Moderation of the Forums

This is not the same thing as individual-targeted invitations, which is what I was referring to, I apologize if I was unclear on that :sweat_smile:

I’m not referencing the prehistoric age in which perhaps at some point in ancient history CCP issued targeted invites, I’m referencing the here and now in which I’m inclined to believe this is not a current practice. I may very well be wrong, sure, but I’m not making an assertion of truth, I’m only stating that this is what I suspect to be true.

I do think forum mods should enforce, to at least some extent, player-specified thread rules if the rules are not unreasonable, and that discussions breaking the rules should fork into a different discussion or be removed by mods who assert that the rules need to be followed. That thread is a good example, and I’ve seen a few others. Once I started a thread in Assembly Hall asking the CSMs and only the CSMs their position on AFK cloaking - I only asked because I was very, very, very, very, VERY surprised to see that Brisc had a point on it on his CSM platform, and I figured Mike would also have a (yet unspecified) position on it, so I wanted to know what everyone else thought. (It’s possible they all pitched into the main AFK cloaky thread at some point in time but who has time to read that ■■■■?) In my opening post I included the following:

The thread was immediately derailed by “you can’t tell me what to do you’re not a forum moderator” posters, and even though I repeatedly pinged forum moderators, they refused to enforce the not-unreasonable rules of the thread and it ultimately got shut down as being another AFK cloaky thread (only Mike and Brisc got to say anything). The thread would have been fine if the mods had deleted violating posts and posted saying “please abide by the indicated rules”, thereby giving the floor to CSM. (I am at fault for not pinging all the CSMers up front - I incorrectly assumed the other eight actually check Assembly Hall.) I think this was the one and only time I felt let down by @ISD_Dorrim_Barstorlode.

Most of the time when players complain about reporting ISDs I them as being whiney babies, but this is one of the few incidents that might merit an email indicating that the moderator needs to be moderated. The offense wasn’t that great, but it’s the principle of the thing.


Okay, so I’m actually curious as to what examples you have of this such that the bias has been unhealthy for the forums.