Moon Mineral Distribution Update

They have already announced an intention to rebalance blueprint requirements in one of the dev blog posts.

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Well i tried to warn you…but you wouldnt listen…oh well

Totally destroyed Hi-Sec mining and industry . I for one will not be renewing my 2 accounts for the foreseeable future.


You might need to explain how making highsec be a primary source of trit again destroys highsec mining…


But - they might have to do something different !!!

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Yeah I wasn’t talking about fine tuning.
I was talking about nerfing things back to mostly where they were before they started this series of changes. I have no delusions things will ever be the same again, the game IS changing. I’m just not convinced the vision the current development team has is going to stick.

Maybe it will, and eve will be better for it. We’ll find out over next next year or two what’s what.

Same with us, we just built ours a few weeks ago

A few questions

Firstly… has everyone’s hisec moon basic ore only been replace with bitumens/zeolite? Has anyone got both coesite and sylvite on the same moon? I haven’t got around to rescanning moons yet, was just interested to see what CCP did.

Secondly…nullsec guys…what did your basic ore get replaced with?..bit and zeo only too…or random R4/R8 stuff?

I don’t think they’ve done any replacing yet. I think that is slated to happen in phase 2 of the moon changes rollout. We’re in phase 1 now.

All the moons were changed Monday of last week with NO NEWS for CCP!

mm what? moon changes are done…restart your athanor…what you get?

what? lol

I don’t have one, but good to know. Thank you. :slight_smile:

I’ll ask my questions again…For those here that own athanors/tataras

A few questions

Firstly… has everyone’s hisec moon basic ore only been replace with bitumens/zeolite? Has anyone got both coesite and sylvite on the same moon? I haven’t got around to rescanning moons yet, was just interested to see what CCP did.

Secondly…nullsec guys…what did your basic ore get replaced with?..bit and zeo only too…or random R4/R8 stuff?

Do you plan on having a new way to obtain the 15% ore variants?

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15% Ore in WH- Systems ? More Risk , More ISK :wink:

I could get behind that, especially with the changes to make connections more prolific. W-space should, perhaps, be one of the only places to get the better variants with any regularity.

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thats the thing, CCP’s been giving the cane everywhere while dangling the carrot. but never comming forth with the exual carrot they propose as the balancing factor. just enough to keep people onboard. but plenty to get greedy with. its like having to walk over a route with klingon painsticks stabbed at you from the sides, while the end of it just keeps getting extended for “reasons”

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The bigger picture… the bigger picture is that CCP has a vision they found at the bottom of many alcoholic beverages while in conversation with people like olmeca who even managed to convince ccp to mess up his own game play style while on CSM… this is aimed at alienating the older more established players. They are turning the game risk averse because space poor will not want to undock because they wont be able to afford to replace those now scarce ships…

So what I get from this article is you moon ore people have been making to much isk and now its time to put a halt to that. Got it.

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