You can enter with 3 frigates or 1 cruiser. Getting in alone is a choice, not a game design flaw.
Pointless in context since you would not take a looter like you can to normal space.
I’ve never heard of people asking others to come, tractor in everything and the share loot ? are you insane ?
The only thing i’d have allowed is salvage coz I don’t give a rat’s ass about it.
And since tractor beams were introduced I can’t remember someone asking someone else to come and tractor wrecks. People just did it themselves.
This was how the game worked before this item was introduced.
An old loot ship fit. Obsolete and the players that went with it due to MTU.
I had one myself, for my own use not for others. and i’d turn the mission in after looting all rooms. And I think most people wre doing the same, either with Noctis or with T1 destroyers.
There was even a corp based around this. It was called Pro Synergy.
Their ingame corp bio is in 7 languages. It was a popular service, and as noted lots of new players made their first isk doing this.
Never heard of it but it’s nice to know people actually found a way to take advantage of it.
Having a looting profession was not insane. It was one of the great examples of emergent gameplay. Right now, new players have trouble fitting in and making isk. Before they could just do all the boring tractoring and salvaging for somebody clearing level 4 missions. Everybody came out ahead. As far as I can tell, mission runners just MTU everything now, solo.
That’s why they should just remove the item, it is not even a high impact item, and it really didn’t turn out to be a good thing overall.
well it also allowed people to take the “professional MTU hunter” path.
If you want a buff to the MTU - and given my experience of having “loot priority” in Abyssal sites and missions is an appreciable buff - then how about a balancing penalty?
Halve the tractor speed of an MTU if it’s pulling a wreck or container with contents in it.
Personally I quickly gave up using an MTU in Abysses - it’s too slow. Dual rep HAM MWD Sacrilege: I’m doing 1600m/s already and don’t have to go all the way to an empty wreck.
The problem may not be the MTU. It may be that despite the belief of many a Gila is not, and should not be, a universal win button.
A BS label for “made a team activity solo” which is a bad thing.
Sorry your sentence means nothing at all.
Try again.
Have to /salute the OP for updating his idea after reading the results of his post. Not many people do this.
As to his updated idea of being able to pewpew the empty wrecks in abyssal space, I fully support this, and its a great solution for the player to take action to improve the functionality of the MTU by means of player actually doing something (rather than buffing automation).
You can already do this, use a Salvage drone or a Salvager.
Indeed. It seems truly bizarre that you can’t shoot the wrecks.
You can shoot them and send drones to attack them, it just doesn’t destroy them.
I haven’t checked the combat log though I’ll test that tomorrow if I come across an empty wreck if damage is actually applied to them or if it’s just not coming up on the log.
What if you just abandon them?
I believe they pull as normal.
Ok I’ve run a couple tests and here’s what’s going on :
As you can see the wreck takes 0 damage, and the lines showing only appear if you check the “Missed Hit Messages” under “Combat Settings” of you log.
It’s like those wrecks are on God Mode or something similar.
And I can also confirm that as Daichi said,
Ownership doesn’t matter, they’re getting pulled anyway… which thinking of it, could get you Kill Rights :o