well that’s made my mind up . no more eve for me
Uh no. It was an about 10 year period. Nothing to do with bots and certainly nothing to do with any particular country.
Geez! You can’t write your own opinion because someone will call you a whiner. Where do you see crying? …meh… Don’t answer it’s rhetoric question. Refer to the problem (and give a solution), do not refer to me, my belongings, etc. Contents of my diaper should not bother you I’m just an old man with female avatar.
i know it wasn’t only Russia, that was the joke.
but yeah bots were most definitively used
Really stupid question…
I am confused on what Ore will be affected… time frame wise, From what date ??
The Ore I have mined that is compressed and Sitting in storage in npc station , will it be affected??
What Ore time frame wise will be affected?
As of two days ago.
And yes all moon ore mined or not.
thank you
In all honesty, I am seeing more and more people trying to put blame on the people playing for not watching and reading every video and update to the game.
I just came back a month ago… Really, when someone is new or comes back…most don’t go spending hours searching and following every post and video put up since they have been gone. recent or 2yrs ago. Most just want to get on and play…and like me, when they see something is a lot different than they remember the last time they played, they start looking into it.
I have already been “blamed” for “not knowing about the moon mining changes” before I bought all my gear. First off, I wasn’t in the game when all this was announced…and in the last few days when I decided to try moon mining, ALL of the content I searched for hours on was 2018 or older. These were the old “how to” threads and videos posted by other players (in which I am grateful for). None of the info on the changes taking place was even in the first 2 pages of a google search for “EVE Moon mining” 2 days ago… Trust me, I know. I only stumbled across this when I was on these forums looking for more info on POS moon mining and if it still worked…then saw this thread at the bottom…after I had scanned ore, bought an Athanor, and started anchoring it. 2 hours later the ore I scanned was gone due to the changes…
So, instead of looking to blame the players for the changes, remember, they didn’t make the changes… And some don’t find living on every topic and thread enjoyable. I honestly hate most game forums because it takes so much time to actually get any information after sifting through bickering… I learned what I needed to learn about the changes on this topic… Problem is, I learned too late.
Ok? And?
So how is any of this CCPs fault. CCP don’t control your search engine. They put the information out there as widely as possible.
P.s. If I Google EVE online moon mining the dev blog is the second entry on the first page. I really have no idea how you were searching.
Then maybe you should talk to someone who hasn’t taken a break before you do something like this after the break?
The first thing our Corpmates ask after the break is: “what’s new?”
Feel free to look them up yourself. On my main I’ve been around since 2005 and I’ve seen project after project be cancelled. Project Nova and Dust 514 are just a few of them. When you spend years, hire new developers (which they subsequently fired) and hundreds of thousands if not milions of dollars and then abandon a project…yes…its a loss. In regard to the future, well we just won’t know as Pearl Abyss has now promulgated through their CCP mouthpiece that " Furthermore, we are moving away from publicly announcing our internal project codenames and will wait until we’re ready for a full reveal. We want to show you rather than tell you how we have evolved this concept and we’re looking forward to doing so when the time comes to present this concept as a fully-fledged game."
The more CCP tries to improve the health of the game, the more PLEX price goes down the drain.
Is that healthy?
PLEX prices are currently completely dominated by “unhealthy” consumption from multiboxing veterans scaling the advantages of multiboxing. This crowds out real players, who just can’t compete.
It’s about time we trimmed back the multi-boxers some and make room for real people. I’d rather have 20 humans PLEXing their account and contributing to New Eden than one min/max farmer hogging the PLEX for their own greed. .
I bet CCP would agree.
I just… I don’t even…
Look… There’s plenty of “room” in EVE as it stands. If anything, there’s too much room.
Still, I’m very interested in watching how this all plays out. Plex and multi-boxing are likely very sizable portions of CCP’s monthly revenue. Even if this game becomes the paradise anit-multiboxing/pve/mining players want. I have my suspicions it won’t drive the new players needed into the game to cover the loss in subs and plex purchases.
Just speculation on my part, but… I’m guessing CCP is going to be walking alot of this back in less than a year from now. In two or three years time, we’ll be right back to where we started, minus a few thousand players. Time will tell I guess. I’ll be watching over the next few years to see how this plays out.
Of course PLEX is a sizable source of income for CCP. But what makes you think that less multi-boxing leads to less PLEX sales? Sure, there is no doubt that the PLEX:ISK exchange rate influences real-world PLEX sales, but on the consumption side, why do you think CCP would prefer a single multi-boxer to consume the supply, rather than 20 real people?
In fact, they almost certainly want the opposite: more real people mean more word of mouth, more network effect, and more activity in their game. If they want to mess with the apparent ISK value of of PLEX to juice sales, there are other ways they could do so, but massive multiboxing fleets are pretty much all negative any way you look at it. The more that “free” gameplay offered by the legal RMT PLEX system is spread around, the better.
There is some risk here CCP screws up with these drastic interventions, but Eve was on a steep trajectory for death anyway. Stagnation and king-of-the-hill syndrome are so apparent, even the most optimistic observer saw the writing on the wall. You can only pander to the safe bears and Monty Haul your game for so long before even the most challenge-averse players get bored with your easy-mode participation awards and quit.
Multiboxing will never go away at this point, but I have no doubt CCP will be actively trying to keep that in check at this point. Rewards will be much better balanced for scalability and effort going forward, and as a result PLEX will find its way to a more diverse consumer base.
And the game will do better for it.
yep highsec miners just got bent over 8 years down the drain
well it was fun while it lasted bye eve it was fun
Yeah… see other thread. This is a buff to high sec miners if anything
We are watching the changes closely. This will be interesting in deed.
They were losing that fight. This is the escalation of it.
That is exactly the plan. This scarcity isn’t supposed to be permanent, it is to dry up some of the massive amounts of supply so they can take a good look at where the state of the game really is before moving forward with overhauling the system in favor of something “more dynamic”, whatever that looks like.