Moderation of the Forums

Go for it. I would like to see you prove it. Big words, small deeds…

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Do not test us right now. Thanks!

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And you have been found wanting.


Working on it. But not for you. You are unimportant. For the ISD that asked me to point out posts he neglected to moderate.

Spamming the flag system is a poor way to prove your point, and I’ll ask you to stop it.

Maybe you and your partner should touch base as one is telling me to while you are telling not to. And making legit flags is not spamming. It’s making legit flags.

But if you want to move this upstairs, I’m fine with that.

You’ve been flagging posts that have already been dealt with. Just because you think something is a violation of the rules does not make it so. Acting like a child and throwing a tantrum over them does nothing to help your case, and causes more work for us. If you’d like to file a complaint though, feel free to mail them at


What’s your point? How is someone supposed to know it’s already been dealt with? The whole purpose of the flag system is to point out what we think is a violation.

And trying to blow me off by suggesting I put a mail into the place that never, ever, ever responds to complaints is not helpful and you know it. You can keep this up in public or you can set up a chat between you, me, and Aurora where we can have a civilized conversation. Or don’t. It’s up to you.


The confrontation these days is mostly vs CCP and their bizairre decisions, lack of communications and general soulessness, tbqfh

Also, does this new approach cover other sections of the Forums?

Information Portal seems to get less attention even though there’s constant bickering, atm esp. Q-Q Cores than General Dicsuccion does.

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That look on the dog’s face is priceless…


This thread in particular seems heavily moderated probably to keep it open for potentially useful feedback.
Personally, I am surprised they put up with us ill-tempered gophers.

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Sounds like it’s partly the fault of the forum software.

I don’t know how discourse works for mods and managers. Seems like discourse is missing a feature where a mod can tick a post, which tells the system that post has been modded and is within the rules. Any flags done to the post in this state, should not result in notifications to the mods (maybe only if the posts receives x amount of votes, which calls for a second opinion on it?). If the post is edited by the user, the state reverts back to the unticked, unmodded version.

I might be wrong, but sounds like ISD are getting notified about every flag, which indeed creates more work if the posts flagged has already been deemed modded. It’s the forum software that needs to handle this, not the users. The users shouldn’t be responsible for keeping track of which posts are modded and which aren’t.


Given how the “Like” system works, its just another level of automation.

I hear Twitter and the like “moderates” the same way.

Less jobs, mo’ Hilmoney

But what when the post is modified later after review?

Block the editing of posts that are revieved?

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It’s actually not missing this feature. One of the issues I raised with the community team was that ISDs were marking some abusive posts in such a way that when you try to flag them it tells you it’s already been reviewed and can no longer be flagged.


Was thinking that this should solve it. If the user edits the post, the posts state removes any ticks and reverts the post back to an unmodded state.

I can’t really say what is happening behind lines, cause I have no idea what tools ISD are using or how they are using them.

If this tool is available, then I think the ISDs should re-evaluate their use of it.

I only noted, that @ISD_Dorrim_Barstorlode said not to flag posts that had already been modded. Keeping track of what posts have been modded should not be a requirement to the users.

I think only if person edits post, it is diferent post, so can be reported. With each edit could be one flag, no matter if revieved or not.


If the person edits the post, the post is in it’s original unmodded state. Meaning one flag notifies the mods.