Moderation of the Forums

Seeking and/or pretending authority is a huge red flag when considering someone for a position of authority. In that regard, I think that this particular forum is managed well. I’ve played some games where the forums had mods drawn from the community, and the bias and favoritism were staggering. I’m not getting that feeling here, so props to CCP for that.

To clarify: literally players without new, anonymous identities. I realize that many ISDs (and even CCP employees) were originally just EVE players. So they’ve recruited well.


Actually you can’t be ISD without playing. It’s in our rules.


/me deposits a billion into war fee wallet tab and starts launching an Astrahus




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Destiny v. Foggy

Bastorlode Identity Conspiracy Theories

I previously started a conspiracy theory that Mike Azariah and Nicolai Serkanner were the same person. They both made amusing replies to that assertion.

Mike’s reply:

Nope, I mainly play on my main unless doing research for NPE for example or making lesson vids so I am not too outskilled for starting missions.

It would be just too much work for me to try to keep an alternate character active in the forums.

I am lazy that way so this is whatcha got.


Serkanner’s reply:

It would be irresponsible for me to perpetuate allegations that may prove to be unfounded.

Maybe I should circulate that Barstorlode and Serkanner are the same person instead… Head moderator is actually the person who (a lot of other players say) needs the most moderating :crazy_face:


Nah. I’m just your average eve player, nothing special here.

Are you allowed to participate on the forums outside of your duties as an ISD; as in on your own character?

Yes. :+1:


It’s really going to bake your noodle when you find out we are the same person.

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I’m just happy that no one’s suspecting that we are I mean I am actually Hilmar.

Conspiracy theories begin…

Archer DON’T.

I can see you typing on that monstrosity. Don’t you ■■■■■■■ do it.

Don’t what?

The ginger corpse?

Kill it with fire before it reanimates.

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WAY back when… It used to be contest to see who could figure the other’s war target’s alts. Now I have a new challenge and and couple of ideas! Damm, I wish I had taken moar notes! :crazy_face:

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The fastest way was always to get alts into their corporations. We would put characters into the targets’ systems, then come in on the mains and start smack-talking. The alts would respond “in defense” of the targets. After hanging around the area for a while, the targets would sometimes invite the alts in, since they seemed like “good people,” and “not like the griefers (or, if it was another PvP corporation, ‘casuals’) at all.”

So it looks like you’ll be embedding yourself into CCP’s staff and infiltrating their offices.

Which begs the question: how good are you at pretending to be a bottle of Brennivin?

I preferred to do it the hard way. I made a 3rd acct to track down all who were trying to track me down! :laughing:

It was a lot of fun! I got and gave a lot of respect for sleaziness at the game it took to pull it off.

This thread makes Bandini Mountain look like a molehill…