Monthly Economic Report - May 2021

I’d really love to know who and/or what moved from Kador to Tash.

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The 1 HS Incursion I can sure guarantee you we don’t make 16.5 trillion dear jesus. LS incursions are run too and Null if applicable. Let’s make that clear here.

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Dear CCP,
The null sec war has ground to a halt and our attention is back on you.
Players no longer have the distraction needed to just keep doing their thing while you eat up all the crayons.

It is time you end the pixel famine.
It is time you restore risk / reweard ballance to null sec.
It is time you restore capital PVE to a state where its justifyable to use them so your wolves don’t run out of food.
It is time you admitt you were wrong to listen to pretend hardcore wannabe pvpers and wallet whales whining about having to work for their ganks.

Pixel scarcity doesn’t breed conflict - it breeds content starvation.

Offering a product worth buying would be a much better business strategy then trying to squeeze five bucks from a poor noob with pathetic ingame pop up ads.


Production down, markets isk values are very very low, and isk velocity is dropping.

Looks like a recession to me.

It would great if Eve had a real professionally trained Economics department!


Looks like you understand more than I do. All I see are squiggly colored lines and bands going vertical and then horizontal with a lot of strange terms and what looks like systems names.
I’m only an MRI technologist and not a very good one at that


lowest of the low of production has been reached mid June, how much lower we can go ?

I’d REALLY wish CCP explained their stand on the economy and how they feel where it is going.
Is this what they expect/want ? is this not? What they plan to do about it if they are not happy.

I see tremendous declining in production, even some T1 components are short supply in Jita, ( recently was looking for some T1 rigs, and there were like 20 left ) i also see online numbers dropping, even for seasonal adjustment this drop looks like more than what we had before, the trend doesn’t reverse for sure, only worsens.

CCP can we please have you explain where you stand with all of this?


where is the risk free isk in w-space?

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So you’ve not flown highsec incursions then, clearly. And clearly have no idea what you’re talking about.

There’s massive risk in taking very expensive battleships and marauders (some of the hulls themselves are costing 2b isk alone these days, before faction modules, and good luck accurately calculating the value of the abyssal modules) into sites with enough DPS to wipe out a fleet of 40 ships if things go bad. I guarantee that losses have gone up since the introduction of Bastion module changes on Marauders too.

And that’s before you look at ganking (the killmails I could link, not just in incursions themselves, but also in transit between focuses).

Incursions already copped a massive nerf when the number of concurrent highsec focuses was reduced from three to one. They’re end-game PvE, and whether you choose to participate in it or not, PvE has to exist in the game. PvE pays your primary and secondary producers for their goods, which pays the miners and farmers. Remove a market for those things, and it’ll really impact the overall economy - not to mention other things like mutaplasmid markets (which would in-turn impact abyssal content).

I guarantee a lot of that isk gets spent on what ultimately ends up actually paying CCP to exist - plex (both directly and indirectly). I’ve run highsec incursions for about 15 months now. I guarantee you that I’m no more space-rich than I was when I started - everything I’ve earned has been fed into either re-investment in my capabilities (someone’s paying for all those ships, modules, skill injectors and plex) into other things (running a corp for instance). If I’m sleeping on a big pile of money (isk), you’ll have to point it out to me, because I’ve never seen it.

Just because highsec Incursion fleets have become good at mitigating risk (ie they got good) does not mean the risk is not there. Could incursions do with some changes? Yes, absolutely, the content is too static and formulaic IMHO, and could do with some more variability - but to claim it’s risk-free is foolish, and to completely discount the cost of entry (those 2b - 10b+ isk ships don’t buy themselves, and nor do the hulls and modules seed themselves into the market) and investment in place to achieve the isk they generate is just stupid.

You also can’t blame incursions for the lack of compelling content in the Trig invasion storyline or elsewhere in the game - it’s not like anything’s been done by CCP on Incursions content for years now…


I’d love to see this data graphed against population (active accounts, logons per day, etc)…

I’d also love to see how big the market is for PLEX…

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Remember that you’re looking at ALL incursions together in that figure - highsec (single spawn at a time lowest per-site payouts) lowsec (single spawn at a time, pays more per site than highsec incursions), nullsec (three concurrent spawns at a time, highest per-site payouts). They also pay ISK and Concord LP (I’d love to know how much LP is banked up at present, across all factions).

Yup, but I’d also be curious as to how many of them actually get run right now. Lowsec, once you factor in BPCs, has the highest actual payoff.

Produced (not mined) omg less that 1.5trillion isk value…far out that looks low.

Still too much being produced and mined, still too much ISK entering the system.

Scarcity needs to be doubled down.


If we can just get the daily peak concurrent users down to about 15k, that should solve most of these problems.


CCP is working hard on that :wink:



Can we get the numbers for Pochven added to these?

@CCP_Fleebix sir, the data for the Omist region are missing in this MER (bounties, mining, destruction)

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Higher mining than i expected. Everyone was adamant they weren’t going to do it anymore.

Rigs and their production hasn’t been changed btw.

It was. Nerf to ratting impacted salvage supply. Just because there where no direct changes. It doesn’t mean there where no indirect impact. That being said. Without name of rig it’s hard to tell anything more. It also could be some under used rig that is not worth producing due to low volume traded.