mechanic before it enters the game.

Sadly, CCP’s response seems to be to pull their heads into their shells and the next post is too vague to fairly criticise - so the details don’t get critisised, just the idea. And the idea here is sound - I don’t care where you come from, there’s simply no practical counter to a cloaky camper. People who think you can just bait them and they either come out or you can play safe are delusional, frankly - a smart camper knows when they’re likely being baited, and knows exactly what they should or should not do - they know who’s in system, what’s likely to happen, etc.

It doesn’t help that they post saying “it’s live, go test it” when it’s not yet live, but that’s a separate issue again to the concept itself. Sadly, the concept’s being tarred by that brush too…

The hull alarm should do it…

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lol… send 24 torps into it and it dies quietly.
but yeah, seems that they no longer work in wh.

YES, I believe you, as you say “There is already a massive load of counters”
afaik there is no counter for >afk< cloak camping. No matter if a “lazy turbo krab” or not.

all you have to do now is; invest in a couple of more alts or get friends/support fleet, that can either snipe or kamikaze those low hp structures… they cost 42m apiece and they take 10min to online.
(there will most likely not be 10x of them, and they would not be spammed for eternity)

Im representing myself, a null bear.
and I can also say, the effort to reward just isn’t worthwhile anymore.

with these changes, the effort vs reward gets slightly better - but not alot.
its not enough of a change for me to be living “carefree” as I’m suppose to be doing as a bear… thus i cannot give you “active hunter” content… thus. we both feel this way.
I guess we both should unsub until ccp gets a clue of what fun is.


The last thing we need to add to games is pop ups…

its null we tak of, the part of eve with supposed to be hard, hectic, unforgiving unlike it is now
if one wants to live carefree there is hs with open arms


I can’t wait to hear the complaint change from “Im scared of afk cloakers” to “OMG he’s actually active cause he re-cloaked”


If you ask me, this looks like a good change indeed. It has a lot of bugs like anchoring it right on the undock of player stations or not being on dscan. But overall, it seems balanced to me. Yes, you can place 10 of them in a system at a time, but that would cost almost half a billion according to the current bpo. A problem is that you don’t see anywhere how often they ping or what the decloak chance is. I heard that it’s once every 10 minutes, and 40% chance, but cannot yet confirm that.
Anyway, this means that you have to be at least somewhat active to not get decloaked, which means you have to put in some effore to camp a system. The biggest problem was that you could literally be afk cloaked all day, which is no longer possible.
They got 30k hp, which seems reasonably easy to kill, but not paper thin. Since they only last 100 minutes you can’t just throw them out as if they are nothing, either.
As I see it, you can now use these to decloak an afk person, but it takes some time (20 minutes at least, because 10 min anchoring, and 10 min to ping, correct me if I’m wrong), but if you are not afk, you can easily recloak in time.
A lot of people complained about how easy it is to get a bot to recloak you, but I’d argue that combining botting and cloaky camping is a different problem than not being able to counter cloaky camping at all.

So, they are usefull against 100% afk cloaky campers, but if you are just travelling through or going afk for a moment, you shouldn’t be affected at all.


so 100minutes lifetime, a 42m isk one use, every 10 minutes it checks but if target is AUs away then denied.
so basically this was a sop to null sec whine bears who wanted to foil players spying on them 24/7, but has no impact on those asswipes in low sec who deny the system to activity based solely on an afk cloaky at a deep SS

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You’re not supposed to be carefree in null sec. That’s the problem, the higher rewards of null sec are supposed to be justified by the increased risk. But that’s not the reality. Most krabbing systems are negligibly more dangerous than high sec because of various things, most notably, local which is an overly powerful intel tool.

I genuinely don’t mean to be rude, but if safety is what you want, you belong in high sec. The players that are prepared to embrace the risk and compete for resources are the ones who deserve rich null sec rewards. Problem is if CCP make it more lucrative in null sec, then the high sec bears will complain.

If I was going to unsub because of CCP screwing my playstyle, I’d have gone many years ago. Sadly, something keeps me coming back, probably habit and friends. But I won’t be conforming to what they apparently want us all doing, krabbing and being a F1 monkey in large fleets


well , if Null is suppose to be “unforgiving” then why shouldnt afk cloaky-campers show up on the probescanner, right away as they get decloaked by the observatory?

no. what your describing sounds more like wh…?
null is for learning without training wheels - i guess?

also, no null carebears are the other side of the coin of “hardcore l33t pvp hunters” … i know ya’ll like to think of yourself as some elite faction thhat are somehhow “above” pve’ers … but no, your on the same coin, just opposite sides.

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I’ve been in the game only a year. I must say that is the only game that tolerates afk gamers. cloak camping is a part of the game i understand but knowing that he cloaked an went to sleep, go out, or fapping, gets on my nerves (cause i don’t fap … kidding). An easy and reasonable solution is a simple parameter. If a char is inactive- untouched in space for 20-30 minutes all modules, buffs, boosts turn of. This way work all games i’ve met till today.
Just my opinion

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Now remember I am not a null sec person but . . .
If a large group makes a concerted effort do they have a right to make their space safe?
I am fairly sure that bots are illegal. But that is neither here nor there.
Didn’t there use to be a thing called a log in (log off?) trap?
Someone else, above, answered your point about bait and kill tactics. The key thing , here, is encapsulated in the one acronym . . . AFK.

The devs want you to be playing if you are having an effect in the game. As in at the keyboard. You seem want the right to effect others play while not even being in the same room as your computer. What we have here is a bit of a philosophical disagreement.



For one, this isnt a solo game. Get friends. If you are out where you can get shot, be prepared to get shot. There is a ton of counterplay to cloaky camping. Our hunters are paper thin generally. If you are competent with a pvp fit ship that I know I will lose my hunter to that makes you not worth it. Alternately, get some buddies and prepare to counter the drop fleet. Literally caracals and a couple scythes will counter 95% of your drop attempts anymore. You need to learn to use tools to analyze your campers activity, when do they hunt? what do they bring? ect.

Again, you are lazy and just want to rat in peace, and thats ok! Thats what they made Highsec for… You want to be able to obsessively watch local and as soon as a non blue appears run to tether.

The game should not try to scale to the single player with one ship. Anything that is not concord protected should be fair game to pew, and should be optimized to pew.


the 15 minutes to the decloak invul is too long, the structure itself just last 1h30. a 2 minutes invul timer should be way more then enough

I never sit afk and cloaked for long but sometimes rl issues force me to step away for a few minutes … dropping stuff into the toilet, turn the oven off and get the food out, answer the door etc. The prospect of being scanned while I’m taking a dump is both funny and frightening. So in the future, imagine the doorbell goes … log off safely while I attend to that? Employ a servant to announce the guest?

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here since the beta but never ever i tastet so salty tears like thoose of cloaky campers… damn they had so mucht time to mature to perfektness.