Monthly Economic Report - January 2021

I probably pay more for eve than you do, tbh.
My corp is entirely filled with my own omega alts, and I’m up to 46. How many accounts do you pay for?
I’ve had conflicting thoughts on the starvation phase.

  • In one hand, I hate it because it forces me to utilize my sp farmers as miners.
  • In the other hand, I love it because adapting has brought me more profit than before.

I’m not looking for any pat on the back for liking the game I play. You appear to have limited control of your emotions, which means eve is probably better off without you.

  • Edit; before your predictable accusation of lying, log in skippy. Search my character, and click on my corp. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:
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Wow so you are paying for 46 subs and you want to say I have no control, that’s rich! You are a product of whats wrong with this game. Instead of making it so people can get ahead in game and have fun, they have made it so you keep paying for characters to get ahead, but that was flawed as it doesn’t reach the depths of their greed. So now they have made it so you make less so they can sell you more. The only point you are proving is that ISK vs Reward is so badly out of balance that players who don’t want a full time job that’s a game will stop playing.


I have plenty of emotional control. That has no bearing on creating alts.
Whining on the forums about how bad you have it is emotional control. If you’re not making enough doing what you’re doing, do something else.
There are several ways to make isk in eve.

You do understand that there are thousands of players that never spend a dime on game time, right?
They make more than enough isk to plex their accounts and still have isk left over to fund whatever they’re doing.
Again, complaining that you’re not making enough to enjoy this game is your own fault.
I pay for alts because I enjoy controlling my niche of the market. I find enjoyment in managing so many alts, and it gives me a distraction from personal issues.
Their greed? You do understand that ccp is a for profit company, right? It takes money to run servers, and develop a game.
Did you imagine it was free to run a mmo for almost 2 decades?

As an example; compressed ore has grown in value during the starvation phase.
This is by design, as they are trying to empty the reserves to get a better idea of how much is reliably being harvested, sold or used for production.
The starvation phase will not last forever. Just like with cutting and bulking for weightlifting, cutting only has benefits if done for relatively short periods.
In game terms, that could be 2 years.
When the starvation phase is over and they bring back some ore, expect ore prices to fall accordingly. That’s just how it works.
If you’re complaining about higher prices now, I can’t imagine how much you’ll complain when the prices lower.

And? That’s a far cry from driving us from the game.

As for the rest, yeah, you’ve taken space. The DTU was pretty much a thing of the past already 18 months ago, and our ratters and miners have been getting hotdropped daily since about 2012 or so.

And no, our military-industrial complex isn’t in ruins. If anything, our markets are more reliably stocked now than they were before the war. The JF services are still perfectly reliable, and if you think most of our mining was anywhere near nullsec in the wake of the scarcity changes… well, then I guess there’s a reason you believe in the things Vily says, even when he starts backpedaling on those things, himself.

As long as we need to.

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Thank you for the report. Very interesting stuff.

Not yet, but Soon™
That was a future tense question btw. Maybe I should have said 'once your …" so I stand corrected, for now. It’s Inevitable™ that these things will happen, you can’t hold out indefinitely. Like I said, 'once" your M/I complex is in ruins, and Delve is cut off from highsec how will you restock? This is a war of attrition, and you do not have unlimited resources in which to resupply. Lots, maybe, oodles even, but not unlimited. Time is on our side.

Even if every single Goon asset were destroyed in-game, they will still have all their out-of-game resources (their website and their silver-tongued messiah, for example). If successful, the Coalition Of Goon Smashers will eventually lose interest in destroying Goon stuff and find something else to do.


Once the impossible happens?

You realize you can’t cut Delve off from HS, right? It’s just too easy to JF through a number of different regions to ever actually achieve that. I know, I know, that’s not what people are telling you, but just look at a map.

This is absolutely a war of attrition, but it’s one we’ve been preparing for since we left Dek. If you think we’ll break before the weak links in PAPI… heheheheheheheh.

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Anyone know of another game that provides MER to their players? This is the first time I see one for any online game I’ve played. I’ll be days comparing it to the previous ones. Something to do while I’m bored I guess.

try not to get discouraged once you start seeing all the ways the numbers don’t add up.

It’s ok I make no profit whatsoever from any of it anyway.

Delve can be effectively cut off from highsec though. Any region in null can. It just takes isk.
You can prevent cynos, which prevents jf’s, which prevents production.
You’ll be happier in your wormholes anyway. I don’t know why you try to hide it on the forums when your members spew all about it in game.
You’ll be harder to fight, have easy access to anywhere you want, simply by rage rolling holes.
With the proper infrastructure, you can effectively shut down any travel to your various holes.

You really can’t. It takes all of 2s to light and jump on a station, and there’s nothing that’ll zot a brick-tanked falcon fast enough to stop the JF from getting through. And that’s assuming your jf pilot isn’t patient enough to just wait for nobody to be in-system.

It’s always fun when people with no idea what they’re talking about offer suggestions like this.

Do you know how much of j-space we’d need to occupy to keep 29,586 characters occupied?

Do you know how much null space you’re losing for 29,586 characters?

You shouldn’t count alts and sp farms. It inflates your numbers into bull feces.

Yup. And we’re not overly concerned.

Well, when you can quote me an accurate number of real players, we can talk.

My alts in ascendence haven’t been in long enough for me to tell who is running which alts. I’m sure the longer I’m in, the more I’ll figure out.
When I do, I’ll be sure to come back here.

Great. ASCEE’s not at all representative of the other corps in GSF.

I introduce you to the cyno inhibitor.

My my, what a lovely falcon you have there. Let me tackle it, drop some bubbles and an inhibitor. You seem to forget there is a short amount of time you can’t tether after you jump, and at least a couple seconds to dock, and that presents a lovely opportunity to gank a jf. Instalock tackle wins the day.

Effort + mechanics + intel = null space cut off from highsec supplies.

It’s not happening right now because we both know the goon/test war is just a friendly fight between leadership, which are friends irl.
The outcome has been determined, your move was planned and it makes little brother test look mighty.
The masses are not fooled. Especially the masses that have characters on both sides and can listen in. The trash talk is meaningless, especially the trash talk from peons.

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I introduce you to the limits on how close to structures you can drop one.

Wonderful trick, dropping bubbles in Lowsec. You must tell me how you do it.

Yes, let’s play with tether mechanics in LOWSEC NPC STATIONS.

Really, get a clue before you speak. It’ll be helpful.

Way to illustrate my point.

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Oh, so we’re moving the bar to lowsec instead of the original discussion about null.
Go figure. What can you expect from a goon though.