Moderation of the Forums

I have not heard of such a rule (granted, I have not taken the time to look through them), and nothing I’ve observed on forums over the past few years would indicate the enforcement of such a rule, but this could be 100% ignorance on my part.

The “touchiest” software I’ve encountered was EVE Vision, and the only reason that got a pass was because it was no different in principle from any other 3rd party overlay software such as Discord: it does not modify the client. CCP has always declared their position on overlay software prior to EVE Vision, and EVE Vision is no exception and gets no special treatment, which is to say that if Discord overlay is permitted, then so should EVE Vision - the precedent was already set.

Not really. I’m not looking to get into a discussion about uit hee but CCPs approach to 3rd party software, particularly software that augments gameplay is that they won’t make a call one way or the other, not least of which becasue the software as it exists today isn’t necesarily the same as the version tomorrow.

It’s been widely stated. They even state it in thir third party policy:

I’m not allowed to discuss that particular software as you’re not allowed to hold a negative opinion of it on the forum, but no, it’s not the same as other overlays as other overlays either put up fixed information (such as comms) or require a button press to swap in and out of the overlay (most browser overlays).

As with the third party policy though, I’m not looking to get into a giant conversation about it, that’s not the topic here.


So just now I got flagged for the first time in centuries for being off-topic in a different thread (not sure why that singular banter post gets flagged out of 86 million, but O-K), and it made me wonder if, particularly in hybrid banter/on-topic posts, it would be considered good form to collapse banter using the details feature so when others skim the thread it’s already somewhat filtered for only relevant content and makes it easier to read. At the barest of minimums, threads that comprise entirely of banter won’t take up too much screen economy and won’t interfere with skimming through the thread for relevant content.

So for example, the above commentary is relevant and on-topic, right? And then in this very post if I wanted to, say, take a swipe at… let’s see… I’m going to pick… @Destiny_Corrupted ! I could just go

Banter w/ Destiny

YO @Destiny_Corrupted
yo momma

Look at how much screen economy was saved up - even more economy would have been saved if I were to take swipes at others (I’ve got my eye on you, MB…)

Economical use of screen space, not screen economy which sounds like a made up thing.


I could be wrong, it might be a thing.

This is how you should have written that:

Banter w/ Archer

Economical use of screen space, not screen economy which sounds like a made up thing.


I could be wrong, it might be a thing.

Have you learned nothing!!?

Now you can call it prehistoric age, ancient history or any other slur’s you can think of, the point I made with posting that info about ISD Volunteers was relevant and an equally appropriate response to your implied remarks about certain posters not being accepted to ISD. By the way, CCP is the one who decides and appoints players to ISD so yeah,…

Removed rebuttal to other statements directed to me due to being flagged as Off-Topic

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Clean up completed.

about 10~ posts have been removed for the below stated reasons:

1. Specifically restricted conduct.

The purpose of the EVE Online forums is to provide a platform for exchange of ideas, and a venue for the discussion of EVE Online. Occasionally there will be conflicts that arise when people voice opinions. Forum users are expected to courteous when disagreeing with others.

In order to maintain an environment where everyone is welcome and discussion flows freely, certain types of conduct are prohibited on the EVE Online forums. These are:

Personal Attacks
Racism & Discrimination
Hate Speech
Off-Topic Posting
Pyramid Quoting
Rumor Mongering
New Player Bashing

So, @Archer_en_Tilavine

Your post is well written and thought out. I can tell a lot of effort went into it. Unlike your previous large post, this one has no relation to the Original topic which is discussing Moderation Policies and the Issues that follow them. Your first large post had some on topic content in it, so I sent you a message and gave you the option to modify it to remove off topic remarks.

That said, I do very much apologize for what I am about to do.

1 Post has been removed for the below stated reason.

1. Specifically restricted conduct.

The purpose of the EVE Online forums is to provide a platform for exchange of ideas, and a venue for the discussion of EVE Online. Occasionally there will be conflicts that arise when people voice opinions. Forum users are expected to courteous when disagreeing with others.

In order to maintain an environment where everyone is welcome and discussion flows freely, certain types of conduct are prohibited on the EVE Online forums. These are:

Personal Attacks
Racism & Discrimination
Hate Speech
Off-Topic Posting
Pyramid Quoting
Rumor Mongering
New Player Bashing


Huh apparently there’s a Flag limit as well as a Like Limit

Guess there’s been too many flags as well as too many likes issued by posters in these forums.

I guess.

But then theres more to flag than like.

A “flag limit”? These changes are getting ridiculous. First, new powers were granted that were very promptly demonstrated as highly-capable of wrecking the forums in the hands of irresponsible and tightrope-walking users (most of us sandboxed the potential for mayhem in that one discussion thread, but at least one user decided to rampage on other threads), Second, there was a like limit, which nobody liked (:drum:). Third, a lot of formerly-Veteran users got their badges taken away even though they hadn’t been moderated at the time they were revoked, so they are bitter. And now there’s a like limit? I fail to comprehend how these changes are improving the forums. Like, I’m sure it’s fun playing with feature sets, but like… y’ know… do it with your own forums that doesn’t hurt or antagonize anybody… :neutral_face:

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You say Like where I assume you mean Flag

Isnt that what they are doing?

Well, I had originally thought the flag option was meant for players to notify moderation that a reply needed attention.

However ISD can jump into a thread at anytime, flag, edit and or remove replies as they see fit.

The problem with that is the evaluation and interpretation of the reply is solely based on that individual moderators viewpoint, thus making the interpretation of the forum rules varied between different moderators.

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Guys, guys… just… don’t let the toxicity grind you down, eh? Gotta stand strong!

I’ve also moderated forums in the past (like 2003-2005ish), and I can safely say… I wouldn’t mind if any of you become mods. Because I have faith that CCP would replace you if you weren’t doing a good enough job. :wink:

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What changes. Even the old forums had a reporting limit. The flag limit has been on this forum the whole time. We just didn’t have certain repeat offenders.

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I welcome the flag limit, it was getting a bit silly at times.

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Definitely not me. I really can’t remember the last time I’ve been offended. I mean, you’d have to try really hard. I’m not sure you’d be able to offend me outside of a well-placed gunshot wound. Or blocking a narrow path while talking on your cellphone and being oblivious to your surroundings. God I hate those people. Yes they deserve to die, and I hope they burn in hell!

It’s a mindset. I’m just so much happier by not getting angry at people. And by not comparing myself to others. It’s super-liberating, and allows me to focus on the pursuit of knowledge and entertainment.

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Can confirm that flag limits was always a thing. At least they were when LSG was spamming the forums. I remember hitting the limit when I was flagging the spam.

Huh never noticed before.

Guess Im a lover not a fighter after all.