[Modified] Please make (empty) wrecks in Abyssal space destroyable

Shouldn’t happen. Abandoned wrecks can be looted by anyone with no suspect flagging. Technically it should be impossible to go suspect in abyss space. Even in fleets.

Nono I meant in normal space and if you don’t abandon them.
You’re solo with your MTU, but then someone else with no standings/relations/fleet w/e warps in, anchors his own MTU close to dead rats which eventually will start pulling the wrecks belonging to you since you killed the rats.

Actually I’m not sure what’d happen since technically, it’s the MTU looting, not you directly.


Mtu only pull white or blue wrecks. They don’t pull wrecks that they can’t safely loot. Consider mtu’s as always having green safety. It’s the same rule for normal tractor beams. Can’t pull yellows.

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Makes sense. I guess if it wasn’t like that pirates and gankers would have wreaked havoc a long time ago already :laughing:

There was an exciting moment when you could attack someones mtu and the owner’s drones would auto-aggro you starting a limited engagement.

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Bump !

Watch the devs implement this …

with a new MTU that pulls at half the speed :wink:

You wanted it for free?

Should just remove MTU, it replaced a player profession.

It would impact the market in an even worse fashion than changing the MTU to pull “full wrecks first, empty last” like I suggested in the first place.

Again, now we’re pushing towards empty wrecks to become destroyable in abyssal space.

How do you figure that?

Far less ISK per hour, prices would skyrocket and make everyone’s life just that much harder.
Hardcore grinders may not care but casual players would be hurt the most if that would ever happen.

This is one of the most ridiculous posts I have read in a while.
“Casual players would be hurt!”
“Everyone’s life harder!”

The MTU is a stupid addition to the game - its only contribution is that it is a viable target for highsec vigilantes to force engagement with the otherwise lethargic PvE krabs.

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Who are you to criticize another playstyle that clearly you’re not a fan of ?
Just let people play the way they want.
I’m just bringing arguments to the table while you just spread hate on a feature you don’t even care about.
Worse than that, you’re saying the MTU is a stupid addition, while it’s the very thing that’s allowing you to have PvP engagements in high-sec without interference…
Shot yourself in the foot much ?

And again, MTU is off the table.
Read the fracking original post ffs, I didn’t edit it just for lulz…

Your choice of words is the problem, not your playstyle. MTUs are a convenience item. If you remove them, there will be no sky-is-falling Chicken Little event. I am not judging your playstyle - I am judging your hyperbolic, alarmist, completely unjustified statements.

Where was I ever hyperbolic ? I’m just emphasizing my point is all.
I’m just saying, if you remove MTU, the market prices will rise, indirectly. Meaning the prices may not change, but with ISK income dropping resulting of this removal, it’d have the same effect.

If you had written that initially, I wouldn’t have argued with you.

The MERs are loling you. :rofl:

Xeux and I already clarified this. If all you can do here is troll, then you can leave, or I’ll make you.

Saying something that “sounds good” doesn’t change anything. This is not large enough to have an impact especially when you consider most players would just do something else.

It’s getting kinda sad really…
You remain on that “Don’t change MTU” train of arguments while I edited the post to make empty wrecks in A-space destroyable and leave the MTU as it is, over 2 weeks ago.

So you don’t like Abyssal space…

… and you don’t like MTU’s either.

My question then : why are you still in this post ? :roll_eyes:
You don’t like it ? Good, it’s your opinion and I respect it.

Then again, you appear to agree with nothing I’ll say so why even bother at all ?
Find another subject you like and contribute to it instead of just rampaging in here repeating the same “I don’t like this or that” every time you post.

It’s better to contribute positively and bring things up, instead of “contributing” negatively and bring everything along down.