Noted, it’s a … bit on the smaller side. I’ll mention it to Larrikin, thanks.
You might also want to set this topic as listed because it is still marked as unlisted (see the crossed out eye in next to the topic title).
@CCP_Fleebix ^ apparently? I dunno, but it would explain the slow responses.
Also, just to check, for the regional totals: do those go from Mar 1 to Mar 31, or from Mar 1 to [Last data in chart], which is like the 13th or so of April?
Well goons are gonna be grinding throughout the summer to rebuild, all hands on deck.
What is the “Accessories” basket for the CPI and SPPI indices? It seems to represent a huge amount of the total basket value, near or even over 50%.
If “Accessories” means stuff like skins or PLEX, this might be an explanation why it’s stayed so flat while prices for so many things in-game have risen. Would it be possible to clarify what items are contained in this basket and why it’s weighted so overwhelmingly high in the index math?
@CCP_Fleebix Very economish question: when is industry phase 2 patch going live?
What makes you think the war will be over before Christmas?
No word yet but we’ll try and give it a bit of a runway.
Good point, I may think of goons as this or that but they definitely seem to be committed, and PanFam isn’t letting up either, as a spectator it will be interesting post industrial changes to see how that commitment is as making caps become more intensive.
It just means both sides will risk them less. We’ve already seen that with the scarcity.
heh. You think so? Their fleet numbers continue to drop, and they continue to not actually attack the system they’ve been swearing they were gonna hit any day now ever since TEST dropped that boondoggle of a keepstar in T5Z.
None of these charts show anything about Anoikis.
Is is a region, ya?
The botting region buff: 100% worked, congrats on bot-buffing efforts, CCP. Now buff DBS another 15% to make botters even happier. Was called out this would happen when this stupidity was proposed, was called out that would happen when this stupidity got implemented, and who would’ve guessed, turned 1000% right to call this stupidity stupid when it finally shows on MER how much of an utter failure DBS and MESS is.
The rest of the regions: unchanged, nullsec ratting and mining by living players continues to not exist.
I don’t get it, why can’t botting systems be robbed from bounties via ESS? Wasn’t this part of this change?
That’s exactly the point: since robbing is braindead easy and nigh unstoppable, everything is getting robbed. That forced every living human out of ratting. But bots, bots do not care if they are robbed. As long as they bring anything at all, they are worth it - this can be clearly seen in MER where botting regions are so far ahead of competition it’s not even funny.
And constant panic buffs to DBS and panic nerfs to MESS in a desperate attempt to “fix” this unsustainable system only widen the gap between living players that do not rat and bots that do.
So I should go to the bot regions to make bank (pun intended)? I’m not so familiar with who bots in nullsec, can you name a specific region/constellation?
Well, that means you’re one of those “what is dotlan” eve players, if you can’t find where bank is being made. But let’s assume you’re genuinely wishing to learn, so I will give you a fat hint right from the very first post:
Which place do you think is a bit standing out here?
Your plan to make bank, however, I don’t know about, because just as ratting bots, stealing bots are a thing, so you might arrive there and find everything already stolen by stealing bots and people who can read histograms.
But go ahead, by all means, maybe you’ll get to steal something somewhere, and bots don’t really care. Proceed to dotlan, find a vale of the silent region map, and choose NPC kills display which will tell you NPC killed in the last hour to see where the bank is. Or, if you prefer the path of hate and suffering, The Agency might be your guide to the nearest bank being made.
How about you guys put the m3 value of Ore mined? Since the market is in flux the isk value of the ore does not matter and I think never really has matter. If you include the m3 value of ore mined we can see if less or more ore is mined every month. If the m3 value is added we can also see if miners are leaving the game or finding something else to do because of the garbage updates.
Thanks, I’m genuine lazy … so I’ve to plan some sightseeing in Vale of the Silent.
EDIT: oh, our chinese friends